Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 185 Broken Angel

In the original timeline, before the return of the Primarch, the most despised Astartes Legion was not the Thousand Sons, whose psychic power could go out of control at any time and cause the contamination of the warp.

It was a broken legion that officially had the name of the Blood Angels after the return of the Primarch.

And the ranking of this broken legion is the Holy Number Nine of Tzeentch.

In the Astartes transformation surgery of the 9th Legion, there are two surgeries to enhance the ability to obtain battlefield information, which brings a fatal flaw to these canned creatures.

The original intention of this surgery was to allow the Astartes to eat corpse tissue on the battlefield to obtain the enemy's memory and battlefield information.

However, the characteristics of the warp inherited by the gene Primarch made the negative effects of these two surgeries particularly terrible.

This negative effect is blood thirst!

Sanguinius and his descendants were cursed by this defect.

In the timeline changed by the Light Desire, the blood thirst of the 9th Legion was suppressed as much as possible.

One of the key reasons for the outbreak of blood thirst in the 9th Legion was the hostility of the Astartes of various legions before the arrival of the Light Desire.

Yes, it was hostility!

Although they belong to the same side of the Empire, the cans are also human beings, and they have all kinds of emotions and conflicts.

Not to mention different legions, even in the same legion or even in a squadron of the same Dalian, there are cases of violent conflicts between cans.

The genetic defects of the Ninth Legion make them thirst for human flesh and blood, and most people have suppressed this desire.

Only a few cans can't hold back, and then pounce on the corpse and bite it madly.

When this horrible scene was discovered by other legions and regarded as heresy, and reported to the Emperor and Malcador, the rejection of the Ninth Legion by various legions became more and more obvious.

The Empire's treatment of the Ninth Legion is to tear the entire legion into pieces and throw it to the place where the battle line is the longest.

The long battle line means that it is difficult to obtain food supplies, and it also means the bloodiest and cruelest battlefield, and they have to endure the loneliness of destruction and death in their hearts.

They are like the abandoned children of the Empire, exerting their last remaining heat. Many people don't understand why they are treated so unfairly, so they begin to indulge their blood thirst.

Mortals, other dead battle brothers, aliens...

The entire Ninth Legion is called the Ghoul Legion for this reason.

After every crazy bloody battle, these canned things spend the rest of their time in mental depression and self-torture.

Twenty-six years ago, on April 4th, Terra, a new quartermaster arrived, but this time, there were not enough mortals.

Yes, every split Ninth Legion squad encountered a black-haired and black-eyed teenage quartermaster.

Because of the genetic characteristics of Sanguinius, the Astartes of the Ninth Legion are all handsome Blood Angels, but long-term blood thirst and mental torture have turned them into a group of sloppy vampires.

These vampires have messy hair because they don't have enough water to bathe.

The first gift the quartermaster brought them was enough water.

A refreshing bath turned these vampires back into the Empire's Space Marines.

Comparing the huge difference between their images before and after, they sincerely felt the horror of depravity.

The quartermaster stretched out his arm and asked them, "Do you still want to suck my blood now?"

This abandoned legion, which even the auxiliary army was unwilling to follow, learned to restrain itself for the first time.

That night, they had the most abundant meal in their lives, with a lot of vegetables, fruits and clean water, as well as meat, eggs, fish and shrimp.

After they actively tried to suppress their genetic defects, the evil god's mental filter began to heal their desires from a psychological level.

On the first day, these cans were still very cautious.

On the second day, the cans became silent, but they all liked to get close to the quartermaster.

On the third day, the cans tried to talk to the quartermaster.

On the fourth day, all the cans resisted their crazy desire for alien flesh and blood in a bloody battle. They didn't know that this was the help of the light desire mental filter. After they overcame their genetic defects, they were rewarded by the quartermaster.

That night, the good babies gathered in a circle and listened to the quartermaster telling stories.

They began to suffer from insomnia-for the brutal acts in the past, and the quartermaster coaxed them to sleep.

Food supply, dignity, no longer lonely

Suddenly, the cans found that everything was abundant and began to become sunny.

Until they found that those special aliens that rushed out of the subspace began to attack their team frantically.

After a day of fighting, the quartermaster who was also a pharmacist began to apologize to them.

The pharmacist was actually the military doctor of the Astartes.

The quartermaster made new arms for every disabled Astartes and said that those aliens might come to stop him.

I forgot which can it started from.

They didn't care who the aliens were coming for. They knew from birth how difficult it was to get what they wanted and what price they had to pay.

When they got their own material providers and felt at ease, they already had psychological expectations and knew what risks they might face.

Some people began to swear to protect the material providers who were powerless.

They only needed enough water, food and stories.

Everyone thought that such days would continue.

In fact, the battle to guard the material providers of each squad of the Ninth Legion lasted the longest.

The longest persistence mentioned here refers to the latest time when the material provider becomes plasma for the first time.

Even their material providers were not ionized when they were unable to retreat and were trapped in a tight siege.

But after a battle in which they refused to retreat and suffered heavy losses, the material providers chose to leave on their own.

Each team encountered what they regarded as a dirty special alien - in fact, it was the siege of the demonic army of Nurgle.

Lust’s plan to steal life authority is the earliest one.

When all the cans burn their lives to the extreme in order to protect.

The pollution of life authority on Emperor's Glory began to erupt.

Many cans began to burst into blood thirst, but they suppressed it. Unable to suppress it, they rushed into the demon army and began to fight bloody battles.

After the battle, there are far fewer cans of stories waiting to be heard.

Guang Yu held those souls in his hands and hesitated for a long time.

The last hope of every can is that it would be great if there was still the Ninth Legion and the master.

Rasta eventually created new bodies for these souls, allowing them to repopulate throughout the empire.

The incarnation of lust for light also exists widely in the non-battlefield world.

These incarnations take care of these cans that have been reborn but have lost their memories. They may regain their memories one day, but not at this moment.

They have been handed over as tithes to the various worlds, and the Tech-Priests and Bishops have begun the Astartes transformation surgeries.

Not everyone's transformation surgery can be successful, but with the intervention of the Emperor's Glory, everything becomes much easier.

Those who undergo transformation surgery will not violate the glory of the Emperor. What they represent is the Emperor himself, the Lord of mankind.

The new recruits have just grown up, have not yet entered the battlefield, and have not yet awakened their memories.

The 100% success rate of the operation shocked the technical priests and bishops at the power of the Emperor's glory.

They originally wanted to seek technical support, but Malcador's order came early.

That success rate, they learned, came at a high price.

The recruits only have combat experience given by the gene seeds and no memories. They are still behind the Empire and know that all material providers, namely the Emperor's Glory, are the same person.

However, all the members of the Ninth Legion who were serving on the front line did not know this.

They thought they had lost everything most precious forever.

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