Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 224 Rebellion! (1/2)

"For a huge empire, bureaucracy is a relatively complicated name."

The emperor, the prime minister, and even the High Lord Council, which is under one person and above hundreds of millions of people, have no way to actually manage the entire huge empire.

This is unquestionable and undeniable.

Therefore, the huge empire needs bureaucrats, complex bureaucrats like the Ministry of Internal Affairs, bureaucrats from different factions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and cowardly bureaucrats... These bureaucrats can better help the emperor, the prime minister, the High Lord Council, and even various galaxies to better condense the entire galaxy into a rope.

But that only applies to the peacetime of the empire. At this moment, when the entire galaxy is in chaos, the disadvantages of the bureaucratic system far outweigh the benefits.

Because of the shortage of manpower, the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were forced to put on military uniforms again and became commanders and imperial commissars, responsible for commanding and supervising the war. Although most of the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were transferred from senior officials of the Imperial Military or certain galaxies. They still have considerable experience and ability in commanding operations.

However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is like a big dye vat, the darkest kind. Once you enter this big dye vat, it means that the characteristics of your body will be immediately washed away, and you will begin to become timid and afraid of taking responsibility. Without any courage, you will only be left with intrigue and enjoy your rights in a drunken dream.

Old habits are hard to change. Even if you kill all the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and rebuild the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it will only last for a few or a few decades at most, and it will become like this again.

Louis Meg didn't know which idiot was in charge of the area that didn't report to the upper level after being captured, but after reading the entire list of commanders, he immediately knew that the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were responsible for this area. These damn and stupid bureaucrats did not report to the upper level after losing the territory, which led to their ambush in the trenches.

"I must peel off all the skins of these stupid guys! No, I will send them to the military court first, deprive them and their families of everything, and then peel off their skins." Louis Meg gnashed his teeth and cursed, and then focused all his attention on the Nurgle corpses in front of him.


As the signal flare for help was fired into the sky, Lu Yins Meg relaxed a little. This place is very close to Lu Yindor's headquarters. If he wants to come to rescue, he can arrive within ten minutes at most.

However, Louis Meg's face changed immediately, because he suddenly thought that the Eternal Wall was in a state of being riddled with holes at this moment. His rash firing of the signal flare for help would undoubtedly point out a bright road to the Chaos Demons and the rebels... If I guessed correctly, the enemy's troops should arrive before the rescue.

Realizing that he had done something stupid, Louis Meg did not show much regret. Every good commander would not regret his decision. He quickly took out the weapon from his waist and said to the guards around him: "Retreat!"

While speaking, dozens of Nurgle corpses that had drilled out of the surrounding walls had already used a reaction speed that was completely different from their bloated bodies, with their limbs flying randomly and striding towards this side.

The clothes on their bodies showed that they were all soldiers of the Empire before they died. And the conscripts who could be stationed here at this moment were almost all dead, so these soldiers of the Empire must have been the most elite mortal legions when they were alive.

After parasitizing these mortal legions, Nurgle's hyphae will replace the brains of mortal soldiers and strengthen their single combat capabilities through hyphae.

"Don't shoot, use grenades!"

Once again threw out the high-explosive grenade on his waist, Paul shouted, shooting and close combat when fighting these Nurgle corpses that were extremely contagious all over their bodies were playing with their own lives.

Only by using high-explosive grenades, relying on the exaggeratedly high temperature and powerful impact force of high-explosive grenades, can we get rid of the green mycelium floating in the wind and prevent these terrifying mycelium from infecting their bodies and skin.

After hearing Paul's words, Louis Meg's guards were obviously stunned, but then they figured it out, and quickly took out all kinds of grenades and threw them towards the trenches behind them.

All kinds of grenades fell into the trenches in the distance like rain.

Huge roars sounded one after another, and there was some wet black soil, because of the extremely high temperature and powerful shock wave, they turned into fine granular dust, forming a light black mist, and slowly floated into the air.

While constantly throwing grenades behind him, he ran madly towards the road.

It was obviously unrealistic to force through at this time, and it was also very difficult to leave here through other routes in the trenches, so returning the original route was the best option.

Although returning the original route would also encounter enemies surrounding the position that had been completely lost because some bureaucrats did not report it.

But the possibility of encountering their own reinforcements was also very high.

Whether to meet reinforcements or enemies first depends on Louis Meg's luck!

Louis Meg thought his luck was pretty good.

Because a fully armed imperial mortal army team had appeared in front of him. From their clothes, it was not difficult to see that they should be an elite mortal army affiliated with the Emperor's Guards, code-named Golden Spear... This is a very, very elite army. His battle flag was once planted outside the Eternal Gate of the Emperor's Palace and was planted together with the battle flags of many Astartes Legions. He has won a lot of honors.

Seeing the approach of this legion, Louis Meg relaxed a little.

But at this moment, the mortal army that was constantly approaching in front of him suddenly raised the weapons in his hands, and an ominous premonition suddenly enveloped Louis Meg's heart.

"Boom boom boom!"

"No, the Golden Spear has rebelled!"

There was no time to react, they only had time to lie down to the left and right, and the dense torrent of bullets immediately rushed over their heads. The two guards who had no time to dodge did not even have time to struggle, and they only had time to push hard on Louis Meg's body, and were immediately torn into pieces by the dense torrent of bullets.

The Golden Spear actually rebelled, this is simply... Louis Meg didn't know what to say at all. The Golden Spear is an aristocratic army among the aristocrats, and the honor they have made them the commander-in-chief of two guards corps, but at this moment they actually rebelled, and there was no sign of rebellion.

In advance, Louis Meg didn't hear a single sound... Louis Meg suddenly understood everything. He finally knew why those bureaucrats in the Ministry of Internal Affairs deliberately concealed and did not report to the higher authorities at this time.

It turned out that it was because of these damn guys that the corps they managed and supervised actually rebelled!

If it is just the loss of the position, although there will be punishment, it will not be a serious punishment. If the army under his command rebels, then the punishment will not be so simple!

"Commander, I will take you away from here!"

Facing the kindness of the guards, Louis Meg pursed his lips. Where can he run at this time? There are enemies in front and behind. Do you have to escape to the trenches where mines have been buried?

Those trenches have been blocked and are full of various mines and traps. Going there is no difference from seeking death.

"I know a small path, follow me!" At the critical moment, Paul stood up. He quickly threw all the high-explosive grenades in his hands into the trenches on both sides, and then plunged into the trench on the opposite side.

In the huge roar, Louis Meg and others who had no choice could only silently follow him in the key one, which was a small trench that was a dead end.

"Follow my steps!"

While saying this, Paul kept jumping around in the trenches, looking like a frog with missing limbs from a distance.

But no one laughed at him at this moment, because they knew that Paul was trying to avoid the mines buried deep in the soil. As a veteran who had experienced many battles, he could tell at a glance that there was a subtle difference between places where mines were buried and places where mines were not buried.

Looking at his figure getting farther and farther away, Louis Meg quickly stepped on his footprints and walked forward, not forgetting to throw the grenades in his hands and on his body behind him.

Soon, the pursuers came.

But what surprised everyone was that when the pursuers on both sides met, they immediately broke out into a more intense exchange of fire...Those Nurgle corpses covered with green pustules all over their bodies, one by one, seemed to have taken stimulants, and quickly pounced on the bodies of the soldiers of the Golden Spear Mortal Legion. The mortal soldiers of the Golden Spear looked at these allies in disbelief and were forced to raise their weapons to fight back.

However, due to being caught off guard, a large number of mortal soldiers were infected and bitten to death, and one after another fresh fungus corpses appeared in the trenches.

Looking back at the situation behind them, everyone secretly said in their hearts, it's what they deserve.

With so many honors, they actually betrayed the empire. What else can't they deserve?

"Don't look, hurry up!"

Quickly reaching the bottom of this trench, Paul punched through the wall next to him.

The seemingly hard trench wall collapsed quickly, revealing a hidden cave tunnel underneath.

"Let's go!" Paul still didn't hesitate at all, but he shouldn't have any hesitation, because this cave tunnel was hidden by him and his men, in order to launch a powerful counterattack through this cave tunnel in the event of the loss of the position, and regain the position again.

Entering this cave tunnel, Louis Meg breathed a sigh of relief, and he saw Paul slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"How do you know there is a secret passage here?"

"This is not a secret passage, sir. This was originally a cave tunnel, but it was temporarily blocked because of the minefield."

Nodding thoughtfully, Louis Meg didn't say much. He followed Paul and walked quickly forward.

The dark cave tunnel was particularly narrow and long, and because the other end was also blocked, it was pitch black and you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

However, because the armor on Louis Meg's body has the ability to emit faint light, it is not completely invisible. In addition, Paul has been to this cave tunnel many times, so even if there is no bright light, they still come to the bottom of the tunnel with ease.

Once again, a punch smashed the temporarily blocked passage in front of him, and countless gun muzzles quickly stretched out from the tunnel entrance, facing the people running over.

Because of the betrayal of the golden spear, Louis Meg did not reveal his identity at the first time.

However, fortunately, there were no rebels outside, and after a brief exchange, the muzzles were retracted.

Quickly left this cave tunnel and was thrown into the tunnel by a cluster bomb.

"Boom boom boom ~"

Accompanied by a huge and dull sound, the entire tunnel was directly blown down, and the trenches above sank several points.

Mosuo slapped his palm, and Louis Meg ran quickly towards the direction of the command room.

But it was only at this time that it was discovered that dense gunfire was heard in many trenches near the palace.

This was a very abnormal thing, because at this moment, the front line had not fallen, so why were there so many gunshots in the trenches behind!

An even worse premonition appeared in his heart.

"You, are you back?" Chen Guo sat on the throne, drinking the strong wine in his hand boredly. He directly stopped Louis Meg's report: "Needless to say, the Golden Spear Corps has rebelled, and many guards corps have also rebelled. They were all instigated by Alpha a long time ago. It's no big deal. I have sent people to solve it in advance. Only the Golden Spear and Shining Army Corps were on the front line, so they were not dealt with in time... Sending a signal for the front line to retreat, lacking that So many legion positions are simply undefendable, so it is better to shrink the troops and retreat, and save a little strength! "

"Yes, my Lord!"

Chen Guo suddenly raised his head after crushing the bottle in his hand: "Finally it's not so boring, I thought no one dared to come from this direction!"

At the same time, even Louis Smeg felt a hot ray passing by him. He looked at both ends of this line of sight. The end was Chen Guo, and at the beginning of the line of sight, Louis Smeg only saw a thick wall.

"Hmm, interesting, is it Nurgle?"

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