Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 127 Too good at playing


Faced with this request, Rasta was inexplicably surprised.

The Wolf Goddess nodded repeatedly. She felt that her blood was flowing a little fast and a little warm.

"Then what I want is that the next time you conquer an alien civilization, you wear this dress as the Wolf Shepherd Goddess and dye your hair a purple afro!

Hold this magic wand, rush to the front, and praise the Emperor loudly!

The battle cry goes like this: Gunara, the Dark God! Woohoo rahhoo…”


The scene described by the Evil God was so beautiful that Horus and Loken could not imagine it. In addition, the Dark Demon Fairyland that Light wanted to bring out as if by magic was so extreme that it was in a fashionable mini-skirt. The two original bodies of the Luna Wolf were completely destroyed. Silence fell.

Let’s not talk about what it’s like to directly tell the genetic heirs that their father is gone.

Even if you put on this conservative but strange skirt, you will die inexplicably.

Even if all the above issues are ignored, is the purpose of that battle cry to laugh the aliens to death?

good! Even if you don’t laugh to death from the aliens.

The Emperor would be furious after hearing this. He would capture the Luna Wolves and give them to the two psychic masters, and tell them the unchanging truth that there are no gods in the Empire.

What, isn’t the Evil God Sidisi just like entering a deserted place, going up to the emperor’s office and going down to the auxiliary army to show his holiness in front of everyone?

He appeared because He was indeed helping the Emperor in the Great Crusade, and the Emperor couldn't defeat Him. Would you like to try someone else?

"You are the only one who still wants to fight me..."

Guangyu sneered.

To be honest, He saw no more than two things in the mind of the seemingly bold Wolf Shepherd Goddess.

Any one of Fulgrim's postures could kill her ten thousand times instantly!

The little she wolf pretends to be a big white rabbit, but the big she wolf is even more playful!

well? Who is the big she-wolf?

Starry sky.

The Dragon Lord discarded Slaanesh's corpse in the warp, and only used his scepter to lift his head out.

Don't think that without the essence of the Lord of Chaos, this head is really rotten meat. That also depends on who it is.

It is indeed rotten flesh in front of Lust of Light, but for all beings under the Chaos Lord God, including the minor gods, approaching this head means facing Slaanesh head-on.

The ancestors of the Tau have now evolved into the Stone Age in the corners of the Ultramarine.

Rasta only needs to throw the head there, and the Tau Empire will directly receive the blessings of the two gods and ascend to heaven on the spot.

"Go and save your brothers!"

The Lord of the Dragons gave the command, pointing the head of Slaanesh towards the earth.

If it were another being holding this head, Shalish could come up with 10,000 ways to fight back.

But when faced with Unsidisi who didn't turn on the evil spirit filter, even the fun-loving Tzeentch would stay far away, for fear that he would be used by Light Desire to shoot a psychic pistol again.

There was no own incident involving accidental damage to friendly forces.

Whether it's the Salamanders on the Eldar fleet, the Salamanders on his own fleet, or the Sons of Volkan on the planet Roonican, they are all prepared to die generously.

The moment the dragons completely left the subspace and entered reality, the will of the dragons inspired them.

Although the Lord of the Dragons is not riding the true body of the Mother of Fire Dragons, it can still cause all the salamanders to feel a mental throbbing.

Without jumping gangs, the dragon group's volcano battleship directly savagely collided with the Eldar fleet.

Each little dragon girl possesses powerful psychic powers. They can fly naturally in space and planetary environments. The dragon wings give them the power of subspace. They are half chaotic creatures.

Under the panic control of the electronic demon, the Eldar fleet launched a beam strike.

However, they soon received a small shock from the dragons.

The volcano erupted!

Yes, this is the long-range attack method of the dragon group battleships.

The most terrifying thing is that the volcano does not need to be aimed at at all.

The tens of thousands of integrated dragon wills will transport all the energy erupted from the volcano directly to the Eldar fleet because of the gaze of the little dragon girls.

Then, the volcano hit.

Created by one of the best blacksmiths in the galaxy and combined with the will of the entire planet, the Life Spirit Volcano Battleship can be called the most terrifying impact weapon.

Most of the Eldar fleet was directly destroyed by the volcanic eruption from across the sky, and the protective shield that was barely held up was like paper and would be broken by a collision.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the Salamanders to survive such a horrific impact of destruction.

But with the blessing of the will of the dragons, the mother of fire dragons sensed the location of her children, and she teleported them directly back.

The Astartes' power armor allowed them to survive in space.

They floated in front of Wokan's eyes, looking up at the behemoth. As their hearts beat faster and faster, they recognized what it was.

"Mother!" Sound cannot be transmitted through vacuum, but telepathy can.

The Mother of Fire Dragon nodded slightly.

The salamanders looked at the dragon-herding god above their mother's head.

To be honest, even if Rasta looks like this, they can all recognize that this is the master!

When they thought that the master had done these things, the salamanders immediately figured it out.

Such a powerful Primarch is like a real dragon god. No one else can do it except the master who they think is omniscient and omnipotent.

They even try to avoid the Emperor when the idea arises.

Because they subconsciously feel that the master of mankind cannot do such a thing.

The salamanders actually felt that it was more appropriate for the master to ride on their mother's head.

They have not yet transformed into the Daughters of the Fire Dragon and cannot fully connect to the will of the dragons, but they can vaguely feel some information in the will of the dragons and why the supreme leader can stand there.

The Salamanders have yet to recognize the identity of the Dragon Girl, even though they have fought side by side in the past.

"Taunt them! Use the way I taught you."

The Lord of Dragons' face mask blocked his expression, but thinking about it, he was smiling.

The Salamander Fleet and the Salamanders floating in space immediately saw a famous painting:

Under the control of the will of the dragons, all the Fire Dragon Daughters smiled at the salamanders, their eyes narrowed, and they were arrogant.

Their voices are conveyed through blood ties.

"Miscellaneous fish! Miscellaneous fish!"


The Salamanders, who have been refusing material providers to participate in the war, have received revenge from all the masters of the Astartes. They cannot understand this special title of Ancient Terra, and they always feel that this picture is not quite right.

"Okay, the old memories are over."

The Lord of the Dragons put down the reins and took off the head of the Lord of Chaos from the scepter.

The long tongue and purple sinuous crown had no beauty in His eyes.

He casually grabbed the head and threw it towards the highest peak of the planet.

There, is Slaanesh's Temple of Joy.

The real Slaanesh should be worshiped in the temple!

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