Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 159 Canned food dropped from the sky

Alpharius suddenly became curious about the world in front of him.

Light Desire had repeatedly praised the world he wanted to build to him, and the primarch wanted to know how his world was different from the Empire's.

"Is this the world you said you would be?"

"No, how should I put it? After all, the Court of Dawn is also in this galaxy. There may still be some differences, but it is better than any other planet in the empire, including Terra."

Rasta said as she turned into a child.

When Alpharius turned around, he saw that the evil god, who was originally a small human boy, had turned into a tiny creature.

"Do you... like to show off?"

He simply stated his true thoughts.

"No, no, you don't understand."

Rasta did not explain too much, and took the Emperor's Son to space jump to the City of Origin.

Alpharius's nerves were originally tense, but when he saw everything in front of him, he always felt a little strange.

He has also been to many planets, whether they are alien battlefields in wars, planets under the empire's high-pressure rule, agricultural planets, central worlds, trading stations or even space stations.

What should I say about those people?

No matter whether they are busy or not, no matter what they are doing, they always feel that they have a dark filter on them.

Yes, it is that kind of gloomy dark world, where death, despair and pain are more or less mixed in their lives and they have to swallow it.

But the Court of Dawn is different.

If this was a world that had already been built and no major construction work was needed, Alpharius might understand.

But in front of him, he clearly saw the prototype of a magnificent building complex. Although the construction progress was not very fast, everyone was enthusiastic.

It's as if these people think this is paradise.

The filters of the Court of Dawn are bright and magnificent, as if the whole world is coated with fireworks. Isn't that a luxury that belongs to the 30th millennium?

Rasta trotted over to a worker responsible for moving stones and began to whisper.

"Let's fish! Let's fish! Dinner is served in sixteen minutes! It's life to fish and go to work! Just work hard..."

The worker lowered his head and glanced at the little evil god on the ground, and suddenly worked harder and harder.

They did not recognize that this was the Lord of Lights.

But this wasn't the first time that this little guy came out to talk about them.

In their view, this is a test of whether their faith is pious. Of course, he will not let down the Lord of Lights!

Then his steps became more brisk.

The Sixth Evil God immediately changed his target and ran to other workers to talk.

Because of Light Desire's own reasons, the builders of the City of Origin, who are still unable to distinguish the Disciple of All Lights, directly begged this disciple for mercy.

"Please! Stop torturing us! Let us work hard! It's so sinful to rest, be lazy, or wait for dinner!

You know, in the original nest city, I only had one starch cube a day. Now eating pork, cabbage and stewed vermicelli makes me feel bitter and sweet. If I don’t work, I really have a bad conscience..."

In the end, the unwilling Wuxidixi was hugged back by Alpharius.

"I think you're not very convincing, so why don't you let me do it?"

The original body was full of self-confidence. He felt that he had a better chance of success when he went up to persuade these people to be lazy when working. He was the son of the Emperor and a three-meter-tall man!

He placed the Lord of Lights on the ground and stepped forward.

"I think……"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was asked a question.

"You are the forty-four disciples of the great Lord of Lights? How come I haven't seen you before? You are taller than Lord Hain!"

Workers who are busy asking questions are not making themselves less efficient.

"Ah, no, no, I'm not a disciple." Alpharius was turned into the guest.

"Aren't you a disciple?" The foreman responsible for the progress of this part of the project looked at the drawings.

"I am... a new ordinary civilian, not a disciple."

How could Alpharius, the majestic son of the Emperor, be a disciple of Lust? Even if he was super strong, handsome, and attractive, then...

That must also be considered by me, the Gemini Primarch.

"Oh, this is for you, and this, go! Over there, you are responsible for carrying the stones outside the door. I don't think you have touched the other materials. Don't panic. If you panic, you will easily make mistakes. Do you understand?"

After the foreman and the workers next to him gave him a set of work clothes gloves that actually fit Alpharius's body type, they got busy again.

Alpharius went to work in confusion, and then he suddenly woke up and asked the sinister construction site boss next to him.

"I suspect you did it on purpose! How common is my original body, which is over three meters tall? You actually prepared my work clothes?!"

He is not a fool, he can still figure this out.

"No, no, no! It was an accident."

Rasta said this very honestly and did not lie a word.

"I don't believe it. This is definitely not an accident. You did it on purpose!"

Alpharius heard Malcador say that this person is very special! Very wicked!

"I have a disciple named Haien who likes to take care of children. He is considered the king of children in this area. A few days ago, several children cried and said that they had grown up and were about to develop, and Haien's shoulders could not hold them. They are.

So Hein said to them...

He said that he was also developing and would continue to grow taller. He would definitely be able to carry these children on his shoulders.

In order to prevent these children from not believing, he had people make work clothes that are more than three meters tall, which are what you are wearing. "

The Lord of Light swore to the great Sixth Evil God that he was telling the truth! Otherwise, let Light Desire steal his food every day!

"Just assume that what you said is true. I actually want to work, so that I can feel at ease when I eat.

My teacher Malcador told me that there is no good thing in this world that falls from the sky. If there is, the word "filling" in "pie" should be the word "trap".

He also said that even if you work hard to death, you may not get a reward.

So I think it is reasonable to exchange labor for rewards. "

"Don't believe everything Malcador said, the Emperor said something different. "

Light Desire pulled out a small branch, ready to pretend to be a vicious supervisor, and if the Primarch was a little slower, he would whip it hard.

This is the evil Chaos God!

"Why? "Alpharius quickened his pace a little, he didn't want to be beaten like a grandson in public.

"The Emperor is a man with a great conscience. He saw how difficult the galaxy was, and prepared a lot of material aid, so that every world could have canned food dropped from the sky!

Once a can of food fell, all the aliens around would be full and stuffed, their stomachs would burst, and they would never have to eat again in this life!"

Lassite's sarcastic words left the Gemini Primarch, who was very lacking in love, speechless.

"You can't compare his loyal Space Marines to canned food. What's the difference between this and canned ant beef?"

Alpharius couldn't find an angle to refute, so he could only make specious arguments.

"Difference? Since I became the master of the Astartes, they have started to have enough food and clothing.

The canned ant beef that the Empire gave them is no longer roasted into charcoal before eating. They mark the canned ant beef as munitions.

It's really pitiful. The aliens who believe in the four Chaos Old Dengs who fought with them have been hungry for a day.

As a result, during the truce, a bunch of cans had nothing better to do than to compete in arm strength. They picked up cans of ant beef and threw them towards the enemy's position.

With luck, the aliens screamed and destroyed these "food aid" from the human empire.

With bad luck, the cans will not hit the aliens, but the cans they threw themselves.

If there is no such thing as a free lunch, then what I give you is nothing. If Malcador says this again, I will go to his office with a calculator to settle the bill with him and make him pay! "

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