Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 46 Biological Sage - Mintis. (Seeking collection, reward, recommendation, everything.) (1/2)

"Lower your waist, tuck your abdomen in, and feel the airflow slowly moving up the body..."

Chen Guo hugged Solan tightly and slowly released her true energy, guiding Solan with her true energy so that she could clearly feel every position where her true energy moved.

Chen Guo swore that he really just wanted to tutor Solan in practicing Kung Fu, but while practicing, Solan suddenly stopped moving.

Chen Guo smelled Solan's fragrance and looked at her springy expression, and immediately knew what happened.

He glanced at the locked hatch like a thief, knowing that Soni couldn't get in even if she ended her meditation early, so he threw Solan down.

If you don't practice well, you will be punished.


"Guo, will mother and the others die?"

Lying on the big bed, Solan kept rubbing circles on Chen Guo's chest.

Chen Guo glanced at Solan with a worried face.

Sure enough, just as he imagined, Solan's strength these days was all just for Soni to see. No wonder she was always absent-minded these days. It turned out that she was just pretending to be strong to comfort her sister.

After kissing Solan's cheek, Chen Guo couldn't help but think of Alice's charming face.

Chen Guo quickly shook her head, what was wrong with her? How could she be deceived by the Slaanesh demon?

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Your mother is very smart. It is for your own good to let you come out. With you restrained here, you will be easily restrained!"

"Guo, can you...save them?"

Chen Guo was stunned and her dishonest palm stopped.

Stealing someone from Slaanesh?

How to rob this?

The sensitive Solan immediately noticed Chen Guo's embarrassment, and she quickly crawled into Chen Guo's arms, "Guo, just pretend that I didn't say anything, I..."

Chen Guo covered her mouth, turned her head towards his face, and said seriously and seriously: "I can't make any guarantees to you, but I am willing to give it a try."

Solan was stunned, and her sad face bloomed like a flower. She didn't know if Chen Guo was teasing her, but at least Chen Guo was willing to express his stance for her, which was enough for her.

Continuing to draw circles on Chen Guo's chest, Solan's breathing began to become heavier and heavier, "Guo, how about you do it again?"

"Huh?" Chen Guo glanced at his beloved wife in his arms, with a wicked smile on his face, "Okay, but we have to hurry up, otherwise Sonique will come back from meditation in a while!"



"Hello, Captain Zeke." Looking at Astarte who was a head taller than him, Chen Guo's face was filled with a smile.

"Hello, Your Excellency Chen Guo!"

Jike enthusiastically held Chen Guo's hand with his steel palm. No wonder he was so enthusiastic. The supplies provided by Chen Guo solved his urgent need.

The Astartes are easy to feed, and they can't hold on to wood or rubber without starving to death, but the mortal auxiliaries who control the spaceship are different.

After three days of no food, people on the spacecraft had already starved to death.

Fortunately, Chen Guo appeared at this time.

Otherwise, not only will they be unable to carry out their mission, but the normal navigation of the fleet will also become a problem.

The big man, who is more than two meters tall, is allowed to huddle in the wheel well tube, which is only a few dozen centimeters narrow, and carefully repair the complex engine equipment.

Haha, I can only think about that scene. It is absolutely impossible for them to do it.

In order to express his gratitude to Chen Guo, Jike held a special dinner party and specially invited Chen Guo and the senior mortal army officials of the expedition team to celebrate getting rid of the embarrassment of food shortage and to boost their morale.

"This is Centurion Karklov, my right-hand man, and also the deputy commander of the entire expedition fleet. This is Chief of Arms Sada Thomas, and this is Centurion Winnie..."

Pointing at the Astartes and mortal officers beside him, Jike enthusiastically introduced them to Chen Guo.

The command structure of the Iron Hands is different from other Astartes Legions. The basis of their command system, in addition to the infantry squad as the basic organization, is a pyramid composed of a three-level structure of company, order and clan. type combat unit.

Or in other words, although the Iron Hands are called a legion, they are actually like a huge tribe, similar to the nomadic royal court on the grassland, and their leader is also the chief of the tribe. , the Primarch Malus himself.

Although such a command model may seem to make the entire legion appear very loose, this is not the case.

Each company, order, and even clan is like a module, with its own specialties and the same interface, which can be mixed and assembled at will.

When they are combined with each other, the integrated large module becomes a steel-like all-rounder that can easily complete various tasks that other expedition fleets and even legions cannot complete.

"Your Excellency Chen Guo, this is Master Mintis of the Adeptus Mechanicus. She is a biological sage." After introducing his subordinates, Jike took Chen Guo to the machine stationed in the fleet of the Adeptus Mechanicus. In front of the sage.

Another female sage. Chen Guo saw her in his mind and couldn't help but think of the sage Linda who almost broke his kidneys.

Tsk tsk tsk, although the female sages of the Mechanicus are not rare, their number is definitely not that large. But Chen Guo actually encountered two female sages.

Should this be considered bad luck or good luck?

"Meow meow meow... I need the genetic tissue of you and all your crew members. You name your price!"

Chen Guo looked at the biological sage hidden under the red robe, a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Zeke came up to help Chen Guo out: "Sage Mintis, she is determined to collect the genetic sequences of all creatures to complete her genetic spectrum. As for her throat, she changed the cat..."

Zike was also a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Let's not talk about the special hobby of this biological sage. You must know that the genetic sequence of each person is precious or not. After all, human life is worthless, so what is the genetic sequence of each person.

But in this universe where cloning technology is mature and clones are everywhere, everyone's gene sequence has become very precious again.

"Sorry, Sage Minsty, I am sorry to reject your transaction request. Sorry."

After Chen Guo finished speaking, he ignored her and turned to walk towards Sonny who had already sat down.

However, the original good mood disappeared without a trace.

This guy is even more impolite than Sage Linda. How can he ask others for genetic tissue right away?

Do you really think I will agree to you if you start to meow like a cat?

Who do you think you are?

Neither Des nor Solan came with him. One didn't want to come, and the other didn't complete the task assigned by Chen Guo to her, so Chen Guo could only bring Sonny to this simple dinner.

The so-called dinner is nothing more than using the materials provided by Chen Guo to make food using the unique production method on the home planet of the Iron Hand, Medusa - just pouring a layer of purple-green sauce on the food after testing.

Although it was not exquisite, it was not unpalatable either. It was just a little spicy, as if it was seasoned with pepper or chili powder.

For Chen Guo, who could eat spicy food, these foods covered with purple and green sauces were not bad.

But in comparison, Soni didn't like spicy food very much, and the appearance of these things was really disgusting, so she seemed to have little interest.

However, she liked to drink a kind of high-concentration sweet wine specially provided by the Iron Hand. She drank many cups in a row, which made many senior human officers of the fleet and even some Astartes look at her sideways.

Chen Guo also drank a cup, but because it was too sweet, she stopped after drinking one cup.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Chen Guo calculated the time and found that the time was almost up, so he wiped his mouth and said to Soni beside him: "Are you full?"

"Burp, full!"

Soni was not only full, she was even drunk and needed Chen Guo's support to stand.

Not only was she drunk, many senior officers of the fleet were also drunk, only the Astartes drank the sweet wine in their hands like drinking water.

However, they were also having fun at this moment, no longer putting on their previous superiority, and now they were shouting around the two Astartes.

Listening to their shouting, it seemed that they were having a big stomach competition, and the table next to them was already piled with a mountain of food and plates.

It seemed that the battle was quite tense.

After saying hello to Zeke, Chen Guo took Soni and prepared to go back, but Zeke said that the fleet was sailing in an asteroid belt and could not send a transport ship to send them back for the time being, so Chen Guo could only help Soni to rest in the guest room.

Walking through the long bridge, under the guidance of the patrolling mortal auxiliary army, Chen Guo entered the cabin.

Because it was a main battleship, there was no luxurious cabin prepared, so the so-called cabin was an ordinary cabin with no one living in it.

It was very small, and the air was also very dull, with four navy beds placed up and down opposite each other.

Chen Guo helped Soni lie down on the lower bunk on the right, and then sat on the bed opposite.

The face of truth quickly appeared and disappeared on his face, and Chen Guo scanned the cabin up and down.

After a long time, he nodded. There was no monitoring equipment in the cabin, and there were only two or three soldiers resting in the surrounding cabins. The other soldiers should be on duty.

He took out a bag from the magic bag casually, and without thinking, Chen Guo vomited everything he had just eaten.

Since being tricked by Alice, Chen Guo would never eat strangers' food anywhere else.

One failure is a lesson.

Soni was indeed drunk. As soon as she touched the bed, she fell asleep without even taking a few more glances at the surrounding environment.

He tried to wake her up, but failed. Chen Guo did not dare to rashly infuse her with internal force to help her sober up. He could only rub her head and then cover her with a blanket.

According to Zeke, it would take at least a few hours to pass through the asteroid belt outside, so Chen Guo simply sat opposite Sony and began to meditate.

But not long after, a faint strange fragrance appeared in the closed cabin, and Chen Guo immediately held his breath when he noticed it.

The face of truth appeared on his face again.

Outside the door, Mintis, the biological sage in red robes, was lying furtively on the edge of the door. He opened his mouth and kept spraying green smoke into the cabin. His enchanting red lips were reflected in the green smoke. Under the support, Chen Guo's heart was filled with excitement.


Chen Guo slapped herself hard. This weird green smoke was able to penetrate the skin and enter the body directly from the skin!

Chen Guo frowned, and suddenly a large amount of blue electric light began to ripple on the surface of his skin. He tried hard to prevent the weird green smoke from penetrating into Chen Guo's body from his skin, but they failed!

The smoke ignored the electric sparks all over Chen Guo's body and quickly entered his body.


Sonny, who was lying on the other side, was also wrapped in the green smoke. Her cheeks, which were already flushed due to being drunk, turned completely red. Although she was not conscious yet, her palms began to caress her body randomly. .

This green smoke actually has a powerful aphrodisiac effect!

Chen Guo knew that he couldn't wait any longer. He took advantage of his current consciousness to quickly open the cabin door, accurately grasped the neck hidden under the red robe with his palm, and grabbed her in. Cabin!


Mintis had no idea that this man could still remain conscious under the influence of her biological mist. Without warning, she was dragged into the cabin and directly wrapped in the biological weapon she created. in the middle.

She attacked Chen Guo with a look of panic, trying to break free from his grasp and escape.

But the next second, as the electric light flashed in Chen Guo's hand, the scalpel palm stretched out from under her robe fell down weakly. The blue electric current spread on the body under his robe, paralyzing her body and making her Unable to stop, he began to twitch.

"I'll only say it once, detoxify!"

Seeing that something unexpected might happen to him, Mintis silently stretched out an ever-twisting steel tentacle.

Suddenly, a large amount of red smoke began to spurt out from this tentacle.

The red smoke melted into nothingness the moment it met the green smoke. Soon, there was nothing in the room, including the weird fragrance brought by the green smoke.

Sonny, who kept twisting her body like a maggot, became quiet again, the flush on her face quickly faded, and she continued to fall into a peaceful sleep.


After casually throwing Mintis on the ground, Chen Guo walked over and covered Soni with the blanket again, then walked up to Mintis with her arms crossed, looked down at Mintis, and said with a cold expression: " Tell me, respected biological sage, what exactly do you want to do?"

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