Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 47 Linda's Father (Please give me a reward, please add me to your collection, please gi

"Meow meow meow... I know you, Linda is my senior sister, you are Jack Smoak!" Mintis took off his hood, revealing the face embedded in the steel underneath!

This transformation method is almost exactly the same as Linda's, which indirectly proves her words.

Mintis's words shocked Chen Guo and he looked back at Soni who was sleeping soundly, "The relationship between Linda and me is limited to a transaction. Now, we are clear of each other."

"Meow meow meow, that's the best, no relationship is the best!" Mintis slowly stood up from the ground, his tone full of ambiguous sarcasm.

"What do you want to say?"

"Meow meow meow... Linda is now a prisoner. She will be secretly taken to Mars and will be executed immediately after being interrogated by the sage."

Chen Guo was stunned again. How could she become a traitor after such a short time?

Didn't she say that she would be promoted to a great sage?

How did she become a traitor?

"Meow meow, are you curious about why she became a traitor?"

A sly look flashed in Mindis's eyes, and the fingers hidden under the robe again began to slowly emit light green smoke.

"No, I'm not curious at all. Besides, if I were you, I wouldn't choose to do some tricks again. The tricks you think no one knows about are so ridiculous in my eyes!"

The expression on Mindis's face froze, and the shaking fingers also stopped.

"You might as well say it directly. For Linda's sake, I don't want to kill you now."

Chen Guo directly snatched the initiative from Mindis.

"I want your reproductive genes, your complete gene sequence..."

"Sorry, I cannot agree to your condition." Chen Guo interrupted her directly, "I don't know what Linda said to you, but I want to tell you that the reason I made a deal with her was entirely because of the situation.

Also, I do owe her a favor, but who are you? I want to kill you now, just move my finger."

Chen Guo stretched out his index finger, and with a puff sound, a large amount of electric sparks began to gather at the tip of his finger.

Facing Chen Guo's threat, Mintis suddenly laughed, "Mintis III is a biological weapon named after me. It can stimulate organisms to reproduce and is effective for life once used.

Specifically, it will change the secretion rate of the hormone glands of organisms in a very short period of time, turning them into animals that only think about mating until they become pregnant or die of exhaustion.

And female organisms will continue to repeat this process after giving birth until they die.

And now, you and your girlfriend have been hit, although I used a neutralizing agent to temporarily stop you and her from becoming mating machines.

But after four standard Terra times, Mintis III will work again.

Only my special medicine can remove Mintis III without side effects.

So, Mr. Jack Smoak, guess, do you still have room to refuse now?"

Chen Guo looked at Mintis, his eyes were as cold as looking at a corpse, and his creaking fists showed that he was now extremely angry.

"Hehe, it seems you are well prepared!"

"Don't get me wrong, I have no ill intentions, I just want a part of your body tissue for research, and I am willing to give you a generous reward for this..."

Mindis paused suddenly, then her face changed, and she quickly put away the smile on her face. She quickly threw two green syringes to Chen Guo, "This is the neutralizer of Mindis No. 3. I was joking with you just now. I swear to the God of All Machines with my title of biological sage that I didn't lie to you this time!"

Looking at Mindis, whose attitude suddenly changed from just now, just when Chen Guo once suspected that this guy's brain had just been short-circuited, the thick hatch was slowly pushed open.

An old mechanical monk with a cane and a red hood slowly walked in from outside.

Even though he didn't take off the hood on his head, Chen Guo could still feel that he was full of the smell of decay and death.

"Teacher!" Mindis walked to the old man respectfully, with a well-behaved face.

"Get out."

"Yes, teacher." Mintis immediately walked out of the cabin obediently, like a puppy, and politely closed the cabin door.

The old man slowly pulled down his hood, revealing an old face that looked like plasticine, sticking to the other half of the steel face.

"Hello, Jack Smoak, I am... Linda's teacher and her genetic father. You can call me Sodexo Sage, but I'm just his clone, so you can call me Andrew."

As Andrew spoke, he slowly pointed to the two tubes of injections in Chen Guo's hand, "You can use this with confidence, it won't have any side effects. In addition, I apologize to you on behalf of Mintis, she and Linda don't have a good relationship..."

Chen Guo looked at the sage in front of him, and a trace of speechlessness flashed in his eyes. How come everyone knows his true identity?

Is he so famous?

"Don't be nervous, I don't have any ill intentions. I came to you to ask you to do me a favor."

Ask me?

Chen Guo raised her eyebrows and said directly without waiting for the sage in front of her to continue: "You are a sage. You respond to every call. There are countless mechanical monks who will help you. What else do you need my help for? Not to mention. Talk about this word."

"No need to be modest, I have seen your glorious deeds. Although your current strength is not the best candidate for me at the moment, you are the most suitable candidate... Don't interrupt me, wait until I finish, you It’s not too late for me to refute or reject you.”

Andrew tapped the cane gently, and Linda's projection immediately appeared in the room, but at this moment she had abandoned the thin and short steel frame and turned into a strong woman about two meters tall. .

If it weren't for the fact that there was no change in her face, Chen Guo would almost not be able to recognize her.

"Linda is the most accomplished of all my genetic children. To a certain extent, she is also very much like me, just as stubborn, as ambitious, and as fond of gambling...

As her genetic father, I have thousands of cloned children, but few of them are promising. Therefore, I don’t want to see her die like this. I want to ask you to rescue her and bring her to In front of me, for this reason, I can unconditionally promise you a condition...or a request. "

"Do I have a chance to say no?"

"not at all."

"You just said you could refuse."

"Oh, really? I forgot!"

Chen Guo felt a soreness at the root of her teeth. This old guy was worthy of being an old fox who could take the position of a sage. Chen Guo was stunned by his ability to treat words like farts.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"She helped you fake your death, and she also helped you escape. You can have a relationship that goes beyond friendship!" A lewd smile appeared on Andrew's disrespectful face: "This statement is reasonable, I don't think there is any "

"What did she commit that warranted execution?"

"It's not a big deal. It's just that I stole a piece of the Night Lord's genetic seed and cultivated a perfect body for myself... In fact, this is not a big deal at all. Using the genetic seed to conduct experiments is commonplace. The only thing she did wrong was not telling me in advance!" Andrew knocked on the ground hard, his tone full of hatred.

"How to save her?"

"I will tell you all the information about the fleet escorting her, including the location, location and personnel configuration. You can kill everyone who blocks your way... After rescuing her, you don't need to bring her to see me in person. You just need to Just give her a frigate and she will come to me on her own."

Andrew tapped the crutch in his hand again, and Linda's projection quickly transformed into a projection of the Adeptus Mechanicus fleet, and accurately pointed out the firepower configuration and personnel configuration on each ship.

"Because of Linda, they will not perform subspace jumps, so you have enough time to prepare. I will ask Mintis to cooperate with you. If you have any needs, you can tell her directly."

Chen Guo looked at the projection in front of her with a slow sneer on her lips, "Aren't you afraid that I will run away?"

"It doesn't matter, even if you run away in the end, you will still be responsible for the crime, and I don't have to pay any more price, so you'd better run away, hehehe..."

Looking at the other party's unusually wretched expression, Chen Guo really wanted to punch Andrew's entire face and dent it.

But he finally held back because it was just a clone.

"Okay, I've pretty much explained everything that needs to be explained. I wish you good luck!"

Andrew slowly raised his cane towards Chen Guo to express his blessing, then put on his hat and left the cabin without looking back.

After a while, Mintis walked in from the outside with a strange expression.

"You don't really believe what he says, do you?"

"Why, your teacher behaved one way when he was here, and changed to another thing when he was not here?"

Chen Guo didn't have the slightest fondness for this female sage. Needless to say, she must have told Andrew her location and origin.

"Oh, it's not that I want to tell him your location and origin, but he will definitely know it when he wants to know it!" Mintis seemed to have guessed what Chen Guo was thinking, and pointed to his metal head, saying: "We are not so much his genetic children and disciples as we are his slaves, tools for sexual discharge, and a little meowing kitten! You will never imagine what he did to us back then. whats the matter!"

"Haha, why, don't believe it? Although we are clones using part of his genes, we also have our own souls and our own thoughts, but he does not allow us to have our own thoughts... Linda is not The first disciple to betray him will not be the last, and if you are willing to help me, then I will be the next one."

Mintis looked at Chen Guo and slowly took off the red robe, revealing a body with only a few mechanical modifications underneath.

Who would have thought that the total body area of ​​a biological sage from the Adeptus Mechanicus would only account for less than 5% of the entire body!

No...it's a fake skin, not her original skin, but a fake skin installed afterward. Her actual transformation is definitely more than 80%.

"You should be able to see that this is a fake skin, but guess why I still wear a flashy fake skin on a body full of metal?"

"Because of Andrew?"

"Haha, congratulations on your answer!" Mindy sneered, and she pointed to her lower abdomen, "Don't blink, I'll show you another good thing."

Chen Guo looked in the direction of her finger. Compared with Solan and the others, there seemed to be nothing different there, but as two tears fell from Mindy's face, the flat artificial leather immediately bulged, and then the scene that shocked Chen Guo for a whole year appeared!

Biological Sage Mindy, a mechanical monk with a high status in the Mechanic Order, was actually transformed into a toy alive!


Chen Guo was silent. He suddenly understood what Linda said at that time. If he guessed correctly, Linda's body covered by the red robe should have been transformed in the same way... No wonder she would go to great lengths to change her body.

It turned out that it was to get rid of the nightmare that had entangled her for who knows how many years.

"I'm sorry for letting you see this unbearable scene!" Mindis put on her robe again, but tears were still falling from her beautiful cheeks.

Taking out the tissue from the magic bag, Chen Guo wiped the tears from Mindis's face, "How can I help you?"

Mindis threw herself into Chen Guo's arms and cried loudly. It was not until a long time later that she slowly stopped sobbing.

"My new body has completed most of the design, but it lacks some important organs. Linda told me that your organs can help me... I need your gene sequence, a complete gene sequence."

Chen Guo hesitated for a moment and still didn't want to agree, but seeing her pitiful look, he nodded: "Okay."

"Thank you... If you can, please persuade Linda not to take revenge again. If she doesn't listen to you, tell her... I will meet her alive."


"Puchi..." Mindis suddenly laughed, and she raised her head and kissed Chen Guo on the mouth.

"Thank you, my current body is too dirty. If possible, I will come to see you again when I change into a new body!"

Mindis touched Chen Guo's face, a hint of reluctance flashed in her eyes, and then she turned around and left resolutely.

She didn't want to use this body anymore. In order to get rid of the nightmare, Linda could give up everything, and of course she could do it...

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