Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 231: The loyal Carlos eventually became a bald chicken.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Lu Yindor looked at the figure of the short Khorne demon who was pressing Chen Guo and waving the giant sword in his hand, fighting back again and again.

He had seen Chen Guo's strength with his own eyes, and he also knew how abnormal his prince was.

But what was happening at this moment was telling him that the prince was not as strong as this short Khorne demon.

How could this be possible?

This doubt also spread in the hearts of everyone present. Was it that the prince was letting the water go, or was the strength of the Chaos Demon enhanced?

As if to prove that the strength of the Chaos Demon had been enhanced, several soldiers took out their guns and fired at the Chaos Demons that were surging like a tide.

But soon they directly denied that the strength of the Chaos Demon had been enhanced, because those Chaos Demons with particularly tall statures were immediately swept into sieves under the high-energy gunfire, without even the ability to resist.

Then only His Excellency the Prince could let him go... No one wanted to believe that this short and unremarkable Khorne demon was actually stronger than His Excellency the Prince.

But the truth was so cruel that Chen Guo felt miserable.

The damned guy in front of him was definitely the fat man sitting on the bronze throne. He didn't expect that this fat man would break the rules again and take the lead... But he didn't seem to be breaking the rules, because he didn't use his real body or his avatar, but just occupied the body of a Khorne demon, and it was such a thin Khorne demon. In the tide of Chaos Demons, he could only be regarded as cannon fodder at most.

But even with such a thin body of a fear demon, he still suppressed Chen Guo, without the slightest power to fight back, and could only passively defend.

This was really too aggrieved.

Chen Guo was so angry that his teeth were about to break.

He tried several times to untie the restraints of the golden armor on his body and release all his strength, but the damn guy in front of him was merciless and didn't give him time to make these moves. He kept waving the giant sword in his hand to suppress him and forced him to defend.

Don't think about this guy. Although he did a good job on the surface and it seemed that this was a fair war, this dead fat man sitting on the bronze throne must have injected a lot of chaos magic into the body of this Khorne demon, otherwise how could such a thin Khorne demon have such power.

"Is Malcador an idiot? He must have seen what happened here. Why doesn't this black-bellied old thing come out to help me? With his powerful soul power, it is too easy to disperse the incarnation of Khorne back to the subspace." The movements of his hands continued, but he kept cursing in his mind.

He didn't dare to ask the people around him to come up to help, because he knew that if the people around him came up to help, it would definitely be a dead end and a sacrifice in vain!

Chen Guo could only rely on his own body to bear it.

But how long can it last?

No one knows!

"Hahaha!" Carlos' voice suddenly appeared in Chen Guo's mind. His laughter was full of gloating. Obviously, he did not leave here at this moment, but hid in the dark corner to watch... But why did this guy's voice appear in his mind? Was he deliberately mocking himself?


This was not Carlos's original intention. Someone connected Carlos' voice to his mind. It was like watching a live broadcast. All the words Carlos said to himself at this moment were transferred to his mind... Well, it should be the dead fat man sitting on the golden throne.

Almost instantly, Chen Guo immediately understood everything.

It is impossible that Makado has such ability to transfer Carlos' voice without Carlos noticing, and even play it for himself with a very bad taste.

That old antique who has lived for more than 6,000 years has long been out of low-level interests. The only one who has lived for so long but still hasn't gotten rid of his vulgar tastes is the fat otaku sitting on the golden throne.

"Humph, cursing someone behind their back is not a very moral thing." A cynical voice appeared in Chen Guo's mind, directly overwhelming Carlos's mocking words and crazy laughter. At this time, Carlos finally found something wrong and his laughter stopped abruptly.

"I didn't, it's not me, don't talk nonsense!"

"Hehe, I originally wanted to let this two-headed bird help you, but seeing you like this, forget it. Anyway, he won't really kill you. It's good to get beaten for nothing, and it will also let you remember what moral etiquette and politeness are." The voice disappeared quickly, and then Carlos' voice came again.

"Um, I wasn't really laughing just now. I just remembered something that I found very interesting. You know, I have many spies throughout the galaxy, and these spies always bring me a lot of interesting things. I just suddenly remembered that I heard a piece of gossip not long ago, so I laughed so happily." Carlos explained very well, and it felt like he was afraid that Chen Guo would bear a grudge.

"Don't talk nonsense, come and help me."

"Sorry, I can't do it. I can only be a bystander now and can't do anything." Carlos' tone was full of helplessness. If Chen Guo didn't know his nature, he would definitely think that he was really powerless.

"I promise you."

"Oh, I suddenly received a notice, and I think I can take action, but I can't take action directly, but I can still help you cast some auxiliary spells, but it will hurt a little, you... bear it a little."


Before the voice in his mind fell, Chen Guo felt a burst of heart-wrenching pain, spreading over his voice, as if countless ants were constantly biting him, and then it was like countless fine needles inserted into his skin, stirring inside his skin. The pain was a thousand times more painful than being cut into pieces. At this moment, Chen Guo even thought of ending his own life directly to end this kind of pain.

"Ahhhh, Carlos, I...!"


Carlos also screamed, because after discovering something was wrong with Chen Guo, the Khorne demon possessed by Khorne himself suddenly stretched out his palm and grabbed into the air in front of him, and along with Carlos' screams, a large number of blue feathers were constantly grabbed out of the air.

From the number of blue feathers, it is not difficult to see that Carlos has at least a large area on his body that is completely bald.

However, even though he screamed, his auxiliary spells never stopped, so Chen Guo also kept screaming fiercely, and as his voice came out, his size was slowly growing, and his momentum began to grow upwards.

When everything was over, a mountain of feathers had piled up on the ground, but no one looked at the feathers, but looked at Chen Guo, whose head was almost touching the ceiling, like a war dog Titan.

Not only did he grow bigger, but even the black sword in his hand, which was already a little exaggeratedly large, grew bigger, becoming as big as a bridge.

"Damn it, you have to compensate me!" Carlos's somewhat hoarse voice appeared in Chen Guo's mind with great grievance.

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