Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 4: Aftermath (Transition Chapter)

"The Le Tribe?"

"What kind of race is this? Linda, please introduce it to me."

Hearing Chen Guo's question, Linda, who was in his arms, rolled her eyes unhappily: "Dear, the information is right in front of you. Can't you read? I'm not your mother."

"Hehe, great Sage Linda, you transformed my body, you are like my mother, now please tell me about it!"

Hearing Chen Guo's strange address, Linda rolled her eyes again unhappily, and pinched Chen Guo's lower back fiercely with her hand, which made Chen Guo shudder all over. At the same time, she reached out and picked up the high pile of information on the side to search.

"I really can't do anything with you. I found... The Le Clan is the indigenous race of the planet Lecmons I. They were the pioneers who immigrated here in the Golden Age. Later, due to the Iron Man War and the Warp Storm, they lost contact with Terra and experienced technological regression.

Before the Space Wolf Expedition Fleet 36994 conquered here again, the technology here was equivalent to the Middle Ages, and the social system was feudal slavery..."

Through Linda's explanation, Chen Guo gradually learned the details of the Le Clan. Like most human colonies that lost contact with Terra due to the Iron Man War and the Warp Storm, they not only experienced a technological gap and regression, but also a certain degree of regression in the social system.

The Le Clan is still good, just returning to the Middle Ages. Chen Guo knows that many planets have completely returned to the primitive age.

But fortunately, with the Empire's nearly ten years of conquest and domestication as a wedding dress, the Le Clan has basically integrated into the Empire, accepted the Empire's culture, and is no longer a group of medieval natives who know nothing.

"Don't be distracted... Because the gravity of this planet is much lower than that of Terra, only half of Terra, so the people of the Le tribe have generally grown taller and thinner this year, and their fingers are extremely flexible. They have strong talents in playing musical instruments and textiles.

In addition, the people of the Le tribe love peace. They worship an alien sect called the Goddess of Nature outside the domain. Under the guidance of the sect, they not only took the initiative to abandon the nest city built in the Golden Age, but also lived in the forest instead. At the same time, it is suspected that they have been genetically modified, and their lifespan is extremely long, with an average lifespan of an astonishing 2,000 years, but the reproduction rate is low, and there are only more than one million people to date... It is also a sub-human species that is more entertaining, useless, and can only be used as slaves and raw materials!"

Linda threw away the information in her hand.

They also love peace and nature... It's really strange how they survived until now?

"Linda, what are you going to do with the Le people?"

"With only a few hundred thousand people, what else can we do? First, we will mine and take away all the ore that can be mined. At the same time, we will transform a group of more than 100,000 people into a flesh and blood army to make up for the fact that we don't have a cannon fodder army... Isn't this what we agreed on before? What? Are you going to change your mind again?"

"No... Let's do it according to the original agreement!"

Chen Guo shook his head. Mining and transforming the mechanical army are both time-consuming and labor-intensive projects without exception, but he only has less than two years to prepare. In addition, if we deduct the half year that may be consumed on the road... Alas, I can only hope that I can catch up!

However, compared to having a large army, Chen Guo has another thing to do now, which is to collect 80,000 materialization points to exchange for the Blood River Scripture.

It seems that he has to start a killing spree. Since he can't meet any high-quality evil god apostles to obtain materialization points, he can only make up for it by the number of souls.

"I want to go down. Is there anything you need me to bring for you?"

"Catch a dozen Le people and try to catch people of different physiques. I want to design them and see what kind of biological weapons they can be transformed into?"

"I personally think that the Scarlet Walker is good. Even the design is omitted." Chen Guo couldn't help but think of the Scarlet Walkers with countless hands and feet. Not to mention that the thing looks pitifully weak now, but it looks fierce. Just relying on scaring people is enough to gain the upper hand.

"Hehe, there is no material. The materials and design of the Scarlet Walker are too complicated. Without the help of mechanical servants, it is very slow to make. And I position them as warriors. What we need now is cannon fodder. Nothing else is needed. As long as the vitality is tenacious and can stand in front of your wizard group to block it, it is enough!"

"Cannon fodder..."

Chen Guo suddenly had an idea. He thought of an excellent cannon fodder accelerator.

He slowly put his hand into the magic bag, and the materialization points in his mind also dropped rapidly.

Soon, a tube of green medicine appeared in his hand.

"What is this?"

Linda was no stranger to magic bags.

Chen Guo not only used it herself, but also gave each of the three women a magic bag.

In order to figure out why this thing could hold so many things, she had already opened two or three of them for research, which hurt Chen Guo's flesh!

Until Chen Guo forced her to swear not to open them for research, she gave Linda another one.

"This is called the "T virus", which I accidentally got when I was on the run. It is a biological weapon from the golden age.

When injected into organisms, they can be turned into fearless corpse monsters. Their saliva and blood can infect more organisms, so I call them zombies, which means they have lost their humanity, zombie personality and beast-like corpses! "

"T virus, why haven't I heard of it?"

Linda's tone was full of doubts. If there really is such a biological weapon, even if the formula has been lost, the name should be left behind. Even if there is no special detailed explanation, it must have appeared in a certain historical event.

However, in Linda's memory, which is as vast as the ocean, this name has never appeared. It is the first time she has heard this name today, so it is inevitable that she will be confused.

"Hehe, the golden age is so long, and it has experienced wars that lasted for hundreds or thousands of years. If you have heard of it, then it's a ghost!

No, what, don't you believe me and think I'm playing with you? Do you have a living experimental subject here? I'll experiment with it for you! "

Chen Guo laughed and temporarily moved over, then used Linda's live test subject - a pirate who was captured not long ago, to show her the power of the T virus.

In the transparent glass room, Linda saw clearly that in just a few minutes, a pirate who was originally full of energy, after being injected with a trace amount of "T virus", soon lost all his breath, and then turned pale from head to toe, bloodless, his eyes were dull, and all the black blood vessels in his body burst on the surface of the skin.

And after the heartbeat and pulse died in various physical senses, it did not fall down, but hit the glass wall with its head again and again, tirelessly, regardless of the pain, just for Taste the delicious flesh and blood of Chen Guo and Linda behind the glass wall.

Even though it was hit with a bloody head, a fractured skull, and its brain exposed, it still didn't give up!

Looking at it, Linda immediately became energetic!

Using various equipment, she quickly studied the zombie in front of her from beginning to end.

Then, by observing the T virus in the potion bottle that had not been injected into the body, and after two more experiments to create two new zombies, Linda finally found the key to the T virus and discovered its secret.

"After my research, I found that this is a parasitic virus. After entering the host's body, this virus will develop in two directions, one is benign and the other is malignant.

Benign will bring a certain degree of enhancement to the body, but the probability is very low. I have done tens of thousands of simulation experiments, and only two of them have been benign, so it can be almost ignored.

However, the malignant virus will kill the host and occupy his body in a very short time. At the same time, it will use the body's instinctive bloodthirstiness and the virus's desire to reproduce to attack and eat living organisms to obtain nutrients and infect other organisms to reproduce the virus!

In addition, this virus is extremely stable and will not mutate, but I found obvious traces of gene editing inside the virus.

According to my reverse query, this parasitic virus will stimulate the host's dead body to grow again after a period of energy replenishment according to the program written by the gene, until it grows into a relative shape suitable for the virus's survival and hunting environment..."

The more Linda talked, the more excited she became. In the eyes of a master in the field of biological weapons like her, this virus was like a piece of pure white plasticine that had not been contaminated by any other color. After just a while of research, the basic templates of several new biological weapons had appeared in her mind.

"It is worthy of being a biological weapon left over from the golden age. With it, I will be able to cultivate a batch of powerful biological weapons soon! "

Linda, who had obtained the research treasure, immediately drove Chen Guo out of the laboratory, and then closed the entire laboratory, and began to study quietly and without any interruption how to make this biological weapon from the "Golden Age" shine again in this universe!

Looking at Linda who was in a workaholic state again, Chen Guo could only curl his lips speechlessly, and took Solan and Soni on the transport ship in the new port, and slowly landed on the planet Licomons No. 1.

On the ground, a large number of demons had completely occupied all the nests, and under the cover of frigates and various heavy firepower, they began to move towards the entire planet.

The Imperial Army on this planet was no match for the demons, and soon tens of thousands of people were captured, and the other The soldiers who didn't surrender were either killed or fled, and as they were killed or captured, the voices of resistance became smaller and smaller.

Looking at this, it is estimated that in one or two days at most, Chen Guo can control the entire planet!

As for the ordinary indigenous Le people and ordinary people who immigrated from the empire, Chen Guo didn't make it too difficult, but they were all forced to stay in their homes.

Chen Guo meant that they needed manual mining, so as long as they were obedient, he would not be so cruel as to kill them all.

But once someone was found to have left home, Chen Guo would never show mercy. These brave guys would be regarded as rebels and immediately arrested and locked up with the prisoners of the Imperial Army.

Chen Guo's purpose of coming here this time was to slaughter these rebels and captives. Although he was not a butcher who felt uncomfortable if he didn't kill people every day, in order to collect 80,000 points of materialization points, he didn't mind being covered in blood at all. Anyway, he had killed a lot of people.

It was just right. He solved these restless guys and prevented them from making trouble. He also got enough materialization points to exchange for what he wanted. He also established his prestige to ensure the stability of the entire planet. Killing three birds with one stone, why not do it!

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