Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 24 The Arrival of the Black Ship. (Seeking everything, reward, recommendation.)

"Zhabu, this is my friend. I want to ask you to help him join your team!"

The mechanical old man sitting on the oilcloth slowly turned his already mechanized body, smoking a cigar made of something fused together in his mouth.

This is a semi-mechanical man. The biggest difference between it and those pure mechanical stocks is that it is transformed by humans, not a mechanical servant assembled by machines. This means that his status is higher than that of a mechanical servant, but compared with the mechanical monks of the real Mechanic Order, it is still a slave, but he can always be domineering with the name of the Mechanic Order!

"What is the origin?"

"From the Greater Triangle Galaxy, this is my Imperial Citizenship Certificate, as well as the Greater Triangle Galaxy, the work certificate issued by the Galaxy Governor's Office and related certification documents!"

Chen Guoju hunched his body, pretending to be very respectful and looking at the semi-mechanical man in front of him. At the same time, he was silently complaining in his heart, when had he ever been so humble?

"Oh, it's the Triangle Galaxy!" The half-robot Zabu didn't even look at the document that Chen Guo handed over, but silently took a golden coin hidden under the document, "Okay, okay, I won't look at these things. These things can be bought with a little money on the black market.

I don't care. It's 5:30 pm Terra time now. At this time tomorrow, you come to this place in the space station to find me, and I'll take you on board.

Remember, you are not allowed to bring anything except clothes, otherwise I don't know what will happen at that time.

If you have anything valuable, deposit it in the space station bank here. It is a bank established by the Steel Ball Casting World. Mechanical The servants will directly set the price for the items you provide. You can directly withdraw the corresponding currency in the Steel Ball Casting World. The 20% handling fee is not expensive!"

"Thank you!"

"Don't thank me. Although I don't know if you are really from the Greater Triangle Galaxy, I did come from there. So, when I meet fellow countrymen, I always like to help them. I just hope that if you do well in the future, don't forget to mention my name in front of the mechanical monks!"

After saying this, Zabu limped up from the oilcloth, rolled up the oilcloth on the ground, held the alloy coin in his hand, hummed an unknown little song, smoked a cigar, and disappeared in front of Chen Guo.

Slowly exhaling a stream of air from his nose, all the smoke that enveloped his eyes was blown away. Chen Guo slowly straightened up, "You go first, I will find you after I finish!"

"Okay, then you have to be careful and don't forget the time... My Lord, goodbye!"

After hugging the demon face in front of him, Chen Guo turned around and disappeared in the crowded crowd around him.

Following the instructions along the way, Chen Guo mixed in the crowd and walked into the Mechanical Advent Bank opened by the Mechanical Adventist Association.

Banks are a joke in this universe, but if they are only operated in a small range, then the establishment of banks is very necessary.

The premise is to take anti-theft measures.

For example, the bank established by the Steel Ball Casting World, the unique alloy currency it issued is extremely difficult to imitate, because the cost of imitation is also very high, it can be said that it is almost trading with high-grade metals of equal value.

Therefore, even if it is imitated, the Steel Ball Casting World will not stop it, but will be happy to see it happen. After all, who doesn't want to have more and more high-grade metal resources in their hands?

After entering the bank to exchange and deposit some precious metal mineral resources that he had specially prepared, Chen Guo followed the instructions of the machine and walked into a small Star Harbor Hotel not far away.

But before he had time to climb up the stairs, there was only a giant in the distant starry sky, a giant that made Chen Guo feel very familiar!

It was the battleship with a blue hull and an unknown logo!

"Escaped?" Chen Guo stood there in silence for a moment and shook his head.

Although he could easily find that there were many scars on this battleship through appearance observation, in fact, these scars were not fatal, and they felt like they were deliberately made old.

And the real situation of this battleship seemed to be unscathed!

"How is this possible?"

Although the Midnight Lords did not have a giant-level killer weapon like a battleship, it also had several most advanced cruisers and dozens of frigates.

When Chen Guo left, this giant battleship had already been turned off and became a gun mount, so how did it end up here again?

"Could it be that they are not the same ship?"

While thinking, the battleship docked heavily on the star port. A large number of mechanical servants squeezed through the crowd and quickly rushed to the deck where the battleship landed. Countless mechanical monks with live ammunition began to go to the streets to drive people away, driving everyone into the room, making the originally extremely narrow star port wider again.

"Hello, the star port is now under martial law. It is expected to be under martial law for three hours (Terra time). Please come out after three hours, otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

In the words of the mechanical monks without any human emotions, the crowd began to disperse, and the noisy atmosphere disappeared. There were only pairs of curious eyes and conspiracies hidden in these eyes.

Standing by the window that had been automatically blocked, Chen Guo put on her hood and finally activated the mask of truth on her face.

The next second, a clear picture entered his eyes with the blessing of the Mask of Truth. Chen Guo finally saw clearly who these people who came off the battleship were!

"How can it be!"

Looking at the Imperial Guards who were walking at the front with their arms and legs spread out, and then at the Sister Mechanical Sister who was following behind, silent, but exuding a dashing figure all over her body, Chen Guo had a look of astonishment on her face.

Shouldn't these guys be in the Emperor's palace right now, defending against the Chaos Daemons that spew out from the cracks in the Webway?

How would it appear here?

Suddenly, Chen Guo looked at the majestic battleship in the distance again, and accurately locked on that symbol.

Those complex symbols were dismantled and reorganized in his mind until they became a symbol that he would never forget in his dreams.

It's the famous one - Black Ship!

"Fuck, why did the Night Lords actually lose? It turned out that they encountered a black ship! Such a huge black ship must be one of the thirteen ships, but I don't know which silence will be commanding her. Judge?"

Chen Guo's face showed an expression of fascination.

He has admired these silent elder sisters for a long time!

Of course, it was just admiration. He was not a Slaanesh believer. At most, he just took a photo with them!

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