Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 237 Why kill Sanguino?

Alpharius...or should be called Alpha Omega ran away. He ran very fast and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

It was just like when he came, but according to Chen Guo's request, a large amount of prepared delicacies were placed in front of him, along with a gray wooden wine barrel that was as tall as a person.

Eating delicious food and drinking strong wine, Chen Guo felt extremely comfortable at this moment. It would be better if the drama before me could be better.

Seeing the Chaos Demon in front of him being slaughtered one-sidedly, Chen Guo felt a little bored. If the impact were to this level, it would be impossible for these damn Chaos Demons to rush in even if they impact for another ten years.

"Wait a minute?"

As if in response to Chen Guo's conjecture, a violent aura suddenly rushed into the long corridor in front of the Eternal Hall. He used his huge body to quickly squeeze out of the chaos demons mixed with fish and dragons, even though those bulky demons were blocking his way. The Nurgle demons, which were huge and covered with stinking mucus and looked like mountains of flesh, could not stop him at all in front of this berserk. They were either knocked away by him unceremoniously or were knocked away by him. Cut in half directly from the middle, these huge demons were like balloons filled with water. Dark green mucus was splashed everywhere, and the stench began to spread in the corridor. It was really... It smells terrible.

The strong stench made even Chen Guo, who was sitting far away, couldn't help but frown.

He waved his hand like a cattail leaf fan, blowing away all the stench that had flown in front of him, and then turned his attention to the extraordinarily large figure - Kabanha, this man with a hobby The Khorne demon with the title of Blood Madness finally rushed in front of the Eternal Gate.

To be honest, this was the first Khorne demon to rush to the Eternal Gate, but unfortunately he was not the first Chaos boss, because not long ago there was a Chaos demon from Tzeentch who wanted to You must use your own chaos spell to sneak through the Eternal Gate and enter the hall behind the Eternal Gate.

Although the magic he used to hide himself was very advanced, Chen Guo still discovered him the first time.

However, Chen Guo did not stop him, because Sanguinius, who had the power of prophecy, immediately saw the prophecy that he had opened the door. He quickly flapped his wings that had turned into blood red and flew over with a sword. She tore that unlucky guy in half from the middle and allowed him to completely return to the subspace... I'm sorry, although Chen Guo didn't take action, taking advantage is definitely not uncommon, so He silently stretched out his hand and directly took away the soul of the Tzeentch Demon.

"Kabanha!" Sanguinius' eyes had long been fixed on the body of the extraordinarily tall Chaos Demon. Of course he recognized this guy. This guy was an old acquaintance of his, and there was no one like him.

Before the establishment of the Second Empire, this damn Chaos Demon once led a Chaos Fleet to snipe him. And it is precisely because of his blockage that the Holy Blood Sanguinius Legion lost almost half of the Holy Blood Sanguinius Astartes. The combat effectiveness of the Holy Blood Sanguinius Astartes dropped by more than half. It was still somewhat large and could be regarded as The huge Holy Blood Sanguinius fleet was directly disabled. If Sanguinius hadn't successfully reattached his severed legs at the last moment, and then waved his sword to kill the idiot Cabahar. If they were cut directly back into the subspace, I am afraid that the Legion of Holy Blood and Sanguinius would be completely annihilated by then.

Looking at this enemy, Sanguinius's eyes began to burn with blazing fire.

Sanguinius landed slowly in front of him, his wings spread out in a menacing manner, like a work of art. Although his face was haggard, he had a calm and calm look. If his beautiful eyes were not burning with hatred, this calmness would be enough to be believed. However, Kabanha was already immune to the primarch's perfect disguise - he knew full well that the fear of failure ran in his opponent's blood, and he had breathed in the hatred of Sanguinius.

The appearance of Sanguinius the Blood and Kabanha seemed to have a suction force. In order to prevent their Primarch from suffering another crisis, a large number of Sanguinius Astartes rushed towards the Chaos Demon with a clear conscience. , but after repeated battles, the number of Holy Blood Sanguinius has long been reduced to ten. They were not even close to the body of the Chaos Demon, and they were immediately torn into pieces by the Chaos Demons that surged up. .

"Devil!" Sanguinius slowly descended from the sky and flew in front of Ka'banha, "Are you so eager to die again?"

Kabanha glanced at Chen Guo, who was hanging up in the distance as if it had nothing to do with him. The slight uneasiness in his heart disappeared a little, and the black tongue stretched out from Kabanha's open mouth. Licking back and forth on the same tar-like teeth, it felt as if Sanguinius was being eaten alive.

"You look so tired, Sanguinius, let me take you to rest."

The battle begins on the ground.

Sanguinius and the daemon came face to face, flapping their wings to maintain balance.

"Idiot, I killed you once," Sanguinius roared into the Ka'banhafi's face.

"I will kill you again," Sanguinius swore as he fought against the demon's brute force.

The blood was steaming and hissing on his armor and face.

Kabanha bared his fangs and grinned. He had known that Sanguinius would say these words, and he didn't even want to refute them.

But in front of Sanguinius, Kabanha pulled his gargoyle-like head back and was about to use a headbutt.

Sanguinius immediately dodged back, which was exactly what the demon wanted.

Taking advantage of the few seconds when Sanguinius dodged, Kabanha quickly turned around and swung his axe at Sanguinius who was fighting on the side, but the power flowed through his body, bringing a tingling pain. Kabanha turned around immediately, and Sanguinius had already rushed in front of him. Kabanha quickly used the back of the axe to block the approaching sword in front of him, and the two faced each other again.

"My purpose today is not to find you. You still have enough time to survive, lovely blood angel."

Sanguinius' eyes were half-closed due to the force, and the wings behind him kept flapping, like an angry goose, but at this moment, the wings were blood red, as if they were soaked in blood.

His veins were bulging, his muscles were tense, and he could hardly distract himself to speak.

"You can't protect your child forever. You will die, and you will die soon."

Sanguinius still had a blank expression on his face. Of course, he knew that he would die, so he had already made all the preparations for the retreat.

Kabanha roared and pushed Sanguinius out.

Sanguinius twisted his body in the air to avoid the axe swung by Kabanha, but failed to avoid the whip that followed.

Although the demon whip covered with thorns and barbs did not hit Sanguinius hard, it entangled one of his wings, which was exactly what the demon wanted. Kabanha pulled the whip and pulled Sanguinius from the air to the ground, smashing the marble floor.

Sanguinius fought back gracefully, waiting for the whip to attack again before breaking it into pieces.

But Kabanha had no intention of doing so. He threw the whip directly and leaped into the air, flapping his wings and flying towards Sanguinius.

Sanguinius rushed to him for the second time, slashing and chopping Kabanha.

So Kabanha once again swung a heavy blow at Sanguinius, throwing the latter aside and getting out of the fight.

Kabanha grumbled and cursed, turned and ran.

He took off again, but this time Sanguinius got above him. It turned out that intact wings can fly faster than demon wings full of holes.

Just two seconds after leaving the ground, Sanguinius fell to the ground with him.

The slender golden figure flipped over and jumped onto the huge body of the Chaos Demon, raising the sword high and stabbing down.

Kabanha swung the axe in his hand fiercely, and finally slapped Sanguinius aside in time - complex emotions began to surge in his heart.

This was much more difficult than their last battle on Signus Prime. Why did this guy feel like he had taken hormones?

It turned out that Sanguinius had indeed taken hormones, and a lot of them... If the potion was used on ordinary Astartes, they would probably not be able to hold on for even a second, and would immediately collapse and die, but the Primarchs are always a little special, right?

Sanguinius hit him again, and this time the force was enough to make him unstable.

Sanguinius was like a falcon, with long wings with sharp edges flapping at the rabbit that tried to escape.

Kabanha raised his hand that was not holding the axe to protect his face, but it was too late - the blow of the golden sword cut open his face, the wound was so deep that the bone was visible, and one of his eyes was also cut off.

As a Chaos Demon, Kabanha could not feel the severe pain like mortals, but shame and anger would still burn fiercely in the demon's body.

Kabanha stretched out his arm blindly, and it was lucky for him that he happened to hold one of Sanguinius' legs.

He swung Sanguinius out like a whip, and Sanguinius flew out diagonally and smashed a statue on the corridor.

Kabanha didn't care to check how Sanguinius was injured at this time. He only had one thing in his mind, which was also the task he drew - to kill Sanguinius, an unstable factor.

As for Sanguinius... Are you kidding? Don't you see that there is a guy sitting there eating?

Cabanha flapped his wings, flew back into the sky, and threw his axe at Sanguino. As long as he could kill this guy, his mission would be accomplished.

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