Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 25: Obtaining the title of Oil Man (Seeking rewards, collections, recommendations, everythin

"Sir, this is my relative, who wants to spend time in Hukou!" Zabu's stiff mechanical face was full of smiles, with only a little wrinkled flesh sticking to the steel face, looking extremely wretched and disgusting.

The mechanical monk in front of him just flashed across Chen Guo's face coldly, and then ignored them, waving his steel palm casually in the air, "Go in!"

"Thank you, why don't you come and thank you Sir!" Zabu's eyes turned hard, and Chen Guo, who got the hint, immediately came up, thanked him and stuffed two gold coins into the hands of the mechanical monk.

Following Zabu into the stuffy and crowded cabin, Zabu looked very prestigious. As soon as he came in, many oil masters made way for him and greeted him enthusiastically: "Boss Zabu, you are here!"

But Zabu ignored them and walked to the bottom of the spaceship, spread the oilcloth in his hand and sat down, "Don't stand, we will fly all day, sit down!" Pointing to the empty space next to him, Zabu took out another cigar and started to suck it.

Chen Guo looked at the oil master in front of him and sat down on the oilcloth silently.

"Want a puff?"


"If you don't know, you have to learn." Zabu forcefully stuffed a thumb-thick cigar into Chen Guo's arms, "After you go in, you will be divided into groups and inspected. After passing the inspection, remember to go to Line 3, where the pollution and radiation are the lowest. In this way, you can work for three or four years, make enough money, and then go back to continue the family line and have a baby or something!"

"Can you still go out?"

"Of course you can go out. The Rand selectors are very kind. Every three or four years, they will let a group of people go out."

"Then why don't you leave?"

"I can't leave. There is no way to leave. I have been here for seventy years. My family hasn't sent a letter for a long time. I heard that they encountered interstellar pirates and half of the nest was slaughtered.

And I have lost the ability to reproduce due to excessive radiation. Now my only thought is to save enough money before I die to undergo a genetic clone, so that at least I can pass on myself..."

Zhabu's words have not yet After he finished speaking, an old man beside him suddenly asked, "Boss Zabu, you haven't saved enough money yet? Ordinary gene clones only need ten gold coins?"

Before Zabu had time to speak, another old man who looked like he was not very mechanized said, "Hey, ten gold coins, are you dreaming? Gene clones produce mutants, who can only live in the forging world forever and cannot even obtain the status of a formal citizen of the empire.

Boss Zabu wants the top gene clones, which will not only allow you to obtain the status of an imperial citizen at birth, but also give you the opportunity to be selected as a mechanical monk or even a mechanical priest, which is the real leap over the dragon gate..."

"Okay, stop bragging, and rest peacefully. You won't have time to rest after you go back!" Zabu interrupted the nonsense between the old men, slowly leaned against the hard cabin wall, closed his cloudy eyes and began to rest.

Of course, while resting, he did not forget to suck on the cigar in his mouth, which looked like he was holding a pacifier.

Chen Guo put the cigar in his arms under his nose and smelled it. It was very spicy, like a combination of chili and pepper, not like tobacco at all.

"Boy, this is called Bajingcao, which has a certain analgesic effect. You have to learn to smoke it quickly, otherwise your skin will be severely rotten due to radiation in two or three days on the line. If you haven't learned to smoke it by then, you will be in pain!" The old oil man who just spoke slowly stretched out his palm, and with a slight sound, a rushing orange-red flame shot out from his palm, helping Chen Guo to light the cigar in his hand.

"Thank you!"

"Don't be so polite, kid. Although it's very dangerous inside, it's at least much safer than outside. Work hard. If you can curry favor with those mechanical monks, don't forget that I lit a cigarette for you!"

"I will!" Like Zabu holding a cigar, Chen Guo also leaned against the wall and began to close his eyes and rest, ready to wait for the spaceship to take off.

But what I didn't expect was that this wait lasted for several Terra days. It was said that in order to receive some important people, all spaceships were temporarily not allowed to enter the galaxy where the Forge World was located, including the Forge World's own spaceships.

It was not until the seventh day that the spaceship finally started slowly, accompanied by a violent shake, and quickly left the starport and rushed to the edge of the distant galaxy.

During these seven days, Chen Guo ate, drank, defecated and urinated with these engine oil masters.

Although the dirty engine oil odor emanating from them made Chen Guo want to vomit several times, Chen Guo still felt a lot.

The rapid improvement of his strength made him not have much understanding of the entire Warhammer world. It was not until he spent a few days with these engine oil masters that he suddenly felt that this was the real Warhammer world.

Cruel, bloody, dark and hopeless...

For these engine oil masters, their status in the Forge World is extremely low.

Although the mechanical monks would not kill them for no reason, the threat of the Forge World is not just that.

Radiation, high temperature, low temperature, noise... none of them is something that ordinary humans can endure.

The Casting World is like a big capitalist who is good at exploitation. The reason why they use the oil masters is because the damage rate and failure rate of mechanical servants are too high, and the cost of maintenance is also high.

As long as these oil masters can be given simple treatment, they will be like indestructible cockroaches and keep working for them.

Even if they die, they only need to find a boiling boiler to throw their bodies into it, and there is no need to bother with God at all.

Of course, before throwing them in, all the valuable things on them will be pulled out!

After a long seven days of waiting, the spacecraft successfully arrived at the starport above the Steel Ball Casting World in less than half a day.

Driven by the mechanical monks, the oil masters were divided into two groups, one group was newcomers like Chen Guo, and the other group was old people like Zabu.

After a simple test, Zabu and his men were allowed to leave, each walking towards their own work line, while newcomers like Chen Guo were left behind and began to conduct comprehensive tests and inquiries.

Because of the existence of Linda, the big "inside ghost", Chen Guo, who had planned it in advance, easily passed the inspection and questioning.

But unfortunately, he did not join the No. 3 line as Zabu and others said, but was forced to be assigned to the No. 1 line with strong radiation, and became a machine oil master who supervised and managed fifteen machine servants on the No. 1 line.

Holding the radiation protection suit and medicine given by the mechanical monks, Chen Guo left the inspection team and walked towards the No. 1 line according to the instructions on the ground and the wall.

Regarding the No. 1 line, Chen Guo had learned from the machine oil master when he was on the spaceship that it was a high-radiation line known as the death line. It was full of super-large machine tools with strong radiation, which were specially used to make various radiation armors and equipment.

Even for those machine oil masters whose bodies had been mechanized for the most part, they were unwilling to work on such a line.

However, Chen Guo didn't care, he came for these machine tools.

Besides, with his current physique, radiation that can't even kill those old motor oils instantly, what's the difference between it and X-ray for him?

After turning the twisted and curved passage, a team of mechanical cathars appeared in front of them, marching in an orderly manner, escorting four or five tall silent sisters behind them.

"Close your eyes and face the wall!" The cathars in front shouted loudly. Chen Guo quickly took a step forward and turned his face to the wall, but he couldn't help but glance at it from the corner of his eyes.

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