Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 3: The Rebellious Thousand Sons (Please give me a reward, please add me to your collection,

"Fruit, fruit~"


The intimate voice in her ears and the ubiquitous soreness all over her body made Chen Guo slowly wake up from the darkness that filled her eyes.

He wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. It was not until he exhausted all his strength that he finally opened his eyes.

The first thing I saw was the anxious expressions of Soni and Solan, and what came after that was Linda's expression of complete indifference.

But anyone who is not a fool can see that there is deep worry in the depths of her eyes.


"What happened?" Chen Guo was a little confused and sat up from the soft bed with the support of Soni and Solan.

"On the third day after the transformation, you did not wake up as I calculated, but were in a coma for two and a half months." Linda told the facts calmly.


Chen Guo suddenly woke up. It was only then that he suddenly discovered that his perspective had been inexplicably raised. Even when he was just sitting, he was half a body taller than the women next to him.

He is now at least 2.6 meters tall.

No, he must be about 2.8 meters, or even taller. I guess he won't be much shorter than the Ogryn ape-men this time.

"Guo, you finally woke up!"

Solan and Soni looked at Chen Guo with tears in their eyes. Ever since they knew about the accident, she and Soni had been by Chen Guo's side and had not had a normal rest for many days.

"I'm fine!" They each kissed their cheeks, and Chen Guo looked at Linda, pretending to be humorous and teasing: "Dear Linda, sage, I didn't know that you were in a coma for nearly three months because of me. , do you have any clues?"

Linda shook her head, and an apology finally appeared on her straight face: "It was my mistake. I overestimated your body's endurance. Your body cannot bear these organs immediately, and the culture medium is too much." Damn it, so I went into irreversible hibernation. But fortunately, you are awake now."

"Oh, so it's okay?"

Chen Guo carefully felt the situation inside her body.

Everything is very normal, everything is there, including the death singing voice that has not been used for a long time.

"Yes, to be precise, it's nothing. However, some people don't want to believe what I say."

Linda glared at Solan and Soni fiercely, while the twins all showed embarrassed and embarrassed expressions.

Obviously, they must have said a lot of unpleasant words to Linda while Chen Guo was in coma.

Chen Guo just rolled his eyes and knew what was going on. He slapped the two little girls' asses hard, asked them to step aside, and opened his arms to Linda and straightened up. chest.

Linda hesitated for a moment, then slowly climbed onto the bed. Like a beautiful snake, she wriggled her limbs and slowly lay on Chen Guo's chest in the middle.

Weiwei hugged the three women in his arms, Chen Guo felt the unparalleled power slowly flowing through her body with an expressionless face.

This pure power coming from the transformed body made him unable to help but become intoxicated with it.

Hugging the woman in his arms tighter, Chen Guo kissed their foreheads one by one, and then said, "Don't worry, your men are less likely to die now."

"Why, don't believe me!"

"Actually, I don't want to believe it either. However, I think I can give it a try now. Do you think I will die the same as Sage Linda who doesn't give me an anesthetic?"

"Of course, I will not forget you two little guys. In other words... to a certain extent, should you call me the father of genes, my daughters?"



Feeling the violent vibrations coming from under her feet, Chen Guo hugged the twins standing on both sides of her body and said, "Don't be so nervous. Everything will go as planned. You guys just treat it as a practical training. Even if there are any mistakes, It doesn’t matter, training and training are just for discovering mistakes.”


With a dull sound, the arrow-shaped landing module quickly hit the deck of the star port.


The hatch ejected, and Chen Guo once again repeated the plan that Bian had made in advance.

"According to the plan, Sony, you will take the wizard group and the assault group to capture the cargo warehouse and engine room to prevent the engine from being damaged and the cargo from being destroyed. Solan, you will take the assault group and the wizard group to control the bridge of the star port. , kill all the soldiers who dare to resist. As for other groups to maintain order in the star port, try not to kill people. I need enough people to help me mine!"



"be safe!"

Looking at the two teams disappearing in front of her eyes, Chen Guo walked leisurely towards the lobby of the Star Port.

This is a small galaxy located on the northern boundary of the Extreme Star Field, called Lyquemons.

This galaxy has only one aging star and two mineral planets.

Compared with large galaxies that often have dozens or dozens of planets, this galaxy is really small and pitiful.

It was conquered by the Space Wolves' expeditionary fleet.

But the roaming wolves did not occupy this galaxy. Instead, they simply and roughly threw it to the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Colonial Affairs as usual, and then turned around to expedition to the next galaxy world.

Although this place also belongs to the Extreme Star Region, it is a long way from the Five Hundred Worlds governed by the Smurfs.

Going further north from this galaxy is the Outer Realm shrouded in darkness.

That is a place that cannot be covered by the psychic lighthouse. It is wild, dark, brutal and full of murderous intent.

But this does not mean that there is no human civilization outside.

No one can use specific language to describe how vast the territory of the human empire was in the golden age. How does that sentence go - I see, I conquer!

But at this moment, not everyone in the empire thinks so. They are promoting the darkness of the Outer Realm and advocating that they should gather within the range illuminated by the lighthouse.

However, smart people know that the fairy tale that the Outer Realm is dark is just a lie to escape reality portrayed by this cowardly empire shrouded in the glory of the emperor.

But it was this kind of lie that made the cowards of the empire gradually forget how their ancestors sailed in the dark subspace.

In the distant future, these babies will only remember how to sail when they see that shining lighthouse!

"Master, this is the governor of this galaxy. He and his family were caught by Madam Soni when they wanted to escape by spaceship. She asked me to send them to you."

Chen Guo stopped and looked at the large group of people who were brought to him.

Chen Guo walked to the governor of the galaxy who was in the lead.

Behind him were his family, men, women, young and old.

I didn't realize that this guy was quite family-oriented. He didn't forget to take his family with him when he fled.

Chen Guo lowered his head and looked at the middle-aged governor who was dressed in luxurious clothes, thin and looked extremely embarrassed. He smiled and said in a kind tone: "I hope you can tell me some news that I don't know, so that you and your family may still have a chance to survive!"

"I won't say anything, long live the empire!"

Chen Guo pursed his lips in disdain, and suddenly threw a punch, directly smashing the head of a young man behind him who looked a bit like him.

"I'll give you another chance!"

Facing the death of his son, the governor was so angry that he trembled all over. He wanted to rush up and bite Chen Guo, but in the end he still held back and pinched his collar gracefully.

"Dirty pirate..."


With just one punch, Chen Guo once again smashed the head of a man behind him.

"This is your last chance. Say something I want to hear. Thank you."

Wipe the palm covered with brain and blood on the Governor's body, Chen Guo put his fist on the head of a woman this time. The woman was so scared that she trembled all over and her face turned pale. She seemed to have completely forgotten how to cry.

"Father, save me! Save me!"

"Anna! I won't say anything to you, the nobles of your empire, the dirty pirates. You can kill me or cut me up as you please!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, so loyal! Hey, have you guys completed assimilation?"

Chen Guo didn't hit the fist in the end. Instead, he asked the demons standing aside with a smile on his face.

"Master, it has been completely assimilated."

"Oh, really? Tell me, what is the biggest secret in the heart of our galaxy governor?"

Chen Guo took the towel handed by the demon and wiped off the stubborn blood and brain stuck between his fingers.

"Mr. Valance, the star district governor, successfully made his two daughters pregnant with his children, a son and a daughter."

"Young, which two?"

"This one and that one."

Looking in the direction of the demons' fingers, the two young women standing a little further away immediately flashed an uneasy expression in their eyes, but on the surface they were still pretending to be calm.

The man standing next to them looked at the boy and girl protected behind them with a confused look on his face.

"Anything else?"

"He used 150 young subspecies girls and 5 million potatoes to buy a 15-square-meter house in the "Glorious" nest city on Terra, and used it to bribe the secretary and governor of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, Estras, so that his name stood out from many competitors and got the appointment letter to become the governor..."

As one crazy secret after another was spit out, the face of Mr. Star District Governor became more and more ugly, but it was not known whether he was gambling or his temper was really so stubborn.

He didn't say a word anymore, not even a word of begging for mercy.

"Okay, stop talking, take them away!"

"Yes, Master!"

"My Lord, Madam Soni has completed the mission, but Madam Solan's progress has been blocked. A small part of the Imperial Navy has occupied the engine center of the starport, saying that as long as they attack by force, they will directly blow up the control center of the starport engine and let the entire starport fall towards the planet!"

"Stop!" Listening to the report in his ears, Chen Guo directly stopped the governor's family from being taken away.

"Take them all over, tell those imperial soldiers, if they don't surrender, kill one per minute, and if they still don't surrender after killing them, let Solan retreat, but don't forget to help them when you leave, blow up the engine for me, I hate people threatening me!"

"Yes, Master."

"My Lord, here is another message that may be of interest to you."


"This is a message that arrived yesterday... It is an order, not a message. The 15th Legion, the Thousand Sons, has confirmed that it has betrayed the Empire. All the star regions and mixed expeditionary fleets stationed by the Thousand Sons are to immediately capture all the Thousand Sons Astartes and Thousand Sons mortal auxiliary troops.

At the same time, any Thousand Sons Astartes who dare to resist and rescue the Thousand Sons will be thoroughly and strictly eliminated and suppressed. The order is signed by Horus Lupercal."

"So fast?"

Chen Guo was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

It's not fast, but he was in a coma for three months.

Three months of complete dormancy caused some errors in his perception of time. If these three months are counted, then the time is exactly right.

The Thousand Sons will completely escape into the arms of Tzeentch under the hammer of the Space Wolves, and the temporary withdrawal of the Thousand Sons represents the real beginning of the Horus Heresy.

But this also means that Chen Guo has little time left. He must make all preparations before Lorgar, the Primarch of the Word Bearers, organizes a group to launch a Shadow Crusade.

But... is it really too late?

The Horus Heresy is about to begin, but he is still training his troops. A small part of the spearhead group is there, but there is no sign of the huge army.

No, he must speed up. Every minute cannot be wasted now. If he fails to kill Angron this time, Chen Guo will not only have to cut flesh from Slaanesh, but he may also have to add the name of Khorne.


Calling the escort team once again, Chen Guo drew out the flame brick hammer expressionlessly, "Engine room, which direction is it?"


"Commander, the signal for help cannot be sent out at all, and the signal of the entire galaxy has been cut off."

"Keep sending, is the bomb installed?"

"It has been installed, and it is manually detonated, and it can completely paralyze the engine of the entire starport at any time!"

Milu Bra, an imperial colonel, is also a garrison member sent to Licmons by the Imperial Ministry of Justice.

Originally, according to the system, he only needed to organize a complete legal team here, and then he could leave here and return to Terra to report.

But because this place is too remote, and it is on the border, various aliens and pirates will appear from time to time, so he did not leave, but voluntarily stayed here to serve the empire and the emperor until the last drop of blood was shed.

But what he never expected was that he would be loyal to the empire so soon!

"Give me the detonator. For the Empire and the Emperor, I will immediately detonate the bomb if they dare to rush in."

"Bomb, are you talking about this line?" The strange voice behind him froze Milu Bra in place. He slowly turned around and looked at the burly man standing behind him with a smile on his face.

The only way to the main control engine of the starport is this one in front of him. Where did he come from?

But he will never have the chance to know the answer to this question. Chen Guo kicked him in the chest without waiting for him to ask, fusing half of his body with the steel plate behind him. Then he raised the strange hammer in his hand and kept cutting through the air, just like whacking a mole, smashing the heads of imperial soldiers one by one with great ease. Soon, a mountain of corpses piled up in the already narrow engine room, making it even more difficult to walk.

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