Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 5 Chaos, chaos, and chaos. (1/2)

"Little Jack, I really underestimate you."

Opposite Chen Guo, Lu Yuan's already hoarse voice seemed to have become hoarse because of the scream just now, as if he was scraping an iron pot with a rusty shovel.

He was careless!

He never expected that Chen Guo was so powerful. Even the strongest interstellar mercenary could not achieve his swift movements and one-hit-kill fighting skills.

Lu even saw the shadow of Astarte in Chen Guo.

Lu was not born a psychic, and everything he said was just a lie.

On countless human planets, there are many psykers who awaken their psychic powers at the age of sixty, but Lu is definitely not one of them.

However, he is indeed the governor of a planet, and like all those in power, he does not want to die so early. In order to obtain a longer life, he uses various methods.

In the end, he converted to Shibuyan, a very small church in the empire, and with the help of the church, he successfully became a psyker and gained a long life.

Unfortunately, it was this change in identity that turned him from a high-ranking planetary governor into such a prisoner.

However, such days are finally over. The church has regained contact with him. As long as he can board the spaceship as planned, he can regain his freedom and regain the position of governor.

Thinking that he was only a few steps away from regaining his rights, Lu's eyes were full of unabashed viciousness and cruelty:

"Very well, little Jack, you gave me a great surprise. Did you think..."

"So much nonsense!"

puff! Holding back the pain in his brain, Chen Guo interrupted Lu's nonsense, and immediately jumped into the air with force, like a hungry tiger pouncing on prey, and the ferocious spear shot up again like a meteor from the sky!

The scream Lu sent out just now just caught him off guard. With his iron will honed from inhuman experiments, the scream of that magnitude just now didn't actually do much harm to him.

However, who knows if this old guy has other methods, so let’s get rid of him first!

"Bitch, who do you think you're facing!"

snort! Facing Chen Guo's fierce killing, Lu's face was extremely sinister. He picked up the three remaining prisoners and threw them towards the spears. Then he suddenly stepped forward, his right leg wrapped in a black robe like an iron rod. Generally speaking, "Huhuhu" turned out to be a rapid whistling sound.

This kick went straight to Chen Guo's head. Not only did it not have the slightest air of aging, but it was filled with a kind of fierceness and ferocity that could kill people. It was fast and accurate, much like the close combat techniques in the Imperial Army. .

It was obvious that Lu's kick was made with mysterious and strange psychic powers. With his psyker's power, if this kick was a direct kick, Chen Guo had no doubt that he would kick his own head directly. exploded!

Lu didn't take the opportunity to launch the weird sonic attack just now. He had no choice. Even though he was a psyker and could use psychic energy to protect every organ in his body, the scream just now still severely damaged his vocal cords. If Chen Guo didn't kill him first, he would die first due to a broken trachea.

However, even if he could not activate his psychic scream twice in a short period of time, he had no fear in the face of Chen Guo's fierce attack.

Lu has always been an ambitious person who believes in the supremacy of strength. His kind face and friendly smile are just his disguise. His ruthlessness is reflected in the planet he has ruled for decades. But there had never been any riots and demonstrations against him on that planet.

Before entering this prison planet, he stayed alone in the prison ship for five years. Most of those five years were spent practicing various fighting techniques and honing the use of psychic powers.

Therefore, if someone just regards him as a frail old man, then he will suffer a big loss.


Chen Guo's reaction was equally astonishing. Under the circulation of his true energy, all the hairs on his body stood up to feel the power of this kick.

He could sense that Lu's kick was so powerful that it was absolutely unstoppable with his current flesh and blood body.

There was no other way, Chen Guo could only lower his head to avoid the fatal kick to his head, and at the same time let go of the spear with the corpse in his hand.

However, he did not retreat. Instead, he still leaned forward, driving a suffocating and fierce momentum, like a Mercedes-Benz train, and crashed into Lu's body!


Lu's eyes were scornful, and his sweeping kick was actually able to change midway. A blue light flashed past his legs, and the black prison shoes were like a long ax that cracked the mountain and cracked the ground, and once again hit Chen Guo's head. Down!


With horizontal kicks and downward cuts, Chen Guo, who had become a monk halfway, could only turn his head away when faced with "Lu"'s swift and ferocious attack.

But in the next breath, half of Chen Guo's shoulder made a heart-wrenching cracking sound, and then her whole body was kneeling on the ground with a "boom" as if it was hit by a mountain.

At this moment, Lu's contemptuous eyes also met Chen Guo's cold and cruel eyes full of teasing.

Chen Guo's eyes clearly conveyed an emotion to Lu: "Bastard, I've caught you!"

"It's not good!"

Almost at the same moment, a dull impact, bone cracks, and Lu's miserable and vicious screams also sounded at the same time!

Chen Guo was once again kicked several meters away by Lu, knocking down and crushing the shelves that stored weapons and food, until she hit the half-opened and half-closed iron door of the container.

However, Lu, who kicked the strong enemy away with this kick, did not feel the slightest joy. Instead, he covered his abdomen wrapped in a black robe in great pain.

Several pink intestines connected head to tail were swaying randomly under the black robe as his body continued to tremble.

"Ah, damn, damn you bitch!"

The extreme pain almost overwhelmed Lu's consciousness. Although he had experienced many inhuman experiments, he did not have an iron will. After all, he could not resist the Sigher, which even the Astartes might not be able to withstand. No., after being seriously injured, Lu suddenly showed the cowardice of ordinary people.


In less than five seconds, Chen Guo, who was kicked several meters away, stood up from a pile of messy food crumbs! His left arm was hanging softly and swaying, the ribs on his chest were at least broken, and the blood from the corner of his mouth couldn't stop gushing out.

However, Chen Guo seemed not to feel the heart-wrenching pain all over her body at all. Her eyes were still as sharp as ice picks in nine cold winters.


Chen Guo sprinted away without saying any more nonsense. All that was left was the cruelty of life and death. Chen Guo endured the pain of broken arm bones, internal organs and broken ribs colliding, and once again pounced on Lu, who was screaming and struggling!

Vaguely aware that the danger was coming, Ruben instinctively wanted to avoid or even resist. However, the extreme pain in his lower abdomen and the feeling of his falling intestines left him with nowhere to escape and he did not even dare to move. one time.

"Little Jack!"

Leaning against the container wall, Lu screamed in horror:

"We can..."


Without giving him a chance to finish his words, Chen Guo quickly stepped over from a few meters away, stepped forward and stomped hard on his chest, denting his straight chest.


Lu Canglao's face was twisted into a ferocious mess, and he let out a heart-rending scream again like a fierce ghost. Anyone who saw his current miserable state would feel unbearable.

"Hehehe, everyone knows that psychics have tenacious vitality."

Chen Guo smiled ferociously and stared at Lu, who was beating the air with his hands frantically, grabbing and trying to kill him:

"Too bad you won't have a chance to live!"


"Zi La~"

Chen Guo waved her movable palm and stabbed it into Lu's throat. Her sharp fingers directly penetrated his throat and sank into the container wall behind Lu.


With a slight force, Chen Guo pulled out the hard spine and throat completely. Without the support of the spine, Luna's ferocious head rolled directly to the side.

His face was still full of incredible ferocity and despair.

"Huhuhu~hehehe!" Chen Guo let out a dull laugh.

His secret was kept!


Lu's body fell down, and a golden, coin-sized badge fell out from his body.

Narrowing her eyes, Chen Guo bent down to pick up the badge.


But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of strong wind behind him, followed by another burst of pain. He looked down and saw a silver spearhead piercing through his left shoulder... It was definitely a damn prisoner taking advantage of him. He let his guard down and shamelessly attacked him.

Chen Guo frowned, and someone lowered his body and jammed the spear with his shoulder blade. Then he swung his sharp palm back and split the grinning idiot into two pieces from his neck.

But Chen Guo had no time to rest because more prisoners surrounded him from outside.

They are like greedy hyenas. When they see a ferocious predator, they will huddle in a corner and pretend to be dead. But once they see an opportunity, they will swarm up without hesitation in an attempt to get a piece of the pie. .

Wielding the spear, Chen Guo took a deep breath and stabbed a dozen times quickly, knocking several prisoners behind him to the ground, causing the vicious prisoners behind to stop in confusion.

"Kill him and he will get the medal. No one can survive without the medal!"

I don't know who yelled, and the prisoners who had already stopped and hesitated pressed forward again.

Chen Guo remembered the talkative bastard, and used the spear in her hand to attack several more prisoners with ease. However, the prisoners seemed to be killed in endlessly, and after they had stabbed a few more, more came in.

Chen Guo was in a very bad condition at the moment. A broken arm was a minor matter, but a broken rib was a big problem. The fact that she was able to hold on until now was all due to the power of the Great Return Pill, but after such a long time, the power of the Great Return Pill He is not far away from being exhausted. If he doesn't get rid of these prisoners when the medicine is exhausted, then he will really have only one way to die.

Although the actual point is enough to replace it with a Great Return Pill, the notes of the Great Return Pill are clearly written in detail. You can only use one pill within three months, otherwise serious adverse consequences will occur.

There was no other way, so Chen Guo could only quietly exchange it for a Huanglong Pill, which had many more pills than the big one but was about the same price, and swallowed it.

With the backup support of this elixir, the dilemma of the Great Return Pill gradually running out of power has finally changed.

But this was just a flash of life. If Chen Guo hadn't figured out a way to get rid of these guys before the drug wore off, then he would still be dead.

He stabbed a prisoner to death twice again, and threw the body away with one hand. He wanted to leave this damn container. Only by getting out of here could he get rid of this group of "hyenas".

"Stop him, don't let him out!"

The voice that deserved a beating appeared again, but this time the prisoners didn't listen to him, and soon a commotion came from outside the container.

"What the hell!"

"Ogryn ape!"

"What ape, where did this shit come from!"

"Boom~" Before the voice outside landed, a loud noise was heard, and then the entire container began to shake violently and slowly tilted.

"Someone wants to push down the container!"

"Good opportunity!" Chen Guo narrowed his eyes, and the spear in his hand quickly stabbed out again to kill all the prisoners in front of him, and then rushed out of the container.

Just after rushing out of the container, Chen Guo had not had time to see the surrounding situation clearly, and a heavy fist had already hit his head fiercely.

"What the hell!"

Looking at the overwhelming fists, Chen Guo's eyes were full of confusion.

However, he did not hesitate at all, and the spear in his hand immediately pushed up, and at the same time, his body flipped back and rolled far to the side.

What came into view were seven or eight people with thick skin, developed muscles, and huge bodies. Their fists looked a circle larger than a flat pot.


Under the hammer of the giant palm, the sharp spear used up all the hard and proud bones in the body, but it only sank into the palm of the palm for a depth of three or four centimeters.

Then the next second, it was bent from the middle and hit heavily on the ground, completely deformed.

It was the Ogryn ape man!

Chen Guo recognized the origins of these big guys almost instantly. The ancestors of these big guys were a subspecies of humans, who often lived on cold, barren, high-gravity prison planets. They were once ordinary descendants of humans in the technological age, but because of the emergence of a protracted subspace storm, the ordinary humans were forced to evolve in order to survive, and eventually under the influence of high gravity, they evolved into these three-meter-tall ferocious Ogryn apes.

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