Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 230 It turns out to be the fat dead man sitting on the brass throne!

"Since you're already here, why are you still hiding? Isn't it good to come out and speak?"

Sitting casually on the ground, Chen Guo suddenly made a sound to the air beside her.

And as his voice came out, a blue figure slowly walked out of the air on the side. It was Carlos, the weaver of fate, a guy with two bird heads... This guy He seemed to be on vacation. He was not wearing his very revealing armor, nor was he holding his scepter. Instead, he looked like he was wearing a very revealing looking beach suit. It looked like he was here. As if on vacation, he looks very relaxed.

This guy was here for vacation. He took a deck chair and placed it directly on the ground next to Chen Guo. Then he lay down on it with his butt raised, without paying any attention to the people who wanted to kill him.

"Haha... Do you want a drink?" Chen Guo casually grabbed the liquor and put it aside. Chen Guo threw it directly to Carlos who was lying next to her.

"You have become the prince of the empire, why are you still so stingy? Just give me one bottle...Who can drink from one bottle?"

Carefully, Chen Guo threw another bottle of liquor to Carlos. The expression on Chen Guo's face was very calm. He stared at the surroundings and waved to the eyes coming here, indicating that they should not be excited and that they should be busy with what they were doing. As soon as I arrived, I started chatting with Carlos, who was on vacation next to me.

"Why, after the fight got to this point, you thought of instigating rebellion against me?"

"No...yes, are you interested in rebelling now? As long as you are willing to rebel now, then Horus will be kicked out, and you will reap the fruits of all the victories he has won, and at the same time... ..."

Rolling her eyes, Chen Guo directly interrupted Carlos's eloquent words of persuading him to surrender, "Please, please, at least dress more formally when trying to persuade me to surrender. Look at this look, don't think it's me. Not even one of them will be fooled by you."

"Hahaha, I'm here to watch a show. I don't even have any interest in persuading you to surrender. I'm just here to watch a good show and chat with you."

"What, you guys have a disagreement? This is a very normal thing. Tsk tsk, if there were no differences between you, I would be a little surprised." Chen Guo raised her head and drank the strong wine in her hand, and said very calmly: "By the way, who is coming to attack this time?"

"Kabanha, Anglas, Stabrand...Oh, I really don't hope it's the three of them, because like this I can't stay here to watch?" Carlos gloated a little. , but I don’t know whether the target of this schadenfreude is Chen Guo, or the opposite demon Khorne.

"Why do I feel that you are gloating a little bit about your misfortune... You should know that I can't use my full strength. Does that mean that the person you are gloating about is me."

"Haha, who knows! But you can rest assured that no matter what happens today, I will never take action. By the way, I don't know what you think after this farce is over."

"What else can I think about, splitting the earth and sealing the king to separate one side? Anyway, I will never stay in this chaotic Terra. Otherwise, although I won't use any open guns, there will definitely be no shortage of hidden arrows. .....It's better to leave here as soon as possible... By the way, if I guessed correctly, you should have leaked the location information of Soni and Solan."

"Wrong, wrong, it's the Slutty Songstress, the famous Slaanesh diplomat. Her eyes are also all over the galaxy, and they know even some things that happen on the Necrontyr side. You know She has a good relationship with several Necron overlords, so to some extent her information is better informed than mine, and recently this guy has been collecting all kinds of information about Your information. So the positions of your two wives should be released by her... But don't worry, several Lost Arks have already gone to protect them, so there won't be much danger. "Yes!" Carlos suddenly changed the topic, "This news should not spread here, only here. The entire information signal of Terra has been blocked, and the blockade was done by me. I did it very thoroughly. I not only blocked the signals of the entire solar system, but also blocked all the signals of several galaxies connected to the solar system... I am very curious about who told you."

"Haha, if I said that the people who told me were two spirit races, how would you feel?"

"Oh, that makes it clear. It seems that some guys are preparing to be double agents!" Carlos showed a meaningful smile on his two heads at the same time.

"Rumble!" A violent roar suddenly broke in among the two people's chat. The sound was so abrupt that they both stopped talking and looked at the floor at their feet.

The two of them suddenly looked up, and Carlos said with a smile: "It seems that the position we are in is not very safe. Why don't we move back?"

"I think it's okay!"

The moment he finished speaking, Chengguo had turned into a black lightning and disappeared from the spot, standing dozens of meters behind him, and Carlos followed him like a shadow, and even the recliner made of some unknown monster bones also appeared beside Chen Guo.

And just when they stood again, a louder explosion began to spread under the floor, as if encountering an 18-magnitude earthquake. Soon, cracks quickly spread all over the hall. Finally, there was a loud bang. After a violent explosion, the hall, which was originally magnificent and luxuriously decorated, collapsed with a bang, and most of it collapsed downwards, revealing the battlefield scene outside with continuous artillery fire.

After continuous repairs, the Mechanicus was ultimately unable to protect the energy center of the Aegis.

However, this definitely cannot be said that they did not try their best. On the contrary, they have already used 100% of their strength. However, at this moment, the Aegis has been overloaded after continuous bombing for a long time. It is very normal that it cannot be repaired. If it can be repaired, then there is a big problem - the Mechanicus must have kept a trick.

Silently curling his lips, Chen Guo slowly drew out the black sword, and Carlos moved aside with great disgust.

The black sword was mixed with a lot of Brilliant Gold, and as a Chaos Demon, he hated this metal very much. This is not his subjective dislike, but the Subspace hates this thing. As a product of the Subspace, Carlos naturally hates the metal of Brilliant Gold.

"Hahaha, I thought you weren't afraid of anything, but I didn't expect you to be afraid of Yaojin."

"Hehe... After the farce here is over, I'll ask you for a favor, how about it? Don't worry about revenge, it's absolutely generous, don't you want to split the land and become a king? How about I give you a Blackstone Fortress, although you have to attack that Blackstone Fortress yourself. But if you don't know the location, you can't find it even if you search the entire galaxy."

"Blackstone Fortress?"

"It's a fortress. It's not a fortress, but it is also equipped with a camera that can destroy a planet. "Cannon, are you interested in getting him? If not, just ignore what I said... It seems that you are already interested."

"Okay, but after the things here are over, I'm afraid I need to do some other things first. After all, you know I'm a busy man."

"Don't worry, I'll come to you when the time comes."

"Okay, I'm coming..." Chen Guo suddenly frowned. He looked at the Chaos army rushing in with the rupture of the Aegis in the distance with some disbelief, and his eyes were completely locked on a very short Chaos Demon that seemed to be a little underdeveloped. Although there were many Chaos Demons among the many Chaos Demons that rushed in, it was probably only this underdeveloped demon that could give him a sense of oppression... However, judging from some parts of this guy, he should belong to Khorne.

"It seems that another guy is unwilling to be lonely and wants to make a foul." Chen Guo muttered in a low voice, with a strange look in his eyes. He had a premonition, and at the same time, he had a similar feeling, as if he had fought with this short guy before. When he had to say when this feeling came from, he couldn't help but think of a scene in which he fought with the incarnation of a fat man sitting on a brass throne.

"You guessed it right, good luck!" Carlos's face also changed quickly. He immediately stood up, rolled up the recliner on the ground, and rushed into the subspace door that was immediately opened without looking back. No wonder Valkia was so confident, it turned out that he was going to cheat.

"Damn, he ran really fast!" Watching him turn around and run away without looking back.

Chen Guo immediately understood that the idea he had might be true, and before he turned his head, he felt a cold air coming out from behind him, as if there was an ice cube behind him.

There was no time to look back, and the black sword in his hand was swung out immediately, but then it was like it was cut on a steel mountain, and it stopped firmly, and could no longer move forward.

Chen Guo quickly squatted forward and rolled on the ground to avoid it. Then he saw a short Khorne demon holding a long sword that looked and was almost the same length as the black sword. He was standing there, showing his yellow teeth and smiling at him.

"Hello, I hope we can have a satisfying fight this time."

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