Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 47: Raid on the Assassin's Court (Part 1) (1/2)

"Follow my orders and let's go!"

Like a black boulder, the huge Death Ray slowly took off from the star port and silently merged into the fleet that had been ready to go.

This time, in addition to the Death Ray, a modified ancient battleship, there was also a heavy cruiser equipped with segmental space jumping equipment and more than forty frigates.

The size of the fleet is not large, but Chen Guo can actually bring more ships.

But he didn't do that.

The reason was that Chen Guo was worried about the safety of Solan and the others, so he left most of the cruisers and frigates behind.

"Start the subspace jump engine, activate the void shield, activate the Geiger stance, and the entire fleet enters the subspace navigation mode!" Orders came out of Des's mouth, and the silent fleet began to move quickly.

The Deathray took the lead and crashed into the warp, followed by the Wandering Astartes, the cruiser commanded by Lew Doyle, and then the frigates.

Soon, the dense fleet completely disappeared from the vast sea of ​​​​stars.

Entering the mysterious subspace, a vague sense of intimacy filled her heart, and Chen Guo inexplicably felt like she was home.

He glanced at the ring on his finger and knew that it was affecting him.

However, this small amount of intimacy was not enough to make him have the idea of ​​completely falling into chaos!

"My lord, are you going to move forward according to the goals set in advance?"

"Yes, Lao De, I'll leave this to you. I'll go back and rest for a while. If there's any emergency, call me. If there's no emergency, it's not too late to call me when you get to your location!"

"Understood, my lord!"

Returning to the specially decorated cabin on the Dead Ray, Chen Guo decisively refused some of the special services provided by the demon face. He sat alone at the desk and began to take out his plan book.

This time, he might make a mistake.

Of course this is just the worst possibility.

If everything goes well, he can come back in half a year to a year at most. Although he may miss the birth of his daughter, she is still young anyway, and she should not feel strange after not seeing him for a few months. .

However, if everything goes wrong, then the specific time of return will be completely uncertain. After all, Chen Guo is not a god and cannot accurately see what will happen in the future.

But one thing is certain, that is, he will pull out Malcador's dog - the Assassin's Court Headquarters in the Ultimate Star Territory.

Chen Guo really felt a little baffled.

Now, there are quite a few rebel legions wandering around in the Extreme Star Territory, and the massacres and disasters they have caused are countless. These damn assassins don't deal with these real rebels, and they are obsessed with killing them. What's the point? matter?

"Uncle Ma, you deserve to be whipped into a mummy alive. If you don't die, I will chop off your head one day!" Chen Guo added a joke, and then continued to write down his plan.

This time, Chen Guo went to attend the founding ceremony of the Second Empire. Apart from bringing her eyes to watch the grand and magnificent military parade, Chen Guo's biggest purpose was to obtain a Mechanical Ark from Guilliman.

Of course, as long as Guilliman is willing to keep his promise and give him the Mechanical Ark, then he is also willing to work for Guilliman.

But if he doesn't want to keep his promise, don't blame Chen Guo for grabbing it himself. Anyway, Linda and Ralph Jacobs have already written the data code and program to kill the machine soul.

Just plug it into the main control system and you can use it directly!

In addition, with the joining and leaking of the traitor Ralph Jacob, Chen Guo already knew the location and configuration of a mechanical ark named Titanium.

It was a mechanical ark that belonged to Guilliman but was held by the sages of the Cult of Mechanicus.

In addition to the shipyard for manufacturing cruisers and battleships, that Mechanical Ark also has a Titan workshop dedicated to casting various models.

According to Ralph Jacobs, he worked in that workshop for more than thirty years. In those thirty years, among the Titans he built alone, there were five warlord-class Titans, and there were even more wardog-class and predator-class titans.

And it is precisely because of this merit that he was successfully selected into the Steel Ball Forging World, and is about to take over the Steel Ball Forging World and become a great sage!

But what no one knows is that Ralph Jacob’s original dream was not to become a great forger and a forging sage. He actually wanted to be a Blood and Tears Slave Master.

According to Linda, Ralph Jacob's genetic father was another biological sage, and he also suffered some extremely abnormal torture when he was very young, which made his mind extremely distorted, especially He likes to torture slaves with cruel punishment.

However, unlike Linda and their genetic father, the biological sage discovered that his offspring had a distorted personality due to his perverted desires, and immediately felt guilty and implemented remedial measures—— Ralph Jacob was forcibly castrated and his body was mechanically modified.

At the same time, the data memory of another master macrocaster who committed suicide because he lived too long was copied into Ralph Jacob's brain, turning him from a perverted blood-tear slave into a forging sage who could immediately build a super-large war machine!

Chen Guo was stunned when she first heard this story, but fortunately the ending was very touching - with the help of many friends including Linda, Ralph Jacob successfully lured and killed the gene father in an exploration mission, and put his brain into a special machine box, which would keep the brain active forever and constantly torture his brain with weak electric current...

Chen Guo retracted his divergent thinking.

According to Ralph Jacob, the mechanical ark would not move often because of the Titan workshop, and would only stop in a galaxy rich in minerals for casting.

And, more importantly, Ralph Jacob even provided several mineral galaxies where the mechanical ark had stopped.

Therefore, as long as Guilliman dared not keep his promise, Chen Guo would not say any more nonsense to him and turned around to snatch the mechanical ark.

Of course, Chen Guo would not forget to say one sentence before leaving: "Fuck you Guilliman, I won't play with you anymore!"


Time flies, five Terra days passed in the blink of an eye, and the fleet that was speeding in the warp finally stopped slowly.

Chen Guo did not dare to alarm the enemy, but sent a small frigate to enter the galaxy where the Assassin Court of the Extreme Star Region was located.

The galaxy is called the Novi Galaxy, an unknown small galaxy with only a red giant star that has entered its twilight years and a desert planet whose surface temperature is still over 60 degrees.

This is an extremely barren galaxy, so barren that the Imperial Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Colonies immediately determined that it was not suitable for colonization after reading its report, and immediately issued a notice-this is almost a miracle in the Ministry of the Interior, which is known for its slowness.

In fact, because the environment in Novi is so bad, there are no outposts or star ports here, and it is a real desolate galaxy.

But in such a small transparent galaxy, the Callidus Temple, which commands hundreds of assassin temples in the entire extreme star field, stands in the center of the sand sea.

And right above this desert planet, a small star port that has never been registered quietly surrounds this barren planet.

At this point in time, the Assassin's Court has not been officially incorporated into the Empire's organization, and it is still a secret organization.

But this is only relative.

In fact, as the Assassin's Court threw a large number of assassins on the face of Horus who was in rebellion, the whole universe knew that the Empire had such a secret spy organization dedicated to assassination and lurking.

As a secret spy organization, in order to better carry out assassinations and lurking, each star field has a mentor temple dedicated to ruling the local star field, and there is also an assassin with the title of Grand Mentor to command and direct.

The Temple of Callidus on Novi is the Temple of the Mentor of the Extreme Star Region, and there sits an experienced Grand Mentor, Priscilla Thackery.

Chen Guo already had all the information about this Grand Mentor Priscilla Thackery. She is an assassin of Callidus, and she is one of the few assassins who has obtained the level of Epsilon Dan (the highest assassin level at the moment).

She is older than the Empire, and in her long assassination career, she has only failed once, and that failure made her completely lose the ability to transform, and she was forced to return to the temple where she was nurtured and become a priest.

However, because she has rich assassination experience, she was re-selected by Lord Malcador and became the Grand Assassin of the Assassin Court of the entire Extreme Star Region.

At the same time, it was she who launched the assassination against Chen Guo and the subsequent secret fleet pretending to be interstellar pirates to attack Lecmons.

Chen Guo shook her head at the amiable mother-in-law in the photo in front of her.

Even though she tried her best to hide, Chen Guo still felt the murderous intent in her photo.

That was the result of years of killing and it was absolutely impossible to hide it.

"Tsk tsk tsk, if I kill you, will it be considered as eliminating harm for the people and gaining infinite merits?"

Chen Guo muttered a few words in a joking tone, and waited for the demon face to go to investigate.

"Master, after our secret investigation, we can now confirm that this is indeed the star system where the signal was sent.

And according to our observations and observations, we found a star port without any number and various merchant roaming families, different Astartes Legions and the Extreme Star Field. Many frigates with colonial planet naval numbers are parked on that star port.

More importantly, after our investigation, the signal channels here are very complicated. We simply tracked them backwards and found that many signal channels were sent from all corners of the Extreme Star Field."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, master, we can confirm that this is the frequency signal we detected. You can take a look!"

"No need, Des, come and take a look!"

Des quickly looked at these frequency signals, and then nodded to Chen Guo with certainty, confirming the authenticity of these signal frequencies.

Chen Guo narrowed his eyes. Since the information given by the demon face had basically confirmed that there was no wrong location, Chen Guo no longer hesitated and immediately issued an order to attack, and at the same time required that no information should be leaked.

One ship after another quickly jumped into the Novi system, and with the entry of a frigate, all the signals between the galaxies were interfered by this specially designed interference ship.

At the same time, because of the subspace storm, even the astropaths who could communicate across galaxies could no longer spread the news here!

Looking at the unknown fleet that suddenly jumped out of the subspace, the Temple of Mentor Callidus, whose signal was suddenly interfered, was stunned for a short time, and then knew that it had encountered a premeditated attack.

A large number of frigates with different force numbers and shapes took off from the star port.

However, they did not participate in the battle, but fled in different directions in all directions.

Are you kidding? Going up to fight without a cruiser is like going to die.

Rather than going to die, it is better to report the situation here!

Unfortunately, Chen Guo had already anticipated that they would do this, and brought a frigate of the same size in advance, specifically to kill those guys who wanted to escape, to ensure that the secrets here would not be leaked.

In addition, the heavy cruiser with Duan's space jump equipment also began to jump quickly under the command of Lu Duoyiner, and crushed the frigates into space debris without giving them a chance to resist.

The cruiser with real space jump equipment became the god of death at this moment. Every second it disappeared, an enemy frigate would fall.

Chen Guo did not attend this seemingly boring hunting meeting.

He directly ordered the Death Ray to launch a biological torpedo towards the star port and dropped three biological bombs on the desert planet below.

Chen Guo is not stupid. These assassins must have transformed this desert planet into an iron wall. Instead of wasting human lives, it is better to use ruthless means directly.

After most of the assassins below are dead, send the Zero Corps, which is not afraid of the T virus, to encircle and suppress them.

When the assassins who survived the virus bomb found such a group of powerful gene warriors, marching in uniform steps, fearlessly rushing towards them, and they could only struggle desperately, the scene would be very interesting!

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