Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 48 The Birth of the Exclusive Legion (Seeking rewards, collections, monthly tickets, everyth

"Sorry, Sage Mintis will send you to a safe colonial planet. Don't even think about returning to Ankh Pioneer. There will be a pirate carnival there soon. Going back will be a dead end..."

After arranging the colonel's legacy and daughter, Chen Guo secretly got together with Mintis who was hidden under the red robe.

"Don't worry, I will send them to a safe star area... Remember, if you go to the extreme star area in the future, there will be his enemies there. Take Linda with you, and he will protect you..."

Chen Guo shook her head, "No need... just pay more attention to yourself!"

"Don't worry...I will find you as quickly as possible."

"I will wait for you!"

After saying a simple farewell to Jike, Chen Guo's fleet broke away from the huge expedition fleet. He had left enough supplies for Jike for them to use until the end of the mission.

As for the reward for the materials, Chen Guo asked him to transfer them to the Cullivan family on the grounds that these were the goods that the Cullivan family needed.

Chen Guo believed that Xue Li would not embezzle his payment... of course, that is if she was not hungry.

Standing in the captain's cabin, Chen Guo looked ugly.

His plan was completely disrupted. He originally wanted to infiltrate the Iron Hands' expedition fleet and gain friendship from the Iron Hands, so that Chen Guo could immediately detect the news of the Horus Heresy.

After all, it takes time for information to spread in the universe. In order to successfully kill Angron, Chen Guo must master every crucial time point.

This year is already the third year of the 31st millennium. If everything goes according to the chronicles, Horus will fall into the embrace of Chaos at this moment next year.

But this is just history written in the chronicles.

Chen Guo didn't know what the real situation would be. No one knew. He never believed in any prophecies or the chronicles that were used as game templates.

If the future could truly be predicted completely, then the Emperor would not have allowed the Horus Heresy to occur, nor would he have allowed the My Little Ponies to bankrupt the entire Webway project...

And it was precisely because he knew that the chronicles he knew were not 100% reliable that Chen Guo chose to approach the expedition fleet commanded by Jike.

Unfortunately...everything was disrupted.

Chen Guo looked at the starry sky in front of her, her eyes seemed to merge with the stars in the distance.

"Guo, what's wrong with you?" Soni slowly hugged Chen Guo from behind. She was drunk before and didn't know what happened in the cabin, but she could keenly sense that Chen Guo was in trouble. Troubled.

"Ha... nothing happened, just a few minor problems." Chen Guo said it was fine, but in her heart she was constantly calculating the pros and cons of saving Linda or not saving Linda.

But as he thought about it, his thoughts went somewhere else.

If everything goes according to the chronicles, the Horus Heresy is just around the corner. This chaos will last for many years, and the entire galaxy will be reduced to a mess.

When the time comes, who can take care of him, Chen Guo?

Therefore, Chen Guo could completely ignore Linda. After all, his previous friendship with her was just that.

In other words, there is no friendship between them, just a successful transaction.

Chen Guo likes to keep his promises, which makes him feel at ease, but he is not a Holy Mother and will not put himself in danger for others.

However, ever since she heard a lot of chatter from that old guy from the Mechanicus and saw the real thing that happened to Mintis, Chen Guo started to have the idea of ​​doing something for the universe.

This was not the first time that he had this thought, but Chen Guo had been escaping and dodging before, intentionally or unintentionally using his status as a time traveler and passerby to make excuses for himself.

But today, Chen Guo suddenly didn't want to find an excuse.

I finally got a chance to make a name for myself, why am I still hiding?

Chen Guo still didn't believe that the man had ambitions in all directions. He couldn't make a name for himself in this broken universe!

Slowly turning around, Chen Guo looked at Soni and hugged her with firm eyes, "Ni, I've decided. I'm going to join this chessboard and become a chess player instead of a chess piece!"

Soni didn't know what was wrong with Chen Guo. She just nodded silently and said "hmm" to Chen Guo forcefully.


"Hey, did you pass the test?"

"What are you testing? I just came back from duty, and the broken pipe leaked again. I repaired it for a long time, and it almost melted on the spot." Zach put down the toolbox in his hand angrily.

"Then you come with me. It's not over yet. Let's measure your mental strength. If you can reach the standard, then you won't have to repair pipelines here in the future!"

"What kind of mental power and what standards?"

"Don't ask so many questions. You'll know as soon as you go."

The confused Zach was dragged directly to the upper deck by his companions. When they got there, the place was already densely packed with demon faces, and all the demon faces were whispering there.

"I chose it, I chose it!"

"What did you choose?" Zach's face was full of confusion. He looked at the compatriots in front of him who were going crazy. Some monks were confused.

"You don't know yet? The master has discovered a special way to become stronger. All those who have reached the standard of mental power can learn it and then join the first battle echelon and leave!"

"Hiss~ No need to wait for the qualification? We second- and third-borns can also join the first battle echelon?"

Zack was a little stunned. As a new demon face after the third expansion, (these batches all jokingly called themselves the third-born, and the second-born called themselves the second-born, and the first-born were of course the old demon faces who surrendered at the beginning.)

Originally, if he followed the promotion method discussed by Chen Guo and Des, he would have to wait at least ten years and repair the spaceship for ten years before he could enter the "first battle echelon" and have the opportunity to reproduce and command other demon faces.

All living things want to go up, and only water will go down. Who would not want to be a superior person if there is a chance, a demon face on a demon face?

"Yes, as long as your mental power reaches the standard, you can enter the first echelon!"

When Zach heard that there was an opportunity to advance, he immediately became interested.

He grabbed the clothes of his compatriot in front of him and asked him with a smile: "Spiritual power? What is that!"

"I don't know either, but have you seen that crystal ball? Use your ability to assimilate memories to it, and it will glow. The brighter it is, the higher the spiritual power."

"Is it that simple?"


"Only a few of the cruisers were selected out of more than 100,000 people. Is it simple?"


Standing in the aisle of the bridge, Chen Guo stood with Des on the left and Soni and Solan on the right.

"Once they are selected, Sony, you will be responsible for teaching them the wizard language, and Solan, you will be responsible for teaching them the inner skills.

Tsk tsk, who would have thought that the demon faces without internal organs also have Dantian and spiritual sea, but the proportion of their spiritual sea is too small. But it's just right. At the beginning, we only need to select some demon faces with extraordinary talents for training, and then let the other demon faces assimilate with each other.

The demon faces, a race that can assimilate memories, are simply tailor-made for the profession of wizards.

But, you two remember, remember that you are not allowed to teach them the Nine Yin White Bone Claw and spells for the time being, understand?"

"Understood!" Solan and Sony answered in unison.

"Okay, go get ready. I'll teach the lucky ones in each fleet through projection later."

Looking at their backs as they left, Des walked to Chen Guo's side, "Boss, you have to prepare to build a powerful army that can directly compete with the Astartes!"

"Yes, it's not always possible to have no one under your command. Angron has 190,000 descendants, and the demon face is really good at infiltration and assassination, and there is no big problem in controlling the spacecraft for combat.

But if it is a face-to-face fight with the Astartes wearing power armor, the demon face is not enough!

I need people, I can't rely on you alone, I still have Solan and Soni, and I want to fight the Astartes army under Angron head-on."

Chen Guo played with the golden beads in his hand, looking at the demon faces below calmly.

It feels good to have two eyes.

After robbing a pirate group along the way, Chen Guo finally collected the last materialization points and successfully exchanged for an Eye of Medusa to fill his eyeballs.

After a simple experiment, this petrification ability can last for an hour on ordinary humans, but only about 20 minutes on the demons, and it cannot be used frequently, otherwise it will cause dry tears and decreased vision, and it will take a long time to recover completely.

‘This ability should be very effective in actual combat, but it’s a pity that there is no better experimental target for me to experiment with, otherwise I can be more confident! ’

Chen Guo stopped thinking about it, because the demons below suddenly made a violent commotion!

Looking at the densely packed demon faces, Chen Guo curiously asked Des beside him: "What's going on down there?"

"Let me ask." Des took the communicator and contacted the demon face responsible for maintaining order at the scene, and said to Chen Guo: "They found a good seedling with a fifth-level mental power. He is a third-generation demon face. He used to work on the pipeline in the engine room. His name is Zach."

"Fifth-level talent, isn't that full? Remember to pay special attention to him. If you find that he has enough talent in wizard language, then focus on training him. The leader of our wizard group may be this third-generation demon face."


"By the way, how far are we from reaching the designated location?"

"Recently, subspace storms are more frequent. If there is no way to make subspace jumps, it may take nearly half a year to arrive." Des reported it without thinking. It can be seen that he has mastered all the information about the spacecraft.

"Oh, half a year, just enough for us to train!" Chen Guo turned around and prepared to leave, but was stopped by Des.

"Wait a minute, boss. I took a look. It's just a desolate star region that was conquered not long ago. There is only an outpost that the Mechanicus has just built. What is there in that place that is worth our efforts to rush over?"

Chen Guo was silent for a while, and slowly said: "Des, some things, if I tell you in advance, it will become a psychological burden for you.

However, I have thought about it and realized that it would be irresponsible to you if I did not tell you about this matter. "

Chen Guo turned around and looked at Des, "I'm going to sneak attack a Mechanicus fleet that may have a battleship and rescue a Mechanicus prisoner."

"Boss, this..."

Des found that after following Chen Guo, he would always encounter things that shocked him to the point of being speechless.

They don't even have a battleship, just two or three shabby cruisers and dozens of frigates, and they want to challenge a Mechanicum fleet with battleships?

Don't look at it, the difference between battleship and cruiser is only in terms of words. In fact, in terms of their size, firepower and configuration, battleships are absolutely overwhelming.

In other words, even the smallest battleship can accept attacks from 2 to 3 cruisers at the same time and easily win, just like you are in a boxing ring and you are a heavyweight professional boxer weighing more than 200 pounds. Son, there are just one or ten primary school students across from you who can't even reach your knees.

This is completely a difference in size!

An irreparable gap!

"Boss...Chen Guo, even if your personal ability is strong enough to tear apart Space Marines with your hands, you can't withstand the attack of any macro cannon, let alone face an entire fleet of fully armed ships in a vacuum. ! The battle between the regular fleet and the regular fleet cannot be won by small-scale gang jumping. The tactic of catching the thief first can only be used on the pirate fleet..."

Looking at Des' anxious expression, Chen Guo suddenly laughed. He had indeed seen the wrong person. To be able to say such words to him so earnestly and sincerely in such a situation at the first time, it seemed that Des was serious. Think of yourself as a member of the fleet.

"Hey hey hey, you don't have to be so nervous, I haven't thought about it to the point of committing suicide.

The fleet of the Mechanicum we are facing this time looks like a full fleet, but in fact I can tell you clearly that it is an "empty" fleet!

Except for some mechanical monks who were taken out as abandoned children, there are only millions of mechanical servants left. And the moment we launch an attack, these mechanical servants will be paralyzed immediately... You don't want to use them. Look at me with this look, you wouldn't be so surprised if you knew who made me do this. "

"Who asked you to do it?"

"His pseudonym is Andrew... I don't know the specific name, because from what I've seen, it's just a clone, but I can tell you his identity. He is a member of the Mechanicus." Sage, the main direction of attack should be a sage of biology!”


Des understood. Although he had already made a guess in his mind just now, when he heard it said from Chen Guo's mouth with his own ears, he still took a breath of air.

When did the internal strife within the Mechanicus reach such a serious level?

Actually, even a fully formed fleet can be betrayed at will!

"Of course!" Chen Guo held the back of her head with both hands, "It could also be a trap or a designed game, or the old guy wants to borrow my knife to kill people, and then kill me on the way...

So, no matter what, we have to arrive at the ambush location in advance and be fully prepared to prevent being plotted by that old pervert from the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Hey, Des, if this time goes well, our fleet will have one more master with unique insights and creativity in biology, medicine, mechanical servants, etc., and your chance of revenge will also be greatly increased. Understand? "

Hearing that Chen Guo was not blindly arrogant, but had made a plan after careful consideration, Des nodded slightly, but still raised his concerns with some uneasiness.

Chen Guo grinned and said, "Okay, there is nothing to worry about. If there is any danger or something obviously wrong is discovered by then, I will not foolishly order the fleet to go up and die.

In addition, I never planned to expose the entire fleet to the opponent. I still planned to join a small group to sneak in to rescue people, and see if I could drive their battleships back...

Hmm... You have to take advantage of half a year to help me train a group of engineer warriors who can carry out gang-hopping operations and have the ability to operate battleships. The number should not be too large, just enough to fill a frigate. "


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