Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 158 My World

This was a scene that Alpharius had never imagined.

Subspace is a dangerous place recognized by the human empire.

Although the Warp of the Thirty Millennium was relatively peaceful, that was only relative.

This peace is for the 40th millennium.

The whispers of Chaos are never truly silenced.

This place is full of mystery for any civilization.

Most civilizations that want to carry out interstellar voyages cannot avoid the subspace.

Even the Eldar web channel is actually just a chaos signal blocker placed in the subspace.

The Emperor's Dream has always moved unimpeded in the chaos, and the beeps in the subspace dare not say a word. This is Alpharius's most intuitive feeling of his father's power.

The great lord of mankind, he looks down upon everything. The entire galaxy trembles under his expeditionary legion, and all worlds are waiting for his conquest.

He is invincible, and the Thirty Millennium is a time of constant expansion for humanity.

But Alpharius had never imagined that the Emperor could be so majestic in the Warp.

The body of Light Desire is like the main body of the world, and everything else is like an extension of Him.

However, Alpharius was curious as to why there were spots of holes on his feather coat, which added a bit of a strange feeling to him. Although his power was even greater, it seemed to mean something.

No one wants to join in the chaos war.

Warp daemons whose cognitive shielding is triggered are in great pain.

Time and space are chaotic within the chaos, and they will be burned to death by the Unsidisi who got into the subspace every three days.

The sounds of "Salish" and "Get out" were accompanied by a storm of chaos, sweeping into every corner.

The Mountain of Skulls, the Well of Eternity, and the Garden are all there.

Nurgle was minding his own business, stirring his huge cauldron. It was none of his business anyway. He just pretended to be deaf and dumb and didn't hear. It was not his nature to join in the fun.

The Lord of Skulls rubbed the armrest of his brass throne uneasily. He wanted to stand up and declare war on the owner of the voice, but he knew that the protagonist this time was not him.

Out of respect for the most powerful Chaos God, he finally resisted this desire to fight.

The Lord of Changes, on the other hand, took out a telescope-like thing from somewhere, and while stroking the two-headed roast duck that had grown back its hair, he watched the show in wonder.

Changes and things, fun and things like that, you can’t live without seeing them!

In the Six Paths of Joy Circle, Slaanesh, whose power had been stolen and had become stunted, collapsed to the ground.

In this state, He is too fragile. Even if he is locked with strong hostility by that terrifying thing, his body will collapse.

He had been scared to death by this pale monster once, and his behavior like this was no exception.

This made Salish a little regretful about falling for Fabius.

He saw the talent of that human being and planned to introduce it into Chaos to serve himself.

Who would have thought that he would be discovered by Light Desire before he could be kidnapped by him in the subspace on a battleship.

The whole chaos fell silent.

Whether it was the other three main gods of chaos who were watching from the sidelines, Slaanesh who was frightened to the ground by lust for light, or the secondary gods who had been reborn.

No one wants to encounter another Chaos massacre, the pale fire that will burn everything.

During this period of time, almost all legion warships sailing in the subspace saw that majestic figure.

Because of the chaos of chaotic time and space, many battleships looked like floating boats around him.

This even includes the Emperor's Dream.

The Emperor was heading towards the Shattered World, his vast fleet surrounding the figure like a school of fish in the water.

Yigubigu raised his head and looked at Wu Xidisi, as if wondering what was going on with him.

All humans in the empire who had powerful spiritual powers, or who could sense the pale gods through special methods, read a message from that figure.

That is, He is the glory of the empire!

In this way, the desire to block the water of Shalish Spring became another achievement of the Lord of Humanity.

To the entire Emperor's Dream fleet, this was a manifestation of the Lord of Mankind.

Yigubigu was extremely depressed. He wanted to say it was not me, but he was afraid that others would think there was a god. He said it was not him and it was difficult for him to explain.

But those are his words, what can he do...

"I am not a goddess!"

The strongest Pokémon once again let out a cry unique to Pokémon of his species.

Yes, he is Tiga, because Tiga is both light and human! He is human!

Igubigu, who suffered from the second disease, was not ignored by Guang Yu.

He hugged Alpharius and left here.

The people in the battleship also thought this was a subspace phantom.

Now, the phantom has rushed towards the palace of Slaanesh.

"I was wrong!"

Shalish struggled to gather her body and walked out of the six rings of joy that protected her.

The pale god grinned and grasped the taboo of the real universe in his hand.

The powder began to burn the so-called Lord of Chaos, and Slaanesh's screams spread.

While Luang Lu was torturing Salish, he led Alpharius, who was already stunned, on his way through the chaos.

Before leaving Chaos, He crushed the purple Lord God into pieces, threw it to the ground, and crushed it with his feet.

The pain he caused cannot be absorbed by the Lord of Joy. He is not within the limitations of the system of Chaos and the Galaxy.

When the Primarch followed the Sixth Evil God out of the warp, his head was still buzzing.

Guangyu has returned to his teenage appearance, with black hair and eyes, and is not tall.

Alpharius finally realized what kind of power the evil god who looked like a human boy in front of him possessed.

He and the other party stood in the starry sky. He felt helpless, but the other party regarded the starry sky as an extension of his body.

"You are so powerful, why don't you solve all the problems directly? There is no need for the empire's expedition!"

Alpharius discovered the key point of the problem and spoke confidently.

"You don't think that such a powerful power comes without any price, do you?"

As Guang Yu spoke, he looked at the world closest to them.

This living planet spins silently.

"The price?" Alpharius was shocked by the majestic figure of the Lord of Lights, and felt that He was omnipotent.

“Whether it’s your father or me, our power comes with a price.

I can't tell you his price, nor mine.

I can tell you responsibly that if I directly help the Empire conquer everything, I will only repeat the mistakes of all past galactic overlords.

The Great Expedition and mankind's self-rescue are both a ceremony, a ceremony that allows mankind to ascend again.

We play different roles in this ritual.

The Emperor only sees war to conquer all.

But in my eyes, there is only salvation, what must I save! "

Alpharius felt his uncle's thoughts.

He lowered his head and looked at the world.

"This is where?"

"My world, the Court of Dawn."

More updates for the helmsman who likes Juzi

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