Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 191 Acquired Efforts

"Our genetic father, how is he doing now?"

While the cans kept silent about their rebellious past, they started to care about another topic.

"He is now taking your future battle brothers to slowly transform a desolate desert planet into a planet suitable for survival.

He has recently tried growing peanuts, soybeans and peas, and has begun experimenting with growing staple crops. "

As Rasta spoke, his eyes passed through the battleship and landed somewhere.

There was a demonic army in the depths of chaos, and they were dragging an alien warship.

The dark blue in Guangyu's eyes surged, and it didn't calm down until he took a breath.

"You just..." Angseth seemed to feel something.

"Subspace is actually chaos, condensed from the emotions and actions of intelligent life.

The reason why the Emperor has been promoting the Emperor's Truth is because Chaos is polluting. Ordinary people who only know a little knowledge of Chaos will become the carrier of demons or become ugly monsters.

The Emperor's Truth is a protective mechanism, and some of the aliens you have encountered that are very different from most are demons.

Just now, I saw a group of demons capture a civilization's warships, so I burned them all to death.

Don't believe what the devil says. Most of the devils come from the four main gods of Chaos.

Each of them wants your Primarch, and you, and to do so, they will do whatever it takes, no matter the cost. "

Guang Yu said as he opened his arms.

A can hurriedly went to the quartermaster's cabin to get his little pillow.

"Would you like a blanket?"

Even though he knew that his quartermaster was the most terrifying evil god, he still asked.


Rasta was sleeping on a seat that was a little too big for him, hugging a pillow, with his eyes closed and his head resting on the pillow.

Closing his eyes and falling asleep did not prevent Him from continuing to chat with these cans.

"You may be welcoming a battle sister who is very powerful, comparable to the combat power of the Primarch who has not received my comprehensive development education.

She is a very, very cute little four-winged angel, and I bet every one of you will fall in love with her.

She will follow your genetic father closely. The halo above her head and the power in her body are all given by me.

Sure, she can be a little naughty. "

"That's no problem, she was taken care of by you, just like us, it's just...

We are a bunch of clumsy people, if we break her heart..."

The cans who had never seen Saint Lena in other timeline memories began to worry.

"As long as you work hard, you can do it. She is a good and considerate child, and hard work is more important than anything else, so...

Take a good rest today and tomorrow. "

After the tired Guang Yu said this, he began to fall into a deep sleep, and he could hear light snores.

You ask, what do the cans think of this scene? The cans stared at it without moving their eyes, alas! Never tire of watching it!

Until the light desire in the seat flickered in the dim light and then disappeared.

Everyone knew that the Quartermaster had returned to the cabin, and the cans without the Evil God to suck began their daily weapon maintenance.

Every Astartes weapon requires regular maintenance and appeasement of the Machine Spirit as part of their daily routine.

How important is the joy of machine soul? Charmander actually ran out of fuel last time on Planet Slark, and ended up breathing fire for a long time, traveling crazily, and crushing a bunch of Slark aliens.

There are often situations where a can is loaded with an ordinary magazine, and as a result, the bolter kills more aliens one by one than there are bullets.

This is no longer a scientific issue, it may involve subspace, because human emotions will lead to various strange events in subspace.

Angseth looked at the battleship's route before maintaining the weapons, and finally confirmed that their target was an ordinary planet called Edmelon.

"Is there another problem in the world that was just ruled by the empire?"


Dividing line---

Admelon is a newly developed planet under the official rule of the Empire.

Not even the Empire has begun to locate the planet.

Hive cities, hub planets, agricultural worlds, and trading posts.

These conventional choices will have to wait until the exiles complete their inspection mission.

Ed Mellon's current job is to drive a large number of exiles to various places to collect samples of various underground rock formations, and to examine whether the planet's soil can produce corn yields above normal.

It is true that the main crop of the empire is corn, but it also has plans to develop other crops. Some unique crops on conquered alien planets are the main crops of that world.

Don’t ask why these crops, which are no less than or even superior to corn in terms of yield and taste, are not popularized, because these things are only suitable for high yields on that planet.

Therefore, the exiles were also used as guinea pigs to test the poison.

The empire's philosophy is to make the best use of everything. If you commit a crime, you will be thrown into the new world as the first batch of exiles. The survival rate is so low that the four main gods feel that it does not meet their sacred numbers.

Tia is the one with the highest level of knowledge among these exiles.

Tia was born into a star-region noble and was originally a promising medical scientist.

The planet she was on was prosperous and vital, and had a favorable environment among many worlds in the empire.

She is the best of the best in both knowledge and appearance, and she has no shortage of suitors.

But Tia didn't care about this. She submitted applications many times, hoping to return to the solar system and become a citizen of Holy Terra or Mars.

She explained her research in the application, recommended herself, and talked about her talents.

It's a pity that it is a joke to expect that the empire from top to bottom will have a discerning eye for gold, even if Tia proves that she has this talent.

Our sector is still waiting for you, a talented person, to contribute all the value. The application form for Holy Terra can be filled with countless battleships, so you should rest. We are saving you time.

Tia failed like this. Some people thought that they could take advantage of this situation and approach Tia, but they were rejected.

Then Tia was targeted by jealous people.

The jealous person came from the same research institute as her, but he had little interest in various researches. His hobby all day long was to show off his personal charm and pursue a better self.

It's a pity that even if she ruins her reputation, her suitors can't compare to a quarter of Tia's.

What makes jealous people even more crazy is that Tia rejected a senior she admired.

Various voices emerged from the heart of the jealous person, and in the end, she chose to follow the advice of that voice and frame Tia as a heretic.

There are so many twists and turns, but the process is simple.

Tzeentch deceived the stupid human who had fallen into the ways of Slaanesh, and used his knowledge to write a human research book on Nurgle's virology, and asked the stupid human to give the book to Tia.

Tia was eager to prove her worth, so she accidentally opened the book.

If she connected all the ninth words in every ninth line on the first nine pages of the book's cover, she would see the real title.

Translated into Chinese, the title of the book is: "From Imperial Scholar to Nurgle's Chosen".

Of course Tzeentch would not find a Chosen One for his mortal enemy. There was no way Tia could become Nurgle's Chosen One. He was mocking the Lord of Plagues.

Look! I put a biological genius in front of your book and you couldn't even corrupt her!

Tzeentch's face-to-face output against Nurgle may be simple, but he never tires of it.

Because this is one of the nine daily tasks He has temporarily set for Himself, He will watch these wonderful changes like a play.

As long as it doesn't stink like shit, it's fine.

It hasn't been restored today, I'm a bit sorry, the update may be delayed.

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