Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 186 Extremely Loyal

Unses is the captain of the Ninth Legion's pity squad.

Each squad of the Ninth Legion does not have a specific size, but they will not exceed three hundred people.

It's just a pity that this name comes from their master. Before that, they were just a series of numbers and codes on the imperial statistical roster.

When the team was first assigned to this bullshit sector, they had 271 cans, but many of them died in the battle.

When their quartermaster arrived they were left with two hundred and forty-four.

They usually focus on guerrilla warfare and rely on eating the flesh and blood of corpses. They can easily obtain battlefield information and enemy memories, which helps to increase their survival rate.

Of course, the exception is when you lose your mind due to blood thirst.

Some considerable time after the quartermaster's arrival, the whole squad began to restock with new cans.

Their team once expanded to a squadron of nearly 500 people.

Until the beginning of that nightmare battle.

Those putrid and dirty strange aliens had something that the quartermaster called a life-distorting aura that stimulated their blood thirst.

They fought with everything they had in that battle, and despite heavy losses, they won in the end.

They were also keeping an eye on the quartermaster, because the other person's body almost burned at a certain moment.

It was Angseth and a few cans who knelt down and begged humblely, preventing His plasma and the opening of the Ashes Gate.

After the battle was won, the surviving cans received treatment and heard the last story of One Thousand and One Nights.

It was a blessed night, as they buried the bodies of their battle brothers.

But the change occurred after falling asleep.

They had nightmares about things that weren't very nice.

After waking up, they never saw the quartermaster who told the story about "how bad the Babar people are".

And each of them had the taste of blood in their mouths.

A terrible association occupies the brains of all cans!

Their blood thirst was quelled, as if the genetic defect had disappeared.

They finally found the Quartermaster bleeding out at the end of the camp.

He sat and watched the sunset.

Angseth remembered Him saying this.

"Take good care of yourself."

Then the Quartermaster turned into pale ashes in the sunset.

He could not tell these cans that his incarnation existed in countless places at the same time and was burning all the time. The torture of lust was more like torture to them.

So He hid the fact that He was not really dead, and He needed to make these cans less dependent on Him.

Light Desire has already developed the Third Legion in a strange way and has no intention of taking away the Ninth Legion.

After that, the only team was like a walking zombie, repeating the tasteless battles and the pain of loss.

This kind of life lasted for several years.

And just this morning, the sky in Lephisto, the world they were in, seemed too blue.

Lephisto is a planetary world once occupied by humans during the Golden Age.

Unfortunately, the team didn't find any aliens when they discovered the planet.

They are just stationed here to replenish supplies.

Maybe there is no need to replenish it. Their quartermasters don't know what technology they use to make their food warehouses endlessly replenished.

They just need to wait here to contact the Empire, and then hand over the coordinates of this world so that the Empire can begin to take over.

Everything was fine.

Until the pure blue sky dyed their eyes.

Blood thirst breaks out again! And even more violently than before meeting their substance provider!

Everyone is exercising extreme restraint.

But both their hearts were beating fast.

The main heart is experiencing some failure due to the unsatisfied strong desire. This is unprecedented.

Eventually, an anonymous vote was held and they decided to attack a mortal village.

This is not their original intention, but the pollution of subspace is confusing their thinking.

It only took them nine minutes to complete the process of selecting a suitable village, counting the number of prey, and even dividing the spoils among themselves.

The rest is a blood meal.

But everything was completed very quickly. When it came time for the blood meal, no one could eat it.

They began to remember His praise when they resisted their blood thirst.

Those fearful mortals were arrested from noon, and by nightfall, they were still not passive.

The frozen ground is covered with snowflakes.

The distant lava erupted into a line dividing the world.

The distant fire cannot melt the ice and snow, and the world where ice and fire coexist makes the cans feel in a trance.

Under the dark blue sky, the ice and snow were dyed red by the firelight, and the whole world looked like it was soaked in blood.

The Astartes stood up one by one and walked towards their prey.

The terrified mortals could not even speak in this strange depravity and pollution.

Just as an Astartes was about to tear apart his prey, they heard approaching footsteps.

The footsteps were very light, so light that the cans could calculate each other's height and weight.

They looked sideways and saw a guy who might have wrapped himself tightly because he was afraid of the cold.

Their eyes originally lit up because their heights were so similar! Unexpectedly like.

Until the one who came, He raised his head.

The dark blue pupils disappointed these cans.

And He wrapped Himself in a cold robe and scarf until only his eyes were exposed.

"Put that kid down."

Even his voice was hoarse and completely different.

The cans who had completely stopped thinking about him no longer paid attention to this guy and were ready to start the blood meal.

"I said, put that kid down!"

He ordered over the nearest can.

"Who are you?"

Unseth, who had regained some sanity due to the mental filter, put down the woman in his hand, came to the uninvited guest, and asked.

Unseth's height is 2.4 meters. He is a relatively tall Astartes, exceeding the average level of 2.1 meters for Astartes.

And the little guy in front of him was just like their quartermaster, like fine porcelain.

"I'm your new Quartermaster."

The little guy in front of Angseth said something in an extremely calm tone that could make everyone most uneasy.

Even the canned people who had prepared to eat first put down their prey and all came here.

"No, you are not our quartermaster! We don't need a new quartermaster! No more!"

One of the cans tried hard to find traces of memory from the other party, but couldn't see it.

A certain aura that could only be felt by the cans of the Ninth Legion that enveloped him when he was creating matter had completely disappeared at this moment.

Because He can no longer create matter now.

After deciding that this person was not the quartermaster they recognized, and not wanting to suffer that kind of pain again, the cans decided to drive him away.

What they did was to go back and show their fangs and start a blood meal to scare the little guy away.

The little guy stopped them with one word.

"He and I are so similar yet different because we share the same blood. Now, do you want to have a taste?"

The irritated cans began to suffer as they seemed to recall the taste.

The taste was extremely sweet but made them extremely painful.

That blood is still flowing in their bodies.

And when the new quartermaster in front of them stretched out his arm, they smelled the familiar smell of blood, even through their skin.

"Now, either put those children down, or watch me cut a wound on this arm."

"who are you?"

"I'm his clone."

"…Fuck the Empire!"

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