Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 48: Raid on the Assassin's Court (Part 2) (1/2)



"kill me!"

"Buzz buzz~"

Green ripples hit the body of the person seeking death, and the weird cone-shaped psychic shock wave destroyed all her nerves in an instant.

Looking at another body that died under his own gun, Hubert Plan's eyes were still cold, as if he was not killing his teammates, but strange cats and dogs.

As the student with the best grades in his class, Hubert Plan soon received his graduation exam project.

To assassinate a planetary governor who has rebelled.

Unexpectedly, before he could leave the temple and go to the designated area to meet the students in other temples and form a team to perform the mission together, Chen Guo had already appeared on the planet in a huge battleship with death and viruses. above.

"Buzz buzz~"

Vibrating sounds of extremely low frequency began to spread in the strange and complex secret passage beneath the desert.

Hubert Poulin raised his head and listened for a moment.

This low sound wave is a code word that every assassin must learn.

Although they sound like noise, it is indeed a language, and it is even more complex than High Gothic.

Therefore, even the fastest-reacting killer assassin must spend a lot of attention to translate it word for word.

"Don't gather...don't breathe...the virus will spread through the air...escape, don't get caught, pass the message here...The attacker is Jack Smoak..."

Hubert Poulin suddenly stopped thinking about the obscure translation in his mind.

He slowly turned around, only to see that the dark passage he had just walked through was blocked by a tall gray power armor.

"Bang bang bang~"

Without the slightest hesitation, Hubert Plando nimbly dodged the bolter bullets while running quickly towards the pipe ahead.

If he didn't get the order, he would not hesitate to rush forward and try to kill the tall enemy with the indestructible phase sword.

But now, since he has received the order to deliver the message, escape has naturally become the first priority.

Not only him, but most of the assassins who were still alive in the Court of Assassins, after hearing the strange code words, they got rid of the enemies they were entangled with or wanted to assassinate and hid in safe places they knew well.

However, they soon discovered that they could easily get rid of the pursuers, but it didn't take long for them to find them again, and no matter how hard they tried to get rid of them, they could not get rid of them completely!

It seems that this is not the assassin's lair, but the enemy's home!

This is the pheromone hive link network!

As long as one Zero Gram walks through a strange road and leaves his own pheromone on it, other Zero Grams who receive the pheromone will immediately know the existence of this road.

This is just like ants. Wherever the ants walk, they will leave a pheromone path.

These pheromones can be used to warn and remind the ants coming behind where the road leads and whether there are any dangers on the road!

Even, if possible, Zero Gram can apply pheromones on the enemy's body like an ant, thereby alerting and tracking the enemy.

Hubert Plan kept looking back, only to find that Ling Ke was still following him behind him.

Even after he passed through some narrow passages that only he could pass through, Ling Ke, who was chasing him, was still able to break through the wall to find him in a short period of time, and poured a large number of explosive bombs into him at the first time.

Seeing that he had no way to escape, Hubert Plan simply stopped escaping. Taking advantage of the few seconds he had gained with his speed advantage, he quickly hid in the corner of the wall, hid his body, and He pulled out a grenade that was only the size of five fingers.

Sunovi - a very small electric paralysis grenade. Once exploded, it can release a powerful electric current, making the enemy lose the ability to fight in an instant.

Hiding at the corner of the wall, Hubert Plan listened expressionlessly to the heavy footsteps that were getting closer and closer.

When the footsteps were only a few meters away from him, he released the safety of the electric paralysis grenade in his hand and threw it deep into the passage.


A huge vibration came from the depths of the passage. Hubert Plan quickly waved the looming green phase sword in his hand and jumped out from the corner, preparing to cut this damn follower into pieces.

He completely failed to consider that the electric current paralysis grenade would not work. Under such a powerful electric current, even the original gene would be paralyzed!

However, when he rushed out of the corner of the wall, he was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw that on the gray power armor, dazzling white electric flowers flashed continuously, but the power armor still stood firmly on the ground, as if the body hidden in the power armor did not feel the slightest Unexpectedly, this powerful current was raging through his body.

"How can this be!"

Although his heart was filled with shock, Hubert Plan's body did not sluggish at all. With just one pounce, Hubert Plan arrived in front of Zero, and the phase sword in his hand was swung into an afterimage. Sparks sporadically appeared on Zero's gray armor.

"Sizzle, sizzle..."

"Kadah, kadah..."

The hard gray armor fell to the ground piece by piece, revealing the gray skin underneath and the gray inner armor embedded under the skin.

With the continuous protection of the phase sword, one after another conspicuous gray bloodstains appeared on the gray skin.

But what Hubert Plan did not expect was that he swung more than a dozen swords in a row, and the gray power armor was cut into pieces.

It felt no different from picking it up from a scrap yard.

But the body inside the power armor was still standing there straight as if nothing had happened.

It was at this time that Hubert Plan finally discovered that the tiny bloodstains that appeared as the phase sword passed would heal rapidly two or three seconds after the phase sword passed.

Until there was no scar left.

It seemed that everything before was just his own illusion.

Lingke looked at the little guy in front of him calmly, watching Hubert Plan cut his chest, cut his lower abdomen, and destroy his internal organs.

But he didn't resist at all.

As the armor on his chest was severely damaged, Lingke's ritual smile that Linda carefully adjusted was also revealed.

This was originally a smile designed by Linda to increase affinity, but in Hubert Plan's eyes, it became a mockery, mocking his attack as just a joke!

Hubert Plan was angry.

Fortunately, there was no mentor responsible for assessing him here.

Otherwise, he would be marked as unqualified immediately and thrown back to the cruel training camp for another inhumane personality training.

With a strong kick, Hubert Plan's whole body jumped high from the ground, and at the same time, the phase sword in his hand was thrown back with force, and then he quickly chopped at Zero's head.

He was ready to use the extremely sharp blade of the phase sword to directly split Zero in front of him in half from the middle.

But at this moment, Zero, who had not moved, seemed to restart, and the muzzle of the grenade gun in his hand was slightly turned, and a large number of bullets sprayed out and rushed into Hubert Plan's body.

"Puff puff puff~"

Hubert Plan's body turned into blood mist and rotten meat in an instant, leaving only the out-of-control phase sword, which was hit by the shock wave of the bomb and the hilt was inserted into the wall beside it.

Looking at the blood mist and rotten meat in front of him, this Zero continued to smile creepily, holding the grenade in his hand, stepping on the rotten meat on the ground, thinking about the past that was far away from his pheromone target.

Zero's extremely low personal intelligence and the lack of emotional organs in his brain made him unable to make a mockery. The reason why he just stood there like a puppet and was slaughtered.

The reason was because of the impact of the electric paralysis grenade.

The high voltage current released by the electric paralysis grenade could not paralyze Zero, whose pain nerves were numb.

But the current stimulated the temperature in the closed pipe to rise, causing the pheromone to become disordered, and finally made this Zero lose the perception of the pheromone hive connection network in an instant.

Or, in short words-he was offline.

According to the program designed by Linda, all Zeros will automatically enter a dormant state when they accidentally leave the pheromone hive connection network when acting alone, in order to prevent Zero from losing control and harming friendly forces.

Zero, who had been offline, would not continue his mission until he could sense the hive pheromone again.

This means that if Hubert Plan had chopped off Zero's head right away instead of slashing at his stomach and chest, stabbing his heart and cutting his intestines, the outcome of the matter might not be what it is now.

Unfortunately, all the regrets are just bullshit.

Scenes like this are constantly being played out underground on the entire desert planet. Zero relies on his own powerful self-healing ability and his emotionless thinking mode to unilaterally slaughter these assassins.

Of course, the Assassin Court is not without any ability to resist. Under the leadership of Priscilla Thackery, the Grand Master of the Extreme Star Region Assassins, a small number of the planet's most elite assassins hid in the temple deep underground with traps and defense equipment.

Priscilla Thackery.

An extremely terrifying and dangerous killer, because in the past thirty years of lurking and assassination missions, she had been transformed for too long.

So much so that she completely forgot her original gender, appearance, and even her original name. It was not until she returned to the Assassin Court after completing her mission that she was told her original name.

However, she would forget her gender and her name, but her deeply rooted killer instinct and the ruthless eyes for finding weaknesses would never be forgotten.

After just a few short battles, she had almost found Zero's weakness.

She believed that all Zerokes had some kind of electronic crystal in their bodies, and it was with these electronic crystals that Zerokes could communicate silently and cooperate closely.

Although the weakness she found was very different from the actual situation, the weapon she used was lucky enough to meet the requirement of making Zeroke offline - a high-voltage electromagnetic gun.

It was with this that she successfully escaped from the surface to the depths of the ground and rescued a large number of students and non-combatants.

After heavily closing the alloy door of the temple, Priscilla Thackery suddenly held down the subordinate who wanted to run in to get weapons and equipment, and looked at the figure sitting on the throne in the distance.

The killer's intuition told Priscilla Thackery that this was an extremely powerful opponent.

But at the same time, Priscilla Thackery was also full of doubts. Where did this guy come from?

How could there be someone who arrived here faster than her!

Why, there was no trace of the traps along the way being triggered?

"Hello, Master Priscilla Thackery, you are so slow. I have been waiting for you for a long time. You should know that my time is very precious, so you have to compensate me.

Use your lives to compensate me!"

"Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

The lights in the temple were turned on in an instant.

Although it was dim, the assassins breathed a sigh of relief, because there was no ambush around except the man sitting on the throne.

"Jack Smoak?" Priscilla Thackery had just asked the question when the alloy door behind her suddenly made a dull noise and knocked out several non-combatants standing close to the door.

Looking out through the gap in the alloy door, countless Zeros wrapped in gray armor stood neatly outside the door.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Master Priscilla Thackeray, prepare for your doomsday!

Also, don't have any more illusions. After killing you, I will blow up this entire planet to ensure that no one will know the information here for a long time.

However, I am a very generous person. As long as you can successfully avoid being killed before the gate is broken, I will withdraw.

Of course, in addition to running away, you can also choose to kill me, but if you can neither kill me nor survive until the moment when the gate is blown open, you can't blame me. After all, I gave you a chance.

You closed the door yourself."

Chen Guo smiled and threw away the Callidus assassin in his hand, which had turned into a ball of mud, indirectly answering the question of why he was able to appear here.

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