Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 182 Pretend to be real

Chaos, disorder! Impermanence!

Guangyu’s dining table has this characteristic.

Even if you know that this is a long table, you can't see where the end of the table is when you stand on the dining table.

Only when He comes to the table does the table have the concept of the end of the long table.

No one knows exactly how many dishes there are on this table, and no life that falls on the table can walk out of the table on its own.

It's like chaos here, time and space are chaotic.

The Eldar Laughing God has had many, many conversations with the remaining ribs of Infinite Fear.

But He could never get to the point.

As soon as the topic came to "where is this place", "who is the owner here" and "why did you end up like this", Infinite Fear lost his mind and was unable to respond to the Laughing God.

Xilaile suddenly lost his mind. He already understood where this place was.

This is a cemetery of the Chaos Gods, the private property of that unknown and terrifying existence.

The Chaos Gods and the Eldar Gods are undoubtedly antagonists.

Because the gods of the Eldar tribe tend to be more positive.

This also leads to Xilaile paying less attention to the subspace.

He himself is one of Slaanesh's prey, and even the other three Chaos Gods also have intentions of hunting him.

Don't think that Tzeentch, Nurgle and Khorne are not good, and none of the four main gods of Chaos are good.

The Emperor is the fifth evil god. Paying attention to the subspace is to take care of your home.

When an Eldar god looks at the subspace, is he looking at his hometown?

He does not know the changes in chaos that cannot be known to mortals.

Even when the emperor's glorious appearance was observed, it was because too many mortals got the news, and it was learned by Harlequin's intelligence network, and it was revealed by a book in the Black Library that could automatically record mortal knowledge.

Therefore, Xilaile was shocked and frightened by so many corpses of gods.

He is a young spirit god, and in terms of strength, he is even equivalent to some powerful secondary gods.

"Someone is here again..." Infinite Fear, known as a collector of rib trophies, suddenly reminded the Laughing God.

The Laughing God didn't know why. When he tried to call out the infinite fear again, this time the consciousness of the secondary god directly entered a state of suspended animation.

There is no way, the person who comes has a strong aura of lust.

For a moment, the Endless Long Table Continent, where there were still some whispers carried along the wind, fell silent.

The Laughing God sensed that the visitor might be related to the owner here.

Elsa, the goddess of life, is terrifying and dazzling in the eyes of the gods who rely on immortality to retain their incomplete consciousness.

She had just held Guangyu in her arms, and even licked the terrifying thing. The whole god was filled with an aura of horror.

Elsa did want to lick that lick, but the other function was this.

Neither she nor the Laughing God had the right to touch Guang Lu's table, but after she took a lick of Guang Lu and called the other party's master, a certain ritual was achieved.

The dining table has no consciousness, but there are rules. In the eyes of the dining table, she is now a servant of lust, and she has just licked her master, so she should be rewarded.

[You can get a dish and take it away, or you can eat here, but taking it away is not guaranteed! 】

This is the message Elsa gets from the table.

The immortality of the deity may well have led to the resurrection of lesser gods.

The Chaos Secondary God Corpse Bones here are honest because they have to be honest, and the Light Desire is brought directly to the Emperor because they can only be honest in front of the Emperor.

But you two spirit gods have no special attack on us. Why don't we act like monsters to live up to our reputation as Chaos Gods?

It is an old tradition for the Eldar and their gods to roll over their cars, making them unable to get up.

"I would like to ask, is the fellow of my race who came just now also qualified to receive the reward from the master?"

Elsa relies on her special name for light desire to initiate contact with the rules.

The dining table didn't want to pay attention to her, but the rule that the master made to serve lust finally wavered.

[Between having and not having. 】

After the rules expressed the message, he completely severed the connection between himself and Aisha.

Elsa came to the conclusion: The Laughing God can get an opportunity at the table of light desire, but it must rely on his own efforts. Neither light desire nor the table will give it anything directly. He must prove that he is qualified to get a dish.

After figuring out her situation, Elsa pushed through the fog and came to the Laughing God.

The aura of light and lust on her body dispelled the darkness of the Laughing God's perception, and the Laughing God finally saw clearly the tip of the iceberg here.

Then, he looked at Aisha with joy and shock.

To be honest, it is too tiring for a god to support a race that is struggling to survive and is hunted by the main god of chaos. The Laughing God was born relatively late.

He could only grit his teeth and persist, trying his best to snatch every bean sprout from Salish's mouth.

Now that he saw that the spirit god who was older than him was still the one he had been worried about, he suddenly felt a little sad.

"Thank you for all your hard work over the years."

Elsa is no longer the willful goddess who caused trouble, lied and was irresponsible. A series of changes and years of suffering have made her more intellectual and mature.

"No, I'm fine, but you have suffered a lot in the chaos."

The Laughing God sighed, he never expected that we would meet again.

There is no sun or moon in chaos, and Aisha's years in subspace cannot be calculated realistically at all.

The Laughing God and Slaanesh have been fighting wits and courage for so many years. From Elsa's calm look and the fog of perception that she can expel, it can be seen that the other party knows everything here.

"I know what you want to ask. This is the dining table of the most powerful Chaos God. He once killed all the Chaos Gods in Chaos, including the four Chaos Gods.

It didn't take as much effort as you might think for Him to slaughter us like Slaanesh did.

He could kill two or even four Chaos Gods at the same time with only one move.

The four main gods of chaos possess immortality and are rooted in the real universe, so they can be resurrected immediately.

I was thrown into the food warehouse by my master when he killed Nurgle for the first time. There, I also saw many mortal souls of our Aeldari race.

As the master's personal doctor, I have been doing physical examinations for him. As a reward, he will reincarnate some souls in the Arkworld every year.

In fact, you and I both know that I am not entitled to any reward from Him.

I am His rescuer, His trophy, but He still gives me no reward.

I have decided that He is my master, and today, He did not contradict me.

I just want to kneel before Him and listen to His divine voice..."

The table took notice of this impassioned statement.

Elsa was rewarded with a small piece of the god's bones at the table.

In Aisha's hand, a small section of spine appeared out of thin air.

The goddess of life threw the spine to the god of laughter on the spot.

The Laughing God knew what Elsa meant. She was telling the Laughing God that this was acting and she could get plenty of rewards.

The ridiculous god has long since learned to penetrate people's hearts.

Is this really an act? I always feel like I have to fake it for real.

"Take it quickly! You cannot take this thing out, otherwise it will be easy to revive. The Chaos Gods all have their own weird characteristics. It is safest to digest it here."

After Aisha finished saying this, she added in her mind: Unless you can eat it in front of Lust.

The Laughing God is a little conscience-stricken.

He ate all the gods' bones that Aisha had finally earned. How could he be so embarrassed?

"What about you?"

The Laughing God even uses an honorific title.

"I can just eat whatever I want."

A mountain of bones quickly shrank and came to Aisha. She took out her knife and fork, faced the plate of food, and began to eat gracefully.

The Laughing God looked at the small piece of spine in his hand, and then at the entire skeleton on Elsa's plate, and fell into deep thought.

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