Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 181 The most precious product passed down from generation to generation

Little did the Sprouts know that the Laughing God was not the only free Eldar god.

Deep in a space station where the sacred number four is everywhere, Elsa, the Eldar goddess of life, is watering the flowers and plants she planted.

This is the garden given to Him by Light Desire.

The various experiences he encountered with Nurgle caused some divine trauma to him, and he needed to take a good rest here.

While she was watering, a line of small words appeared on a flower similar to white jasmine in front of her.

"I need you to come over to my place."

Elsa recognized the message from the really ugly words.

In other words, there is no need to admit it at all, no one can do this in the territory of lust, except Himself.

Elsa couldn't help but think of that pale, horrible thing.

To be honest, after the four main gods use their psychic powers, their bodies can grow huge in the subspace to an extremely terrifying level.

But no matter how huge the four main gods of chaos are, the pale and terrifying things still kill Tzeentch Nurgle one by one.

When Nurgle was killed, Elsa was knocked unconscious by the Sixth Evil God who was too big.

The majestic figure envelopes the chaos, and its body will blur the entire chaos, making it a part of itself, making the chaos an extension of light desire.

Aisha took one look and saw that she was looking directly at the whole picture of chaos plus the lust of light itself. How could she be so virtuous and able to withstand it?

The goddess of life was quickly led by the Gate of Ashes and came from the Garden of Life in the space station to the small private room.

"Come! Sit on my lap!"

Rasta patted her thigh and motioned for Elsa to sit up.

There is no other meaning, the main reason is that the Sixth Evil God is fighting against the Laughing God's chosen troupe leader.

After the Harlequin troupe leader discovered that the one controlling the unicorn was not the Laughing God, he gritted his teeth and glared at Lust of Light.

If he hadn't been the Chosen One of the Laughing God, Khorne would have been rushing to rank him as the first one by now.

The leader of the Harlequin troupe cannot accept the fact that the whereabouts of the Laughing God are unknown, the unicorn has become a puppet, and the entire troupe is an unknown pawn on the chessboard of an unknown god.

He stared, and Rasta stared back.

As a result, the troupe leader glared even more fiercely.

Guangyu gritted his teeth and called Douya's goddess of life over.

He is going to give this ignorant flower bean sprout a little shock to the Ada Spirit Race today!

Elsa, the goddess of life, hesitated.

It's not that she's unwilling, to be honest, she's more than happy to, it's just...

It's just that the body shape of Guang Yu's human boy form is too different compared to hers.

Guangyu was still being stared at by the troupe leader, who urged Aisha very dissatisfied.

So Elsa sat on Raste's lap.

Guang Yu was about to proudly show off his power to Hua Dou Ya.

As a result, Aisha leaned back, then hugged Guangyu into her arms, and became the guest.

The Goddess of Life rested her head on Guangyu's shoulder, stretched out her tongue, licked the Sixth Evil God's ear, and said a word in the Eldar language.

The word is - master!

What were the reactions of Malcador and the Emperor, you ask?

The Emperor and Malcador applauded first, then one took out the camera of the second millennium, and the other instructed Elsa to position the evil god a little more straight, and began to take pictures.

Hahaha! Even your wicked God will fall over one day!

The more embarrassed the Sixth Evil God becomes, the more excited the Prime Minister of the Empire and [I'm Not a God] become.

In the small theater in the private room, the leader of the harlequin troupe has no way of knowing.

From his perspective, the picture looks like this.

First of all, the eyes of the unimaginably terrifying evil god seemed to reveal the true appearance of chaos.

He controlled some kind of power that mortals could not control, and opened the door to another different space.

Immediately afterwards, a very beautiful female Eldar hand that completely matched the physical characteristics of the Ada Eldar appeared next to the evil god.

The evil god patted his thigh, and the female spirit tribe seemed to be very resistant and did not agree.

The troupe leader was furious! This evil god dares to let the Eldar tribe serve him!

What happened next left the troupe leader's mind blank.

Because the Ada Spirit Tribe sat down and sat in the arms of the evil god.

Just when the full picture of this female Eldar appeared in the eyes of the troupe leader, he finally recognized that this was not an Eldar!

The Black Library contains information and illustrations about the Eldar gods.

Because the gods are dead and the Eldar gods are not so harsh on Dou Sprouts, the Hua Dou Sprouts will not feel any burden when they look at the past glories of the Eldar and pay homage to their own gods.

All Huadouya knew that Aisha, the goddess of life, was made a prisoner by Nurgle, the Lord of Chaos.

The troupe leader did not expect to see the goddess of life here.

The Laughing God has said that almost all the solutions to the most terrifying and painful diseases in the galaxy are from this goddess.

The flower bean sprouts all have a great wish in their hearts, that is to fight into Nurgle's Shit Garden and rescue the goddess of life, Elsa.

But who would have thought that the goddess of life would appear in front of her now?

The troupe leader didn't have time to think about what was going on.

The goddess of life held the evil god in her arms, and then called the evil god master with great intimacy and obedience!

The leader of the Harlequin Troupe suddenly felt like he was going to be broken!

Really, he felt like he was broken!

This prevented him from noticing how the evil god, who had been turned away by Aisha, was struggling but was firmly imprisoned in the arms of the goddess of life.

There is no winner in the battle between the Sixth Evil God and the Chosen God of Laughter!

After the fighting spirit ended, Guang Yu escaped from the arms of the goddess of life and pointed at her angrily.

"I just let you sit on my lap and show off! I didn't let you do anything else!"

"Do you think we did anything else? No."

Aisha, the goddess of life, teased the sixth evil god.

So funny! The terrifying and powerful Chaos Supreme is actually kind of cute here.

Rasta didn't dare to struggle too much just now, because he was afraid that the puppet string in his hand would go wrong and control Sana Ke's movements.

It turned out to be Aisha's help in teasing him, and the more she thought about the evil god, the angrier she became.

"Both of them can testify that I didn't do anything."

Elsa nodded gracefully to the Emperor and Malcador as a salute.

Even the Emperor, who clamored to clear out the aliens, responded.

Since they are allies of Guangyu, there is a possibility of cooperation, because Guangyu's pirate ship is too big.

"Yes, we can prove that she hasn't even touched the buttons on your clothes!"

"Ahhh, I'm so angry!"

Guang Yu threw Aisha to accompany the Laughing God.

His original intention was to let the God of Laughter and the Goddess of Life meet and let the two Eldar Gods communicate.

Now it turned out that He was so angry that he threw the goddess of life on his dining table.

When Rasta sat back down in his seat, the Emperor and Malcador were already admiring the photos.

"A masterpiece passed down from generation to generation! A masterpiece passed down from generation to generation!"

Huang Pizi and Makhado were full of praise and commented on the photo shooting technique and the lighting angle.

It wasn't until the terrifying thing appeared that the two best friends for tens of thousands of years pretended to be serious, one drank Coke and the other ate dessert.

"Photo! Give it to me! Hand it over!"

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