Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 236 We need your help.

"You haven't left yet?" Looking at Alpharius who suddenly appeared next to him, a hint of surprise flashed in Chen Guo's eyes.

"How to get out? Everything here has been blocked by the Chaos Demons. If you want to leave here, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky. Besides, I don't want to leave just yet... If I have a chance to watch the show up close, Who would be willing to give up when the time comes?" Alpharius sat down casually. He was not wearing his own set of majestic armor.

Of course, it was probably not that he didn't want to wear it, but that he didn't have to wear it, and at the same time, he didn't bring any weapons at all. But he was not empty-handed. He was holding a carapace thigh that was still dripping with sauce. It looked like the thigh of an ant cow, but it smelled quite fragrant. Of course, it might also be because of the sauce. Thanks to the sauce, the sauce turned amber in color and looked very much like a certain kind of honey. It also smelled like honey mixed together, and a sweet smell suddenly appeared on the battlefield where various flavors were mixed together.

Chen Guo felt that saliva began to secrete crazily, and he even had the idea of ​​reaching out and grabbing the ant leg and eating it himself.

However, he did not choose to do this in the end, not because Chen Guo still cared about his face at this moment and maintained good self-control, but because Alpharius very considerately handed over another ant. Legs... This guy didn't know where he hid the ant legs just now. They were still hot and looked like they were made just now.

"Where did you get it from?" After taking the ant leg, Chen Guo stuffed it into his mouth without even looking at it, and started chewing. Under his chewing, even those with a little bit of... The hard carapace will be bitten to pieces immediately and swallowed into the stomach. I have to say that the taste of this sauce is really great. It feels a little like eating sweet chili sauce, but the spiciness is a little less. This is the only flaw.

"Haha!" Alpharius patted the air behind him, and the next second a Pink Horror's head came out of thin air, and there was even a white chef's hat on top of his head, which looked slightly... There is something funny: "This guy's name is Anronc. He lost to me after I made a bet with a Tzeentch demon. Aronc is a very special Tzeentch demon. Qi magic is not too interested in him. In comparison, he is more interested in becoming a gourmet and a chef. After I got him, I took him to taste the delicacies in every galaxy. ..... Damn it, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to survive long ago. Those standard rations and compressed biscuit energy bars are so terrible that I would rather chew steel than eat those garbage. Do you want a drink?" The expression on Alpha's face was very rich. Just by looking at his expression, you could tell how unpalatable those imperial rations were.

"Drink a little and forget it!" Chen Guo raised an eyebrow to the side and pointed to Alpha that a brutal fight was still going on at this moment! Just by eating and drinking here, it seems that I have already felt sorry for Sanguinius and the others. If I drink some more, wouldn't it be too much?

"Ha ha!"

Chen Guo felt a little embarrassed, but Alpha didn't have so many scruples at all. He quickly took the liquor from Anlanke, a pink fear demon, and at the same time brought out a fresh plate. The newly cooked ant legs were placed between him and Chen Guo, "You can't do anything here anyway, why not drink a few drinks and eat something? This big show in front of you doesn't cost a penny." . In the past, watching top-notch dramas at the Terra Theater cost a huge amount of money per minute. Oh, by the way, the boss behind the Terra Theater is Fu Geli. Well, this guy often disguises himself, paints himself beyond recognition, and then goes up to perform in person. Not many people know this secret. I only found out about this secret by chance... Let me tell you another secret. , this guy who likes to be dramatic, slept with almost all the noble ladies on Terra. It's a pity that none of us have the ability to have children, otherwise his children could form a new Astartes war. Legion." Alpha's words were full of ridicule. Although they were the supreme beings in the empire, they did not have the right to reproduce.

As for those genetic offspring... would you have a relationship with a clone?

"To a certain extent, the reproductive lock should be. If conditions permit, after the farce here is over, you come to me and I will ask Linda to help you solve it."

"Hahaha... There are experts with talents in genetics in the entire empire like a vast ocean, but even the Mechanicus Mechanicus do not dare to accept this commission, because this is the bottom line "But... since I have your bottom line, it seems that my bottom line can also be expanded downwards." Alpha smiled happily, like a child, but it was obvious that he was different now. The words Chen Guo talked about were not the purpose of coming to Chen Guo. According to his ability to penetrate and hide.

If you want to hide yourself, you only need to enter a random cat underground in a hive that has completely collapsed and become ruins, and then wait until the things on Terra are completely over, and then you can leave here calmly.

He came here for other purposes.

"I heard that Malcador has promised you that as soon as things here are over, he will give the Hazy Star Territory to you!"

"What, are you interested? If you want, I can give it to you. However, you have to convince Malcador to let him give me those galaxies near the Maelstrom."

"I don't want to leave a huge star field, but I have to call those broken galaxies. I really can't see through you." Alpha rolled his eyes and said, "I don't know how to run it. If you think you can't manage it, , you can hand this mess to Guilliman and let him help you manage it. Each of his genetic descendants are excellent politicians and diplomats. Look at how well the 500 world is managed.

Of course, if you are not afraid that this entire star field will become his back garden in the future, you can let him manage it for you. "

"Let's forget it. I've always disliked this guy. I seriously suspect that he has persecution delusions."

"It was that idiot Luojia who caused it. Damn it, why didn't you succeed in killing him?"

"Tch, should I kill you too?" Chen Guo looked at Sanguinius flying towards him, threw a bottle of liquor to him, and said calmly: "Let's rest for a while. !”

Sanguinius took the bottle but did not drink it. Instead, he looked at Alpha beside him.

The latter raised his eyebrows, slowly raised the wine bottle in his hand and gave Gilles a toast.

"Did you say it or did I say it...Omega!"

"Huh?" Chen Guo looked at Alpharius on the side with some doubts. Shouldn't she call him Omega now... Did this guy die again?

You must know that when he broke up with Chen Guo, this guy was Ruisi!

"Let me do it......"

Sanguinius nodded, raised his head, drank the strong wine in his hand, and once again waved his wings and flew towards the distant battlefield.

"What riddles are you playing?"

"This is what it looks like, we have a plan, and we may need your help!" Alpha's expression suddenly became serious, "This was supposed to be my job, and it was also the promise I made to that father... ..In a galaxy near the Eye of Chaos, we accidentally discovered a black hole, or should I say, a giant space rift. However, the world it leads to is not subspace, but a black hole of nothingness. Any life can survive inside... It is not uncommon to find a black hole leading to other areas. In the records and history of the empire, there are many space cracks leading to other worlds. There is even an ancient world with powerful gods. The four gods of chaos and the empire's expedition team have all been to that world...

So, in this case, the Empire just sealed it away.

But after talking to some chaos demons, we were surprised to find that the space crack did not exist for a long time.

This is a young space rift, still a baby, but it is constantly plundering subspace energy to grow.

Although the energy of subspace is endless, as the size of the space crack becomes larger and larger, the speed of absorbing subspace energy will double for every kilometer it grows, and then the speed of growth will also double.

If it continues at this speed and scale, this space rift will suddenly double in size one day in ten thousand years, and then swallow up the entire galaxy. By that time, more than 95 percent of all life in the galaxy will be dead.

However, this is not something that cannot be solved and delayed!

An ancient spell, Chaos Spell can inhibit its spread and make it shrink extremely slowly, and this spell only requires one thing, a large number of souls!

On average, at least 50 million human souls are needed every day. Of course, as the space crack slowly shrinks, the number of souls required will become less and less, but if you want it to shrink to the zero point where only one soul is needed every day, it will take at least ten thousand years.

According to the number of human souls that need to be consumed now, even if all the humans in the entire empire are added together, and they work hard to clone and have children, it is simply not enough for ten thousand years, so we must find another way... ..Go to another world to plunder souls! "

"Excuse me...are you drunk and talking drunkenly?" Chen Guo suddenly frowned, unable to digest these words at all.

"I hope so, but it's obviously not the case." Alpha said with seriousness on his face, "I need your help, or in other words, we need your help."

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