Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 229: The Stubborn Bride of Khorne

"Win!" Chen Guo stood up from the throne. She didn't have too many facial expressions, or even said too much nonsense. She just said silently that she had won. But just such words made everyone Everyone knows that Lu Yinduoer should have won the final victory.

"Don't let down your guard. The last moment has arrived. Many defense lines have been lost. We have to withdraw inside." Chen Guo shook his head slightly speechlessly. Chen Guo took the lead to walk towards the command room. Who could have thought that the emperor The Fist was actually forced to give up its defense line because of the betrayal and sneak attack by the mortal army... Of course, you don't need to think about it to know that this must be a reason deliberately found by Rogal Dorn. He is just I want to find a reason to shrink the defense line.

After all, the entire Eternal Wall is already rotten, and the point of fighting a war of attrition here has no other meaning than consuming living forces.

It was obvious that at this moment, it was not the loyalists who had the upper hand in terms of strength, but the rebel legions led by Horus.

Therefore, it is very important to shrink the power to maintain strength, so the decision made by Rog Dorn is not wrong, and it is even very rational to a certain extent. But after all his calculations, he still did not take into account the morale of the mortal legions. You must know that there are only a few legions of Astartes on the entire Terra at this moment, and most of the combat power is Provided by the mortal legions, as for the Mechanicus Skitarii of the Mechanicus...please, except for the two Titan legions that can still be used, the other Mechanicus who escaped to Terra , they were all forced to escape after never fighting against the Dark Mechanicus. To be able to escape to Terra would have used up all their strength and luck. It would be unrealistic to ask them to take on the overall situation.

Although the trenches were evacuated, the trenches were filled with various mines and traps, and a large number of biochemical warriors were used as death squads, staying to delay time. But even so, it still took a short time for the Chaos Legion to reach the palace... With Chaos Demons who are fearless and fearless as cannon fodder, they can just rush through them no matter what kind of mines or traps they are. There is no need to hesitate at all.

"Pay attention to safety!" He closed the only door of the underground palace with force, and the bomb above his head was quickly detonated, quickly covering the door of the underground palace.

Chen Guo looked at the only entrance to the underground palace. Linda, Mintis, Louis Smeg and the commanders of many legions were all sent down. The rest of the battle will become fierce, and he can clearly sense that hundreds of chaos demons are approaching the palace, almost standing outside the palace.

If it weren't for the Mechanicum's urgent repairs and Aegis wrapping up this small area of ​​the palace, these Chaos Demons would have rushed in along with millions of Chaos rebels and demons.

"Sure!" Sanguinius's voice came from behind, "The Great Council Hall has been captured, and the enemy is like a tide. There is no way to stop it. And the news from the Mechanicus is that they can only It can maintain the Aegis for an hour. After one hour, the Aegis will be completely damaged and may cause an explosion. The huge explosion will directly collapse the northwest corner of the palace. By then, there will be nothing there. There is no defense at all, and we will face those Chaos Demons directly!"

"I'll do it!" Chen Guo patted her chest and said, "Leave the northwest corner to me. No Chaos Demon can break in without me!" "But..." Chen Guo suddenly changed the subject and said : "But you should also pay attention. According to the information I have received, there are more than two hundred Chaos Demons who came to the scene this time. Although most of them are minions, they can still bite if there are too many ants. A dead rat, not to mention someone who can be promoted to a Chaos Demon is not a little ant. The most important thing is that I have a hunch that Carlos, this idiot, and some guys at the same level as him, should also be involved... ...You'd better be careful."

"Don't worry, I know it!" After seeing that everything in front of him was as accurate as the fable he saw, Sanguinius had become a loyal believer in prophecy. He was now extremely certain that everything he saw was accurate. It was real, so he knew that he would never die in the palace, but in the hands of Horus, which was why he was so confident.

Rolling her eyes, Chen Guo certainly understood what he was thinking.

The Midnight Ghost of the Night Lords—isn’t this what Curze is like?

Because he had been troubled by the prophecies he had seen for a long time, and those prophecies often turned out to be true in the end, it gave him a feeling that his life was being controlled, and he was eventually tamed by this feeling and became a neurotic. A relatively crazy lunatic.

Sanguinius is clearly heading towards Curze's state at this moment.

"Nonsense, I won't say any more, just be careful!"

Without saying any more nonsense, Sanguinius slowly flapped his wings and turned away without looking back.

Sanguinho was about to follow him, but Chen Guo suddenly stopped him at this moment: "Keep an eye on your boss, he may be in a bad state, tell him not to get too excited... If Sanguinho is going to be teleported to Horus's warship, then you should come to me as soon as possible and take me with you, otherwise your boss will really die."

Sanguinho glanced at the Father of Genes who had already walked away, and nodded silently: "Yes, sir! I will inform you as soon as possible."

"That's good!"

Looking at their leaving figures, Chen Guo nodded slightly, turned slightly and said to Lu Yindor behind him.

"Change the defensive position, tell the Khan to be responsible for guarding the area we are going to guard, and we will wait for the palace to explode."


"I refuse!" Sitting at the easternmost end of the conference room, Carlos, the weaver of fate, shook his two heads surrounded by several pale masks, looking at the other three chaos demons sitting on his left and right hands and in front of him. As a well-known troublemaker in the entire galaxy, Carlos's strength is not the strongest among those present, but his right to speak is the highest, because the number of Chaos Demons of Tzeentch who came to Terra this time is the largest, and the seven most powerful Pale Masks have almost all arrived on Terra.

But it is precisely because of this that he has almost been targeted by the other three families.

"Don't even think about letting me... Sorry, we are not good at close combat, so we will give you three the passage from the southwest corner. At most, we will take less when we divide the sacrifices at the end." Carlos continued to shake his two bird heads. Although he and Chen Guo have some friendship, and the friendship is very deep, he is not stupid. If there is a chance to fish, why go up and fight for his life.

"You are not stupid, and neither are we... Among those present, except for you and that guy who have a little friendship, there is no difference between us going and dying." Father Yu said casually, playing with the tongue sticking out of his belly mouth.

"That's absolutely right..." The demon from Slaanesh was about to speak, but Carlos interrupted him.

With one word after another, Carlos will sooner or later be pushed to the front to be the cannon fodder.

Looking at the father of rain playing with his purple tongue, Carlos frowned: "How dare you say such a thing? I didn't know which one it was at the time. I had already gained the other party's favor, but I insisted on selling him out at the last moment. If I hadn't helped him at the time, he might have been killed by you... Don't complain here, everything is your own choice, and it is also the choice of the Lord of Destiny."

Seeing that Carlos was about to start talking nonsense again, a silent demon of Khorne, Valkia, known as the messenger of Khorne, suddenly spoke.

Although the other three demons present did not take this guy who called himself the Bride of Khorne seriously, after all, everyone knew that this guy could sit at this table and speak on behalf of Khorne's camp because Kabanha, Angras, Stabrand, Seed of Destruction... and a bunch of Khorne demons were butchers with abnormal brains. If they were to hold a meeting at this table, it would probably take less than a few minutes before these guys would stand up and fight.

"We can assist in the southwest direction, but we want to get half of the sacrifice in the end!"

"One third, this is the highest offer. If you agree, then this meeting ends here. If you don't agree, please shut your mouth. You are not qualified to speak at this table." The demon of Slaanesh stretched out his long tongue like an arrow and turned it around his lips.

"..." Silently staring at this guy, Valkia nodded, and finally didn't say anything more. Seeing this, Carlos nodded his head: "In this case, then attack in the direction of your own attack... Good luck to you."

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