Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 163 Tyranids

Rogue Traders are pioneers of the empire who are given great privileges by the empire and walk on the edge of life and death.

Don't be fooled by their names. You really think they are just small traders selling pulp among the stars.

Their power is greater than that of the governors of most planets in the empire, and they can easily launch a war that will exterminate a civilization.

Their family itself controls some planets, and this is allowed by the empire and is legal.

These Rogue Traders basically only appear at the borders of the empire, because their power comes from the resources and territory they bring back to the empire.

The Emperor authorized some of the Forerunners at the end of the Terra Unification War, signing contracts with them with his own blood, granting them various powers.

The Emperor has only one requirement - everything they do must ensure that they are fighting for the interests of the Empire!

They are Rogue Traders, legal warlords who pay tribute and pay taxes to the empire!

The warehouse where Alpharius was thrown into belonged to two Rogue Trader families.

During the Great Crusade, the empire's battle lines were very long, and some areas could not be taken care of.

The borders of the empire were often lost and regained, and rogue traders would roam these areas.

To tell a joke, the Empire will also tell the alien civilization that we love peace.

These words certainly come from the eloquent tongue of a rogue trader.

When the alien civilization is strong, they are peace-loving diplomats who make deals with the alien civilization.

When the alien civilization was not too powerful, they were bandits, robbing others of their resources and then retreating while fighting.

When the alien civilization is weak, they directly attack from orbit and exterminate the civilization, then occupy other people's planets, buy the population from nearby imperial worlds to manage the new colony, and at the same time hand over certain resources to the empire.

The Court of Dawn and the agricultural world of Ancarin are right on the border of the empire, but no evil spirit would deceive the aliens and say, let’s go to the lair of lust and give away people’s heads.

This is more powerful than the titanium of the Stone Age. It is outrageous to say that we should join the Emperor's Dream.

In the past twenty-six years, there has been no demon trouble in the Court of Dawn.

As for Akarin, which was just recaptured from the devil, it is said to be the closest agricultural world to the Court of Dawn, but judging from the star map, it is actually quite far away, because other agricultural worlds are further away.

In the completely opposite direction to Ankarin in the Court of Dawn is the scope of activities of the Rogue Traders.

A Rogue Trader family usually quickly establishes a family lineage and develops a fleet after occupying a habitable planet.

Because opening up territory and plundering resources for the empire is a very dangerous thing. If not, the entire fleet will be ruined on a planet in an unknown sub-sector.

There were many reasons for the demise of the fleet.

For example, demons occupy the world, or the alien civilization on that planet pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.

When the family's fleet does not return news through the Astropath for a long time, the family itself on the habitable planet will re-establish the fleet and set off again to work hard for the expansion of the family.

In the sub-star area next to the Court of Dawn, there are two extremely unlucky Rogue Trader families.

Their fleets probed in all directions to see if they could discover new worlds that could be colonized.

The result is great, if I go to one fleet, there is no fleet, and if I go to another one, I will buy one and get one free.

In the end, the two families were forced to join forces and improvise money to build a fleet for the next expedition.

There is no doubt that this cooperation failed again, and the two families broke up unhappy.

The two families were the Heaths and the Meltons.

They escaped from that picturesque hell world at the same time.

In the subspace at this moment, the warships of the two families no longer form a complete fleet, but are separated.

They have encountered too many changes recently.

Inside the Heath family battleship, Selin Rashiz, the helmsman of this generation of Rogue Trader of the Heath family, was having a headache.

This silver-haired young woman is a young rogue trader with little work experience.

After she and the Merton family learned from the information sent back by the pioneer ship that there was a world full of dense forest vegetation, they excitedly cooperated to form a fleet to conquer.

Everything was fine at first. They even transported the people who opened up the wasteland, and also added a lot of starch blocks and canned ant beef.

After landing, they thought they were in heaven.

The entire planet is covered in vegetation, and there are some ruins of civilization here, but they have been buried for many years, so there is no alien civilization that prevents them from occupying this place.

The Merton family was careful. They were always used to betraying their teammates. They asked the Heath family to divide the world with them.

The big trees here do not bear fruit, but instead produce a large amount of condensation from the heart-shaped leaves. These gelatinous substances are non-toxic and rich in nutrients. They also contain sugar and taste great. They can be eaten as a staple food.

That's why they haven't eaten those cans of ant beef.

The clot is a bait used by big trees to trap small animals around them, and then strangles them with tree vines.

The two Rogue Trader families are not stupid, they know how to avoid the trap of a big tree.

With so many trees on the entire planet, how much food do we need to provide in a day?

Even if this place is regarded as an agricultural planet, for the two unlucky and declining Rogue Trader families, it is a huge fortune and can bring back blood.

Both parties wanted to strive for more benefits, and finally even used weapons to start a civil war.

While they were having a good fight, some large insects attacked them.

Yes, they are bugs.

The Rogue Traders of the Empire in the 30th millennium were actually unable to defeat some insects, even though the number of these insects was not large.

The members of the two families were directly chased by a bunch of insects and fled in battleships.

Little did they know that these bugs would become the empire's most formidable enemies in future generations.

This is not the Tyranids themselves in later generations, but the pioneers sent by the swarm.

The Tyranid had arrived in the galaxy before the Imperium officially discovered it, or even before some silly Primarch lit up a giant lightbulb to attract the zerg from beyond the galaxy.

In the jungle of Catachan, there is a kind of demon called Catachan. The giant scorpion as big as a train is the Tyranid that was assimilated by Catachan.

A very small number of Tyranids' pioneers arrived before the 30th millennium, but they were just insignificant.

It is these unequal bugs that have taken over the forest world discovered by the Heath family and the Melton family.

The Rogue Traders from the two families carried their warships and ran away overnight, mourning and fearing the dead members of the family in the subspace.

The Tyranids kill humans in an extremely cruel way.

They saw another great spectacle in the subspace.

It was an infinitely majestic figure, illuminating the chaos, as pale as the essence of everything, and the world was an extension of Him.

They read a message from Him.

That incomparably majestic existence that surpasses the gods is actually the glory of the emperor!

The Rogue Traders were once again shocked by the greatness of the tough-talking old man.

Now, they are forced to flee the forest world and are running low on supplies.

The clots they brought back to the battleship were laid eggs by the Zerg, and whoever ate them died.

Unable to return to their family's habitable planet, they must find the nearest one on the star map.

"The Court of Dawn, a hive world."

The two families, who have not received the news that the Court of Dawn has become independent, are sailing in the direction of the Court of Dawn at the same time. It is impossible to return to the family, and they cannot last that long.

Serinella's idea was simple. She didn't mean to bully others too much. She was prepared to pay a sufficient price to go to the world called the Court of Dawn in exchange for some supplies, and then return to her family to regroup.


The Melton family was unhappy with this.

On board the Merton family's battleship.

Sirin Domelton, a Rogue Trader of his family's generation, is thinking about how to obtain supplies from the Court of Dawn and make the world accept his rule.

"We are the true nobles of the empire! We have all kinds of privileges granted by the emperor! The planetary governors all bow down to greet us. It's just a hive. What do we want, and they dare not give it to us?

We represent the great Emperor. You have all seen the glorious majesty of the Emperor.

This is our confidence, come on, everyone, the Court of Dawn will be an indulgent journey for the rest of our lives, and the entire planet will be our fun.

Cheers to the great Rogue Trader family, the Mertons! "

Silindo drank water filtered from his own urine and made bold statements.

His bandit-like space sailors are excited and ready to dominate that hive world.

They will burn, kill and loot. This is the legal right given to them by the empire.

If you're lucky, you might be able to replenish a fleet.

The sacred Imperial Pact would grant them this.

They might even be able to borrow the Emperor's glorious tiger skin.

Can't you scare these hive country bumpkins to death?

Extra update for the helmsman who likes Juzi, good night!

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