Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 6: Knowing there is a tiger in the mountain, I still go there! (4000 words transition chapte

"Why are they here?" No one answered Chen Guo's question because he had already run away.

After overturning the container, the Ogryn apes began to slaughter other prisoners around them.

Although the sharp spears can easily penetrate their bodies, they will soon be easily blocked by the steel-like endogenous bones under their skin.

For them, who are tall and thick-skinned, such spears are no different from toothpicks.

And they just smashed, grabbed, and tore them casually. The prisoners were like chickens without the strength to restrain them. They were easily smashed into pulp, torn in half, and even had their heads pulled out.

"Oh ho ho, it's the Ogryn warriors who have entered the scene. These warriors from the Theta tribe are members of the great Midnight Stormtroopers. Each warrior is a powerful veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles without dying. This time they voluntarily gave up. Let us give our applause to those who participated in this competition during the training holiday. Please enjoy your holiday, Ogryn warriors!"


Chen Guo understood that she thought the prisoners were dying too slowly, so she sent these stupid guys in to clear the place.

However, I really have to thank them. If it weren't for these stupid guys, he would have been blocked in the container.

"Oh, the first winner has appeared. Haha, what a lucky guy. Please raise the badge in your hand a little higher, stay there and wait for ten seconds and you will succeed!"


Chen Guo turned her attention to where a prisoner covered in blood was holding up a golden badge with a surprised look on his face.

Around him, a large number of corpses were piled high. Obviously, he finally obtained the badge after an extremely cruel fight.


Before Chen Guo finished shaking his head, the man was knocked away by the flying spear, and the badge filled with all his hopes fell to the ground alone.

"Oh ho ho, our winner has fallen. What a pity. There are only a few seconds left. By the way, is it seven seconds or three seconds! Oh, another one has appeared. He looks really strong. Ah! I hope he can survive 10 seconds."

The badge that fell on the ground attracted the attention of more prisoners, and it was foreseeable that a more intense fighting was about to occur.

Touching the badge in his arms, Chen Guo was not in the mood to stand out. These idiots in the empire were obviously not prepared to let them pass so easily, so he planned to wait until more people died.

"He also has a badge there!"

The veins on Chen Guo's head jumped. He looked back and saw that it was the damn prisoner again.

He has a small mustache, a very wretched look in his eyes, his short stature, and he looks almost exactly the same as some guys who only know how to chirp and bow and are living a good life in their childhood. He is also equally mean and deserves a beating.

Although he wanted to cut it into pieces, his words did attract the attention of many prisoners, and some prisoners immediately surrounded Chen Guo with malicious intentions.

After glaring hard at the talkative bitch, Chen Guo turned around and ran back in the direction of the Ogryn ape-man without any hesitation.

In his current situation, it would be really stupid for him to be left as a target. It would be better to use the Ogryn Ape-man Fox's fake tiger power to prevent these hyenas who smell food from coming to him.


Seeing Chen Guo taking advantage of the chaos to sneak into the Oglin ape-man, the prisoners stopped cursing and turned decisively to find other badges. Only the short mustache and a few prisoners around him were still full. She looked at Chen Guo with a venomous face, "Damn you bitch!"

"Haru, what should we do now?"

"Withdraw, since Lu is dead, then replace him with his son or his grandson. If that doesn't work, we will overturn the entire planet with a coup. There must be no delays or mistakes in the master's plan. Send me out first!"


Mustache took out a badge from his arms and raised it high, while the prisoners around him protected him.

Some prisoners wanted to grab it, but they gave up after seeing the prisoners protecting Mustache.

"Oh ho ho, it seems that our fourth winner has also appeared. This seems to mean that there is one less person who can make it out alive."

Chen Guo casually picked up a spear that was submerged in the ground, bent down and quickly jumped into the Ogryn ape-men.

The exposed bodies of these Ogryns are covered with various scars and tattoos. Many of them are also equipped with mechanical prosthetic eyes that emit blue-green light. Their grins are so big that they almost reach the base of their ears. The expressions were full of satisfaction and excitement, as if it was an extremely happy thing for them to be able to kill like this without obeying orders.

"Little bug, don't run away!"

An ape-man stared at Chen Guo. He threw away the broken corpse that had been repeatedly ravaged in his hands, and crashed into Chen Guo like a Mercedes-Benz locomotive.

He was about to pass by these Ogryn apes, but he was only one step away from being targeted again.

Silently saying "bad luck", Chen Guo did not continue running. Instead, she pointed her spear at the Ogryn ape-men who were running towards them in large strides.

If Chen Guo had not been injured, Chen Guo would have been confident of escaping from the hands of these stupid men, but now that he was seriously injured, he was not confident that he could outrun a three-meter-tall giant.

Since he can't run away, it's better not to run away. It's definitely impossible to kill him back, but there's still no problem in blinding his eyes.

"Die, little bug!"

Weird low Gothic words came from the depths of his throat, and the palms of his left and right hands, like cattail leaf fans, brought up gusts of wind.


Chen Guo raised the spear horizontally and thrust it down hard. She jumped up high like a phantom and stuck to the body of the Ogryn ape-man. She stabbed the Ogryn ape-man's eyes accurately with her sharp palm.



The moment the giant palm closed, Chen Guo had already succeeded. Even though the Ogryn ape-man closed his eyelids as quickly as possible, he still could not avoid the fact that he had turned into a one-eyed dragon.

The sharp nails were wrapped in the zhenqi, and they quickly pierced through, like a hot knife cutting through butter, and penetrated into the fist-sized eyeballs.

The Ogryn ape-man let out an extremely miserable howl, and began to wave his big hands randomly, slapping everywhere. Tears also fell from his remaining one eye. He looked around for Chen Guo, and his slow and stupid mind was filled with thoughts. The decision was made to cut Chen Guo into pieces.

But Chen Guo had already taken advantage of him. Just kidding, he was not a fool. There was no need to get entangled with a three-meter-tall fool.

Quickly turning over a container that had been overturned and smashed and surrounded by corpses, Chen Guo hid in the blind corner at the back of the container.

In just such a short time, many prisoners had successfully left the arena with their badges.

Ten thousand badges is neither too much nor too little, but compared with the hundreds of thousands of prisoners who have died or are about to die fighting for these badges, it still seems pitifully small.

The probability is 1/20. This is not a civil service exam. If you fail, you can take the exam again. This is a game where only the winner can survive.

There is only death for losers.

This is also the most cruel and realistic portrayal of the interstellar era.

Two hundred thousand people were enough to fight a bloody and cruel war on Earth that would go down in history, but for the trillions of humans in the vast galaxy - it was nothing.

Maybe there won’t even be a chance to enter the history books.


After forcefully reattaching the dislocated arm, the power of the Huanglong Pill was almost exhausted, so Chen Guo quickly exchanged it for another pill and swallowed it.

Although it is very painful, it is still important to save your life now.

Feeling that the sufficient power of the medicine began to repair her body at an abnormally slow speed, Chen Guo slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the arm was only a simple fracture and dislocation, and was not completely broken. Although it still hurt like hell after it was put back on, my arms were finally sound.

"Victor No. 365 has already appeared...Victor No. 366 has also appeared!"

The sound above the head has never stopped since the first winner appeared. One after another, the prisoners got their own tickets for survival.

But this also stirs up the most sensitive nerves of every prisoner who did not win.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Guo also raised the palm holding the badge.

"No. 399 showed up. His performance just now was really impressive. Not only did he successfully escape from the hands of the Ogryn Warriors, but he even blinded an Ogryn Warrior.

Tsk tsk tsk, what a pity. If he could stay a little longer, I think the next game would be better. "

"It looks great!"

Chen Guo couldn't help but curse. She waited ten seconds with patience and anxiety. The badge in her hand suddenly became hot. A layer of black film emerged from the badge and slowly enveloped his entire body. .

"Radial shield?"

Chen Guo's face turned pale and she almost threw the badge in her hand.

Unexpectedly, this badge turned out to be a radiation shield emitting deadly radiation!

You must know that this thing is usually installed on big things, such as Titans and spaceships, as well as some special main battle tanks.

Who on earth would be so bored as to transform them into such small badges!

You know, the radiation from this thing is as harmless to Astartes as taking an X-ray, but for ordinary people, such radiation is enough to cause fatal cancer.

Holding the badge and the black radiation shield, Chen Guo left the bloody and cruel arena through a special passage.

As soon as he walked into the passage, dozens of medical staff wearing brown chemical protective suits immediately walked up. They hurriedly took the badge from Chen Guo's hand and threw it into a white box beside him as if throwing away garbage. , and then injected a large amount of blue medicine into Chen Guo's body and helped him check his body.

With the injection of these blue medicines, the pain on Chen Guo's body immediately improved a lot, especially the slightly sunken chest. The pain had disappeared from there, leaving only a dull coolness spreading all over his body.

After a while, they wrapped Chen Guo's chest tightly with a white splint, handed him a pack of medicine in a glass test tube, and told him that three cups a day would restore his ribs in three days. He left his side to save the next "lucky guy" who left the arena.

"No. 399, remember your number. If nothing goes wrong, this number will accompany you throughout your life. You have three days of rest. After three days, you and your companions will go to... the Gama 3 galaxy. I hope you like that place." The young Imperial Major threw a package to Chen Guo, which contained clothes and a pile of documents written in Low Gothic. He directly commanded the two men without giving him any chance to speak. The soldier carried Chen Guo and walked in along the passage on one side.

"Where are we going?" Walking in the dry and hot underground passage, we went up and up, and there were slopes going up one after another.

"Go to your resting place." The soldier on the left was wearing the badge of a lieutenant officer. He was a captain. His whole face was hidden behind the gas mask. Only a pair of cold eyes without any emotion could observe everything outside through the glass.

"Hey, kid, you're not bad. It's a pity that you're going to the Redemption Camp." The soldier on the right seemed to be in a good mood, and his voice sounded very young. He was a second lieutenant.

"Shut up!"

The dry corridor returned to calm again, with only the heavy footsteps left by the soldiers' leather shoes coming and going and hitting the ground.

After walking up for a long time, the long slope finally came to an end - a single cell separated by a black iron door.

"Go in, someone will come to pick you up in three days."

Opening an iron door casually, the two soldiers threw Chen Guo and the package in, and walked away with heavy steps.

The room was not small, with an area of ​​several dozen square meters. A large network of four cameras covered the entire room. There was a squat toilet in a corner, a bed, a short refrigerator, and a brand-new projector embedded in the roof.

Although it was very simple, not even comparable to the express hotels on Earth, it was at least much better than the small dog cage.

There was no peculiar smell.

Lying on the bed, Chen Guo first slept soundly until the soldier who delivered the food did not wake Chen Guo up, and impatiently threw the boxed food through the gap in the cell door onto Chen Guo, and then he slowly woke up.

After drinking a cup of specially adjusted blue repair liquid, Chen Guo finished the food in the box with a piece of "green fruit".

Not to mention, although this green fruit looks completely different from an apple, it tastes exactly the same, just a little sour.


After spitting out the diamond-shaped fruit core, Chen Guo opened the package thrown at the foot of the bed.

Tight rubber suit, black gloves, a breathing mask with a red skull printed on it, and a pair of black boots... This is a complete set of combat uniforms. Except for the lack of bulletproof vests and weapons, the combat uniforms of the Redemption Camp should be here.

Pulling over the documents written in Low Gothic - it is a voluntary letter. After signing this document, you will voluntarily enter the Redemption Camp and temporarily get rid of your identity as an imperial criminal.

"Hehe, who can survive 10,000 battlefield missions?"

"A whore's indenture is more reliable than this."

With a laugh, Chen Guo signed Little Jack's name and threw it aside.

The escape plan has passed the most reliable hurdle, and the remaining difficulties can only rely on luck.

However, luck is just luck, and Chen Guo still has his own trump card.

"Fantasy Manifestation Data Table"

[Manifestation Unit]: 4280

Looking at this exaggerated number, Chen Guo couldn't help but smile. According to the calculation that a person's soul can provide 20 manifestations, no less than 200 people died around him in such a short time.

This does not include the manifestation power of two Huanglong Pills!

If the manifestation power of two Huanglong Pills is counted, it is not a problem to break through 5000.

"5000 manifestation power... is enough to manifest some handy things."

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