Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 183 Harem Chaos

Raste finally got hold of Malcador's camera and threw the two photos into the fire.

"Don't force me! Be careful I post the photos of you wearing black stockings and robbing banks all over the galaxy!"

Lust threatens the Emperor.

To be honest, the Emperor's character went through an unknown amount of psychological struggle before he took on the important task of saving humanity.

Before that, he was just a guy who had nothing interesting to do.

The Eldar have a lifespan of only a thousand or even thousands of years, and they all pursue extreme fun.

Where is the Emperor? The Emperor was once nothing more than a psychic brat.

Although he did not pursue all kinds of extreme excitement, he also tried to regain his humanity during the Gutera period.

For example, in order to experience the taste of failure, I was deliberately defeated, and then my hands were tied with ropes and dragged on the ground by a chariot for an entire afternoon.

Another example is that he turned into a woman to pursue a noble girl because what he thought was love at first sight turned out to be lustful.

Another example is that I thought the story of a dragon-slaying hero marrying a princess was too cliche, so I took the heroine of the story away with her, only to find out that the heroine was a spearman.

The spearman later took care of him for tens of thousands of years, and even tolerated his various childish behaviors and misbehavior.

Including when he went to rob a bank wearing black stockings and got three million back to show off to the gunmen.

The TV news next to him and the gunman said that the bank had been robbed of 47 million. The gunman asked him to clarify, but he said that 44 million had been spent by him!

Some mortals would feel bored after living for decades, but the Emperor had lived for tens of thousands of years, so he had basically found all kinds of fun that were not too out of the ordinary.

How do you, an old guy with a dark history, have the right to threaten me and Xidisi?

Rasta is threatening.

Suddenly Lao Ma blushed in a rare way and stared at the floor uneasily, while the Emperor looked at the ceiling.

"Um...do you know anything else?"

Guang Yu was stunned by this question, and the movements of his hands controlling Sana Ke's acting almost stopped.

He looked back at the timeline and canceled the options that were not suitable for lust.

In the 2100th year of Terra, mankind officially began the plan to transform Mars. Some humans were selected to participate in the development of Mars. The Emperor was selected because of various inhuman performances.

The King of Disposables was unwilling to work hard and just wanted to lie down. At that time, Terra began to develop Mars and even the Milky Way due to various social pressures. People in many areas were not willing to have offspring.

In order for the Emperor to stay and lie down on Terra, he must not be single.

Therefore, that year, the emperor and Lao Ma received the certificate, and at the same time, Old Man Huang received a marriage subsidy of 66,000 Terra yuan from Terra...

ah? The empire's defense was because of the chaos in the harem? However, the two actually still get along as before, and even divorced later.

Light Desire was slightly shocked by the human empire.

And his subordinate Sana Ke has already brought the drama to a climax.

On the stage at this moment, the drama is completely out of control.

The script of The Laughing God is definitely different from the real situation.

So Rasta filled in the details, and threw the real situation into the drama after covering up part of the plot.

What is this called?

This is called changing based on real events, so you don’t have to be deceived!

This is the climax of the first act, when Light takes control of the Wolf Goddess and tricks Ibosas into stealing the power of Slaanesh.

The lines have reached the scene where Ibosas admits that the most powerful Chaos God in front of him is the Lord of Joy.

Then, Sanake's hand unconsciously stretched back.

Light Desire dropped a god's spine from the Gate of Ashes.

This is a divine spine with the weakest divine substance, and it is also a reward for Sana Ke.

He approved of using the Eldar to perform this drama.

Devouring all the Eldar is the ritual that allows Slaanesh to ascend to the true Four Gods of Chaos.

Otherwise, he will always be the one who cannot be beaten among the four main gods. No matter Khorne, Nurgle or Tzeentch, he can be defeated.

The resistance of the Eldar is itself part of the fight against Slaanesh. This drama is a fight against Slaanesh.

Sana Ke caught the god's spine.

She was stunned. She recognized that this was a reward given to her by the evil god and a temporary prop for this drama.

Not only did she recognize it, but all the bean sprouts who were watching the drama recognized it.

Chaos knowledge radiated from the spine, telling them that these were the bones of the Chaos God!

There was silence for only a moment, followed by the roar of mountains and tsunamis.

They are not the troupe leader, so they know that it is the evil god who controls the drama now.

They only think that this is the achievement of the great Laughing God. The Laughing God is using drama to tell them that He has become more powerful and that He can already hunt gods in chaos!

During the carnival of the Ark Bean Sprouts, Eve Renee's silly and sweet grandmother Xiao Dai Dou Spr couldn't hold back. She turned around and hugged Eve Renee's grandfather, pulled him down and kissed him hard.

Guangyu took Malcador's camera and opened the Ashes Gate to take a photo.

Ten thousand years from now, this photo may be in Guilliman's hands, then on Evrené's bedside table, where it will be framed.

The [actor] who played Ibosas looked at his script with a confused look on his face.

What he has to do now is to take over the god's spine and swallow it like a sword!

He is really good at swallowing swords, no kidding, but this is the spine of a god, how can he swallow it?

Was this wicked script really written by his most respected God of Laughter?

Fortunately, a piece of light mist lit up, covering his figure, and he immediately threw his spine back to the horn.

Sanake took the divine spine and felt very happy.

This thing must be her reward! Giving it to the God of Laughter will definitely strengthen his power.

Just as she was thinking this, the divine spine moved by itself.

Like a snake, it circled behind her.

Before Sanake could react, she was immediately forcibly fused by the divine spine.

This thing directly connected to her lower back, causing her body tissue to give birth, and the flesh and blood that were born became her tail!

Her flesh and blood covered the tail and began to deform the divine spine.

When she could feel this little tail, her whole body was numb.

The body of the Aida Eldar is dozens of times stronger than that of humans, so the pleasure is also!

The same is true for this tail.

The divine substance poured into Sanake's body like a hot stream, completely transforming her into an Aida Eldar demigod.

Secondary god? It can't be done. This tail was originally made from the skeleton of the weakest secondary god, and it can't be upgraded to that level.

Originally, Sanake could still bear this feeling. The perseverance of the unicorn is not just talk.

But Guangyu was greedy.

He looked at the cute black tail swaying back and forth, and couldn't help it. While the light fog covered the entire stage, he secretly touched it one, two, three, four times.

Sanake cried to Him directly through the puppet line!

This cry that outsiders couldn't hear made Luster upset.

"Okay, I'll compensate you!"

"Is this a question of compensation? This is the tail! A very sensitive part!"

"I'll pay more!"

"Even if you pay more, it won't work!"

"I'll go and rescue your goddess of life from the chaos!"

"Does it feel good to touch you? Do you want me to wash it clean before you touch it? Give you a lifetime package? Otherwise, I won't feel at ease."

Sanake was so happy. She was just a bean sprout, but she could save her own goddess of life?

She thought she had gotten a great deal, and her tail swayed even more happily.

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