Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 162 Rogue Trader

Court of Dawn, City of Origin Canteen.

Alpharius stayed in the cafeteria eating all day, and when he finally stopped, it was already late at night.

During this period, the material providers in the canteen had been worried that he would die of hunger. It was not until Chef Hain came forward that everyone felt relieved.

The stomachs of ordinary Astartes can digest steel, let alone the primarch. Alpharius can convert all food into energy and even increase the density of the body.

"The work clothes you are wearing are mine!"

The Thunder Warrior was very unhappy when he saw the original body in front of him, because his genetic descendant, the Alpha Legion, had participated in the military operation to eliminate the Thunder Warrior.

Although Hain knew the inside story, he still felt a little uncomfortable thinking about his former brother being cooked to death.

"I know, my uncle dressed me, do you think He did something wrong?"

Alpharius is good at taking advantage of situations.

"Yes, you are very smart."

Hain tried to look scary, trying to scare the primarch.

He is a disciple of Light Desire, blessed by Light Desire. In terms of strength, he is not weaker than the original body, and he is completely worthy of the opponent.

Just when he was about to start a big fight, a group of children waved at the cafeteria door.

"Uncle Hain! We want to eat roasted marshmallows! Can you help us roast them?"

"Okay, okay!"

Hain was watched by Alpharius, whose muscles tensed up, as he left.

Who are the people in the Court of Dawn? !

Alpharius was speechless.

After finishing his homework, Rasta jumped through space and sat down opposite him.

"You betrayed me!"

The Evil God was indignant and pointed at the twin primarchs.

"I have been eating and haven't done anything. How can I betray you? Why did you go?"

Alpharius pretended to be innocent.

"I was eaten!"

Guang Yu slapped the table and stood up.

"Okay! I was wrong! I apologize!"

Alpharius had nothing to do with this childish evil god.

The Lord of Lights let him go and took out a script to read.

"What's this?"

Alpharius looked over curiously.

"The genetic defect repair ritual process of one of your original brothers. His genetic defect makes him even weaker than you. However, after my transformation, he can easily defeat you without suppressing his power."

Guang Yu threw the script to Alpharius.

This page talks about Princess Phoenix capturing the captain of Team Rocket with a table. Luojia thinks that justice has defeated evil and asks Princess Phoenix to have sex with her.

As a result, Princess Phoenix laughed loudly and told the truth, saying that there has never been a brave man, and the reason why she deceived Luojia was just her plan to lure Luojia's father, a precious paternal Pokémon, to Phoenix City to subdue it. .

Now that Princess Phoenix has the captain of Team Rocket and a powerful paternal Pokémon, she no longer needs the useless Luojia.

Then Luo Jia was thrown out of Phoenix City.

For a time, the brave man's lies, the loss of his father and other blows broke Luo Jia's heart again...

Alpharius flipped through the previous script and spoke frankly on the spot.

"What kind of script was written by an immoral person? It's such a joke? It's a miracle he's not crazy!"

"If you scold me again, I will write you an even more wicked one!"

There was nothing Rasta could do.

Luojia's genetic defect must be repaired completely through hard work.

This shortcoming that caused him to become the shame of the Primarch will become a key factor in his awakening to the nature of the warp after the script is tempered.

And Luojia can use her strong self-confidence to make herself a truly powerful original body.

Now Luojia is going through the most severe test.

The truth he always thought was a lie. Under the blow of betrayal and the false hero's life, he would be lost for a period of time, and then he would get back on his feet with the encouragement of the giant fairy Eevee.

Then, under the slogan "So what if I'm not a brave man, I am Luojia, and then I am a brave man", he set out again to overcome all the hardships in the fairy tale world that Guang Yu built for him.

"I literally threw in front of him a template of all the hardships he would encounter in life. As long as he has experienced all this, he will become immune when encountering the same events in the future and will no longer be deceived by chaos."

Rasta explained why he did this.

Alpharius then realized Guang Yu's good intentions, but he became wary.

"Wait a minute, where is the script you wrote for me?"

"No! What script should I write to you? Am I that kind of person? Your genetic defect is not severe."

Guang Yu swore a promise, but He did not say all the words.

Everything he did to Alpharius was done casually, and whether he was lacking in virtue or not depends on how well he performed it.

"Okay, have you figured out the hint I gave you?"

Guang Yu asked Alpharius what he had seen for him.

“The world where that warehouse is located has fallen and no longer belongs to the empire.

Inside I found shipping codes and destination information from a warehouse where some rogue traders had ordered canned ant beef to be fed to the people of their colonial territories. "

Alpharius was worthy of being an assassin taught by Malcador. He could still see so many things when surrounded by a group of young ant bulls.

"Yes, I thought you could only tell that the warehouse had been abandoned for a long time from the fact that the cans were rotten enough to be opened by the little ant-cows inside."

Rasta praised the twin primarchs, which greatly satisfied their lack of love.

Alpharius, who was rarely praised by Malcador, had no tail, otherwise he would be able to fly up to the sky at this moment.

"Is there anything you need me to do? For this meal, I think I can help you! As long as you don't hit me with that damn branch!"

Alpharius obviously had a strong psychological shadow on those two twigs.

"Ha! Do you think I am willing to give it to you? Your other brothers are eager to have those branches all to themselves.

They are a great tonic to the Primarch, and when you are touched by them you feel pain because you are receiving the divine substance within.

You don’t want serious power. You tell me here that you can go through fire and water just for a meal of bitter memories and sweet things. "

Rasta took out the two branches and took off the covering on them.

On the spines of the two gods, the magnificent and strange divinity began to twist, attracting the light of the real universe.

Alpharius felt a strong desire for these two spines at this moment.

He wanted to swallow these two spines. His secondary god essence told him that by eating these things, he would be so strong that he would no longer be so weak due to the split soul.

But he was more concerned about another thing.

"That meal was about remembering the bitter and remembering the sweet. Then when will we start the next time to remember the bitter and remember the sweet? By the way, when we are remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet, will you be dragged away for another day?

Why do you look so bad? well? Speak nicely, why are you so anxious? "

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