Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 225: Confrontation

Sometimes, the more you want something to happen, the more it will happen.

The black flames continued to burn, and the corpses were slowly turning into ashes. The cold and ruthless Lu Yindor, wearing golden armor, held an exaggerated power chain saw axe in his hand, and slowly chopped off the head of the enemy in front of him.

Death spread between the trenches, and the songs of the dead turned into the sound of the wind, slowly staggering from the ground to the sky.

Rebellion was something that the mortal legions of the empire absolutely did not want to happen at this moment, but the mortals still knew about the rebellion happening behind the Eternal Wall through various channels.

This was because the commanders did not suppress the spread of this information. They were also overwhelmed at this moment and had no time to care about the changes that had occurred.

Panic was spreading, but it did not spread very thoroughly.

Soon, a temporary defense map was placed in front of Chen Guo.

He looked at the map in front of him, which was already full of loopholes, and rolled his eyes in silence: "Why are there so many gaps, and I don't know anything about it. Who can tell me why?"

"It was the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After they found that their legions had a tendency to rebel, they immediately fled the front line. However, because they were afraid of being held accountable, they wanted to take advantage of the chaos and didn't report it to their superiors at the first time."

Although Louis Meg had not interrogated the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he still accurately explained the situation of the matter.

Another thing to explain is that it was not that he didn't want to interrogate the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but that all the bureaucrats who escaped back had been taken away by the people of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

I heard that they had gone through the simplest trial and were immediately sentenced to death. The bodies were probably cold at this moment... The officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were very good at handling this kind of aftermath.

After all, they knew that if they didn't take ruthless action at this time, it would not just be these low-level officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who would die if they were held accountable.

"Withdraw all the bureaucrats from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This time, the elite troops from Nurgle are challenging us... That guy is very interesting. He came here for favors. He didn't let me fight head-on, but asked for a battle between troops. Since I really owe them a favor, this battle depends on you!" Chen Guo couldn't help but think of the meeting with the Nurgle demon half an hour ago.

It was a strange Nurgle demon. Chen Guo had never heard of his name, but it didn't prevent this Nurgle demon from showing his amazing social talent. "Respected sir, I have no intention of fighting with you. The purpose of my coming here is just to complete my father's order to us. It's a pity that I will encounter the line of defense you are defending, but I am not going to disobey my father's order. I just hope that respected sir, you can give me some time to prepare so that I can have a fair fight with you..."

Maybe he felt a little bored, Chen Guo finally chose to agree to the request of the Nurgle demon and decided not to fight in person, but let his troops fight this time.

After repeated consideration, Chen Guo finally gave the command to Lu Doyne.

Although the number of mortal legions in this battle was obviously larger, Chen Guo considered again and again and finally did not delegate power to Louis Meg. This is not to say that he did not trust Lu Yins Meg. This battle was not a blocking battle, but an offensive battle... That's right, this time the battle with the Nurgle Demon was not a defensive battle, but an active offensive battle. Compared with Louis Meg, Lu Yindor was still better in terms of offense. After all, whether it was his personal combat experience or the excellent offensive style of the Night Lord Astartes, they could reoccupy the lost positions more quickly.

"My Lord!" After dealing with all the rebels, Lu Duoyiner returned to the command post. He looked at the map in front of him and fell into deep thought. After a while, he nodded, "My Lord, how strong is that Chaos Demon?"

"That Nurgle Demon is just average, it will probably take a few minutes!" Chen Guo shook his head indifferently, but then he seemed to have thought of something: "Put away your little thoughts, even if the opponent's strength is not that good to me, but to you, the opponent's strength is indeed not bad at all! Beheading is absolutely impossible."

"My Lord, I still want to give it a try." Lu Duoyiner, after a moment of silence, still said this.

"Tsk tsk! All right then!" Shaking her head, Chen Guo did not interrupt Lu Duoyin'er's enthusiasm, but said: "I don't want to lose this time, so no matter what strategy you choose, I need you to take back all the lost positions within half a Terra day. And don't worry, no matter what conspiracy the other side is doing, I will keep an eye on the battle here. Once I find something wrong, I don't have to abide by the agreement anymore, I will take action directly, and then hehe... I will give you an hour to prepare."

An hour passed quickly. After Chen Guo personally fired a signal gun into the sky, Lu Duoyiner, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately rushed out, leading a large number of mortal legions, thunder warriors and a small number of white scarred Astartes to quickly rush out of the trenches, and then quickly rushed into the trenches.

As they just rushed in, a sharp buzzing sound immediately sounded in the sky, and countless shells immediately fell like raindrops, hitting the trenches in front of them heavily. The team led by Lu Duoyiner almost stepped on the tail of the shells to attack forward. The huge shock wave kept hitting their bodies, but it could not cause too much damage to them.

Artillery cover, close-range cover advance... Lu Duoyiner really worked hard this time. It seems that half a Terra day is a little short after all.

Otherwise, he would not have used such means right at the beginning.

You know, this tactic of following the tail of artillery fire is something that even the Astartes Legion needs to consider carefully before using.

You know, in order to pursue lethality, the power of the shells has reached the limit that can be achieved. The impact force and shrapnel are not blind, and they will not distinguish between enemies and friendly forces.

However, Lu Doyle is obviously very confident in this set of tactics.

And this set of tactics has indeed achieved its desired effect... Under the impact of intensive artillery fire, the green trenches carefully arranged by the Great Demon of Nurgle were destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Countless plague corpses transformed by the infected and transformed imperial soldiers were also torn into pieces under the scorching high temperature, and the green spores turned into mist and were directly ignited, and like natural gas, began to ignite dazzling flames in the sky.

However, because it was not gasoline that was burning, the flames looked colorful and weird.

However, the dense artillery fire could not eliminate all the enemies. The fragile plague corpses might be torn into pieces under such artillery fire, but the Nurgle demons were not so easy to die. Moreover, this Nurgle demon had found hundreds of extremely large mature Nurgle beasts from nowhere. Each Nurgle beast looked much larger than the dreadnought mecha, and was covered with green pustules all over its body.

These green pustules kept breaking open and then growing again, releasing new green fungus mist, while a large number of maggots kept crawling up and down on its body, which looked disgusting.

"Disperse! Attack according to the predetermined plan!" While giving precise orders, Lu Doyne waved the chainsaw axe in his hand quickly, turning into a golden lightning... Because his previous armor was severely damaged when fighting with the Chaos Demon in the underground palace, so that set of armor had to be abandoned, and his new armor had not yet been made.

Therefore, Lu Duoyiner could only put on a set of imperial armor to fight, but taking advantage of the limited time, he had already made some modifications to the armor on his body, ensuring that this set of armor had various insidious combat capabilities.

"Puff!" Lu Duoyiner, wearing golden armor, was like a sharp arrow, quickly piercing through the huge body of a Nurgle beast, leaving a rotten flesh hole visible to the naked eye on the body covered with pus!

And just at the moment when he passed through the Nurgle beast, the golden armor suddenly twisted, and a large amount of gray powder quickly fell from the gap of the armor onto the body of these Nurgle beasts.


Even though Lu Duoyiner was still flying in the air, before he landed, a hot bullet quickly hit the gray powder that had been entangled with the thick liquid.

In just one thousandth of a second, these gray powders began to burn violently, and the hot gray-blue fireworks, in that instant, even took away all the light between heaven and earth.

A large amount of green liquid gushed out from countless rotten pustules, and the Nurgle beast wanted to extinguish the flames burning on him.

But these rotten liquids acted like an accelerant, making the flames, which were already burning and climbing rapidly, burn even faster and more violently.

In just a blink of an eye, the Nurgle beast, which was much larger than the Dreadnought, slowly lost its movement and gradually turned into a stinking charcoal mountain, completely dead.

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