Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 128 Infinite Reproduction

"Look! UFO!"

Guangyu pointed to the sky and ended the picnic.

Slaanesh's head was like a meteorite, streaking out strange purple flames in the sky.

The black magic fairy Horus looked at it gloomily, feeling unhappy.

"It doesn't matter if it's a meteor."

"What do you mean it doesn't matter? If it's a meteor, you can make a wish!"

Lassite decided to awaken the innocence in Horus' heart.

Unexpectedly, the believers of the dark god Gunara didn't buy it.

"Then I play airborne every day, and I can't make a wish every day? I made a wish, but it didn't come true!"

"What wish did you make?"

Guangyu stood up and moved his hands and feet.

No matter in the original timeline or now, Horus, who is a father-control freak, raised his hand, extended his index finger, and spoke seriously.

"Think about it, I'm not greedy, just think of it as giving me pocket money, and there's no loss."

"What are you talking about?" Guangyu was also curious about Horus's desire.

"One of your incarnations has become a child, so I can rub him to my heart's content!"

The wolf goddess' eyes lit up.

"This is absolutely impossible..."

Lastra finally understood what the other party was thinking.

The wolf goddess has always been a child who lacks love, so she especially wants to monopolize her father's love.

In the original timeline, she could be more stable, but she was also uneasy about the Emperor's attention to other Primarchs.

Now that the Emperor could not give her the Light Desire, she certainly wanted to get closer to the Godfather, but the Light Desire refused!

She was not convinced!

Lastra pulled Locke and ran.

"Run quickly, she's going to cry and make a fuss again!"

Locke nodded repeatedly.

In this way, Horus, who had no one to coax her, did not cry.

She gritted her teeth and chased after him.

The Rocket Team just passed through the battlefield invisibly, and after two space jumps, they arrived at the temple.

The rottenness all over the ground could even please Nurgle.

Ibosas was tearing up the mother's tail vine that guarded the temple.

It is no exaggeration to say that the number of demons under the command of any Chaos God can reach tens of thousands.

These deformed and chaotically developed demons are the embodiment of the deformed desires of intelligent life.

The demon catalog that the Emperor has counted only selected several representative main battle demons.

The Mother Tail Vine is a strange demon similar to a thorn tongue. It has quite terrible neurotoxins and warp curses. If it is contaminated by it, it will suffer the most intense pain.

After all, the most power of Slaanesh Salishi has always been evil.

Ibosas already has a divine body.

The body density of the Primarch is more than a hundred times that of the auxiliary army.

But ordinary adult Primarchs can only go one round in front of Ibosas.

But Ibosas was still broken by these tongues.

Its skin was licked off, just like peeling off the skin of a whole tomato.

Ibosas once swore to the Lord of Slaanesh to give everything to Him after 666 days of pleasure in Chaos with his other fellow demons.

This oath brought the Mother Tail Vine the most terrifying power, a power that was enough to target Ibosas.

Ibosas faced itself, and it was also the last insurance mechanism that Shalis left on her great demon.

Although Shalis, who had been reborn, did not dare to come here again, her eyes still cautiously cast from the Palace of Pleasure.

She had heard the self-proclaimed super god this time, it was Ibosas.

The timid demon who had a part of his own power.

Gambling is one of the dirtiest evils in the world and the source of evil.

Ibosas is not strong because the demons of Slaanesh are not naturally good at fighting.

When they fight against the enemy, they all use their own joyful breath to seduce the other party, let them lose their minds, and then slowly and cruelly torture and kill them.

Shalis was still unwilling. He wanted to let Ibosas find himself through pain, let this former son of Slaanesh wake up, and dedicate his divine power to him.

This torture ended when the Lord of Evil stepped on the stone slab of the temple.

Shalis didn't want to do it again, because the slaughter of Light Desire would cause absolute terror that covered his concept of pleasure and pain.

That kind of terror and death threat is indescribable.

Just as Nurgle's garden is not really a garden.

"See, as soon as I made a move, he fled!"

When Light Desire arrived, Shalis's rotten head just fell down.

Without Slaanesh's control, the mother tail vines began to be burned and cracked by the power of Elorus.

Ibosas tried his best to regain his skin, and then turned his head to look at the sky.

It is a secondary god, and it certainly knows what the sky is.

If it doesn't catch it well, it will be turned into debris in the ruins by this head just like Shalis was smashed to death by Khorne.

The spine giant sword was sucked back into its body, it roared angrily, broke into the temple, slapped the huge monster that was still merging to death with two slaps, and then stood on the altar.

There is no choice, using the power of pleasure to slow down the falling trend of this head is the only way.

Ibosas's abdomen split open, and some parts of it as a Slaanesh demon were not lost.

It began to collect the joy power stored in the temple, and at the same time, it poured the absorbed joy power into its abdomen.

One demon after another was reproduced by it, and it was like a demon faucet at this moment.

Demons began to surround Ibosas in an overwhelming manner.

The flowers of joy of an entire planet, the treasures of the temple, and the blood of the past Eldar are the source of Ibosas's fertility.

These demons began to wrap around Ibosas tightly, layer after layer, and layer after layer.

They are the protective umbrella that Ibosas use to protect themselves.

Ibosas was already preparing to tear open the subspace rift and leave.

But this is a trap for it, and the blockade against it will not allow it to tear the rift in the warp until it drains the planet of its joyful power.

Rasta, the Wolf Goddess and Loken were suspended in the sky, looking at the rapidly growing peak of Rooniken.

Demons emerged endlessly like a fountain.

This is just a secondary god.

If the four main gods of chaos come to the real universe, the scene will be even more terrifying.

Shalish's head finally hit Ibosas's demonic protective net.

The Lord of the Dragons had no real strength, otherwise even the Lord of Chaos would have avoided this throw.

In artistic rituals, what is needed is hard work.

This is what Ibosas will do now.

Its attention was focused on the head of Slaanesh in front of it.

So much so that the demons that were bred too much began to fall out of its control.

The demonic tsunami just swept through the colored demon army and rolled towards the salamanders on the ground.

This was absolute submersion, and the whole world seemed to be swallowed up by the breath of joy and roar.

Just as these sons of the fire dragon gritted their teeth, preparing to use the last moments of their lives to pull the trigger, they also regretted how they had buried all the precious gene seeds given by the original body in this land that could not be recovered.

The roar of the Mother of Fire Dragons penetrated the sky and the earth, and the sound waves shook the ground into a huge void.

The surging roar of life eliminated quite a few demons, but did not harm the Sons of the Fire Dragon.

The loving mother descended from the sky, her dragon wings spread out, to protect her children.

The volcano spewed lava, and after it landed, a fortress was built to defend the place.

"Pick up your weapons, now you have a chance to win!

Because your mother is here. "

I just woke up, and my dream was clearly updated, but why didn't I wake up?

Three chapters left, before ten o'clock

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