Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 45: Recruitment from the Iron Hand (Please reward, collect, and recommend.) (1/2)

"Exhale, slowly guide the true energy to circulate in the body, and follow my feelings..."

"This word is called "mokioluoye", which means blasting..."

With the twins accompanying him, Chen Guo's interstellar voyage was finally no longer lifeless.

However, it should be emphasized that although Solan and Soni look almost identical, they are not actually twins.

It is true that their father is Aksu before he ascended to the devil, but their mother is Alice and Leopold.

Yes, Sonny is Alice's daughter, and Solan is Leopold's daughter.

But since the two were carved from the same mold, even after Chen Guo knew the truth, she would still subconsciously think that they were twins.

Solan is the elder sister and Soni is the younger sister. Although they look exactly the same, they are completely different in personality.

Sony is enthusiastic and active, and has a strong interest in fighting and killing, but she is very calm when doing anything seriously, making her very suitable to be a killer or a martial artist obsessed with martial arts.

Although Sonny is usually calmer and calmer, there are times when she acts even wilder than her sister.

At the same time, she is irritable and loves to get angry, and will lose her reason when she is angry. However, she has a strong mental power. In other words, she is a natural psychic.

But Chen Guo obviously wouldn't let her come into contact with that unlucky subspace. He could provide Soni with a better option - a wizard.

Chen Guo has an advanced meditation technique that comes with the Face of Truth, and it is also the meditation technique he is practicing now.

The only pity is that there is no way to directly instill the wizard's guide and meditation method into Soni's mind, so Chen Guo can only teach her one word at a time.

Fortunately, Sony was very smart and had an amazing memory, so Chen Guo had a great time being a teacher.

Of course, more importantly, who can be angry when teaching a sexy beauty?

Chen Guo and the twins had no relationship before. The reason why the twins chose him was simply because he was strong enough.

And this concept of mate selection is not unique to Soni and Solan, but a concept that has been passed down by the Misk family since the golden age, and it is also the key to maintaining the Misk family's inheritance to this day.

In this chaotic universe full of murderous intent, it is not a shameful thing to rely on the strong.

Of course, Chen Guo had great affection for these twins. After all, in a sense, they were Chen Guo's wife and real family after she came to this world.

With their presence, Chen Guo can no longer be considered a loner.

Of course, it would be nice if the food delivery could be less frequent.

However, logically speaking, Chen Guo should not be in this situation. After all, at this moment, he is stronger than a hundred cows together.

Therefore, Chen Guo had reason to seriously doubt whether Mechanical Sage Linda had done something to his kidney... It must be like this!

"loujounyy, look at my mouth shape and read..."

"What's wrong, Guo?" Soni raised her head with a flushed face and looked at Chen Guo with blurred eyes.

"It's okay. You can go and review by yourself. Des is here to see me. I'll be back as soon as I go."

"Then hurry up!"

"I got it, Little Lang Hoozi!"

Seeing Chen Guo walk out of the cabin, Sonny suddenly stopped in her passion and patiently read the notes in her hand for a while.

But after a while, the heat all over her body made her unable to stand it anymore. She silently removed her eyes from the notes, licked her tongue, and looked at Solan who was meditating in the distance with earplugs and an eye mask...

"What's wrong, Des?"

"Boss, you'll know when you come and take a look."

Following Des back to the captain's cabin, Chen Guo clearly saw a group of small red dots not far behind the spacecraft through the projection radar.

There is another fleet following them, and its speed is faster than Chen Guo's fleet. It is estimated that it will be able to surpass them in a short time.

However, their speed was wrong. It didn't look like they were catching up at all, but like they were just passing by.

"Is it an interstellar pirate?" Chen Guo was immediately interested. He was only a few thousand points short of redeeming the Eye of Medusa.

But Des shook his head.

"Based on our observation, I speculate that they are not interstellar pirates, because the opponent's fleet is well organized and does not look like loose interstellar pirates.

In addition, according to our observation, the ships in the fleet behind are all imperial ships. Although there are no signs on the ships, we guess that they are likely to be the expedition fleet of a certain legion. "

"Oh, is it so?"

Chen Guo immediately lost most of her interest.

If it were interstellar pirates, Chen Guo would not hesitate to order the fleet to turn around, go and get a lot of tangible points, and see if they could grab a few more spaceships.

But if they were facing the empire's expedition fleet, then Chen Guo would have no interest at all.

Although he was not afraid of those canned Astartes, his army was no match for them.

According to the configuration of the empire's expedition fleet during the Great Crusade, an expedition fleet must have at least one Asta of the Great Company in charge.

Sometimes, several companies of Astartes would even gather in one fleet to carry out expeditionary operations. Therefore, Chen Guo would never and did not want to cause trouble for the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet now.

Of course, that's just for now.

"Which Rogue Trader family's symbol are we hanging now?"

"It is the symbol of the Biru family in the Andrew New Colonial Star Zone 3. This Biru family is a newly promoted rogue trader family. For the time being, we can only find the family number. There is no way to find the ship number, so it will not be discovered. ”

Chen Guo nodded when she heard this. As long as there were no problems with the ship's logo, then if the other party was really just passing by, they should pass them without even looking at them.

However, Chen Guo immediately ordered the entire fleet to be on alert. The Geiger field, void shield, and subspace engine must be in a state that can be activated at any time. If the opponent has any evil intentions, Mobility, immediately jump to subspace to escape.

Soon, the fleet at the rear was parallel to Chen Guo's fleet. It was only then that Chen Guo finally saw the symbol in the fleet clearly - it was the expedition fleet of the famous Iron Hands Legion.

Seeing that it was not some unlucky legion like the Raven Guard or the Night Lords, Chen Guo immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the Iron Hands Legion is not as amiable as Uncle Black, they are also purely "human control".

As long as they are facing human "compatriots" who are surrendered and belong to the same imperial camp, the Iron Hands will never make things too difficult.

"Boss, they sent a communication request."

"I'll pick it up!"

Chen Guo subconsciously wanted to put on the mask of truth to show her mystery.

But then he remembered what Alice said, and immediately gave up wearing a mask, and directly used his face to connect the communication request from the Iron Hands Expedition Fleet.

Chen Guo was not wearing a mask, but a steel mask appeared on the other end of the communication signal - an Astartes from the Iron Hands. Except for one eye, he still retained human characteristics. Everything else was It has been replaced by steel.

At least that's what it looks like in the projection shown.

It is indeed a legion with the title of "Mechanical Ascension".

"Um...Hello, I'm from the Bilu family in the Andrew New Colonial Star Zone 3..." Before Chen Guo could finish speaking, the Iron Hands Astartes on the opposite side took the lead in interrupting Chen Guo's self-introduction. .

"Hello, Your Excellency, I am Jike of the 72nd Expeditionary Fleet and the commander of the 42nd Clan Grand Company of the Iron Hands. Now I am recruiting your fleet in accordance with the imperial decree.

I need your fleet to assist us in hunting down the remnants of the Diasporex alliance and assist me in occupying the Miklos system, for which I will pay corresponding rewards. "

"Conscript... Summon?" Chen Guo was stunned. When did the expedition fleet actually arrive and recruit the Rogue Trader family's fleet to assist?

"Yes, recruitment. We came in a hurry, so we did not bring enough supplies and infrastructure materials, and there are no worlds to supply supplies along the way. However, please don't worry, for all the supplies and materials used, I will make compensation after the war. In addition, I will order the fleet to slow down. Please seize the opportunity to merge into the fleet. I will protect your fleet in the middle and will never let you take on any combat missions..."

The other party didn't give Chen Guo the slightest chance to refuse, and immediately hung up the communication connection.

The expedition fleet flying parallel to Chen Guo's fleet in the distance also slowly spread out, revealing enough space to accommodate Chen Guo's fleet.

"Boss, my suggestion is to ignore them and jump directly to subspace. They are slowing down now and will not be able to catch up with us without any preparation." Des gave the most pertinent answer, which may also come from someone The best choice to some extent.

"How are our supplies?"

Chen Guo's answer was not what was asked, which made Des feel cold. He knew that his boss had already made a decision, so he could only let out a long sigh and said, "The two pirate fleets we met on the road before asked us to The warehouse is almost full and all kinds of supplies are abundant.”

"Okay then, merge the fleet in!"


Under the command of Des, the Demon Faces merged the fleet in an orderly manner, and began to slowly accelerate and gradually integrated with the expedition fleet.

"Thank you for your cooperation. If everything goes well, the recruitment process will be completed within three months. If you and your family suffer any losses in business due to my recruitment, please be sure to tell me and I will compensate you. !" The communication signal from Ascart, the Iron Hand who had only one unmodified eye on the other side, showed a grateful look in his one eye.

No, it should be said that he was about to cry.

Zeke's fleet actually encountered many Rogue Trader fleets along the way, but most of the Rogue Trader fleets were immediately frightened when they saw the Iron Hands' fleet rushing forward menacingly, without even communicating with each other. Just start the subspace engine and jump away.

Chen Guo's fleet was the first fleet he encountered that did not jump away directly through the subspace engine.

"No, there's nothing urgent on my side. I just hope you don't forget to pay for supplies and materials. In addition, my fleet is not a battle fleet, and I have the right to refuse all combat missions."

"Please rest assured on these two points... We now need 30,000-density No. 7 alloy and 50-density biological gel. Of course, we are also in urgent need of a large number of energy bars. To be honest, some of my ships have been out of food for more than three days. It’s a standard Terra heaven.”

Chen Guo looked back at Des, who nodded to indicate that there were these things in the warehouse.

"No problem, there are enough supplies in my warehouse, please give me the beacon guidance, I will send these items to the designated ship with the supply ship."

"Thank you..." Zeke scratched his head a little embarrassedly, he just interrupted Chen Guo's carefully fabricated self-introduction, so he still didn't know what Chen Guo's name was.

"My name is Chen Guo. I come from the Biru family in the Andrew New Colony Star Zone. We are a newly promoted roaming merchant family."

"Oh, OK, Chen Guo, I will report on your family and try to get you out of the probation period of the newly promoted family as soon as possible."

"Thank you so much... If you have any other needs, you can contact me at any time. This is my first mate Des. When I'm not around, you can tell him directly if you have any requests. His permission is as high as mine, and he can directly mobilize all the supplies in the entire fleet."

"Oh, hello, first mate Des!"


After a while of greeting, Chen Guo turned off the communication projection. He looked at Des with a complicated expression and shook his head: "You have only one enemy, that is Angron and his World Devourer Legion, no You have to bring your one-sided hatred to other people, understand? "

"I understand, boss, but for so many years, I have been a street rat interstellar pirate who was hated by everyone. I never thought that I could have an equal dialogue with the "noble" Astartes in my lifetime. I am a little uncomfortable. "

Chen Guo certainly heard the hidden meaning in Des's words. He shook his head and stopped persuading him. Instead, he stretched out his hand and threw a bottle of Huanglong Dan to Des, "If you are not used to it, you will get used to it slowly. If you really can't figure it out, just think of it as preparation for revenge now.

I'll go back first, send someone to tell me if there is any situation.

In addition, you must continue to practice the internal skills. Although the efficacy of this bottle of pills is not as good as the Dahuan Pill, it is enough for your daily use! "

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