Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 192 Dagu Baby

While Tia was still carefully studying the blue and green flowers published by Tzeentch and written by Nurgle.

A heretical riot broke out.

The Jealous One attracted a large number of Slaanesh daemons in a sordid affair organized by her, giving the Slaanesh daemons an anchor in reality.

Three forces of chaos were attracted at once, and the world was in trouble.

The Planetary Guards and the Astartes who were temporarily supplying here quickly cleared this weak demonic army.

Imperial laws strictly prohibit indulgence, and the families of jealous people are directly dealt with, even affecting many people who have been contaminated by jealous people.

They didn't catch the Jealous One. The fool believed Tzeentch's lies and threw himself into the rift in the warp. He was captured by the demon of Slaanesh, and his fate was predictable.

Tia, on the other hand, was found guilty of possessing heretical books. In order to protect herself, her family asked her to sacrifice herself.

So Tia became an exile and was sent to Edmelon.

Every exiled prisoner tries his best to be honest, because any dishonesty will be rewarded with a flashlight.

Yes, it is a kind care for the laser rifle. This kind of weapon that can replenish ammunition with the sun and fire is widely installed in the empire because it is very convenient to replenish ammunition.

Tia's knowledge base allowed her to receive preferential treatment. She has researched rock strata and materials science, and has certain medical knowledge.

This made her highly valued by the administrators who supervised all the exiles.

Tia has her own single dormitory, equipped with a not-so-bright solar lamp.

It is said to be a dormitory, but it is actually a room made of several wooden boards. Inside is a handmade bed made by myself. The bedding was given by the manager. It has no beautiful colors and only has a practical function of keeping warm.

After a busy day, Master Di returned to the dormitory and fell on his bed.

At least it's wide enough! Master Di comforted himself like this.

To be honest, she was a little confused. She clearly wanted to go to Holy Terra, but she didn't expect to end up in such a ghost place as a gopher digging holes and a guinea pig testing plant toxicity.

She turned over in confusion and lay on her side on her bed.

Then, she met a pair of dark blue eyes.

The boy who really didn't match the style of his surroundings and even the empire stared at her with dark blue eyes, holding a cute little shark pillow in his arms.

"Good evening."

He rubbed his pillow and whispered like an evil god to this mortal who was extremely talented as a pharmacist.

This genius pharmacist, who had been tricked and tricked by Tzeentch once, had already developed a psychological shadow on the evil god.

The other party's style of painting was so strange that Tia almost didn't need to think about it to understand that this was the evil god coming to visit again.

What she had experienced before seemed short, but in fact it lasted nearly two months.

For two whole months, she was not a fool. Who could be capable of doing such a thing?

What's more, that book contains a lot of metaphors about chaos knowledge.

Tia originally planned to be wary, but the evil god was too cute.

After reading the book, she took the essence and discarded the dross, borrowed as much knowledge as possible, combined with her own past experience, and began to genetically modify herself.

When she got the book, she thought about her own fate, but the scholar's curiosity for knowledge made her unable to resist this desire.

For her genetic model, she used the characteristics of subspace to gain an enhanced response.

Although her body statistics are far from those of an Astartes, her height is no lower than that of an Astartes. In terms of strength, although she cannot directly withstand several kilograms of power armor without activating the power pack, she still weighs a ton. The power to stand out.

She had expected that she would be abandoned by her family, and these power modifications were to make it easier for her to endure the hard labor in exile.

"I have been exiled here, everything should be over!"

Tia resisted the evil god's cuteness and warned him seriously.

"But, it's not me who caused you to be exiled. Besides, don't you want to live on Terra or Mars?"

Guang Yu sat up and pressed his hands back and forth on the shark doll in his arms, like a kitten stepping on its milk.

Terra, Mars...

These two words made Tia's eyes darken.

These two planets are sacred to the Empire.

Needless to say, Terra is the origin of mankind.

Mars is a transformable planet that humans have been dreaming of since they just ended the industrial era. In the year 2100, humans officially landed on Mars, making it their second home planet.

The Mechanicum has an apocrypha.

It is said that the reason why mankind has exploded in technology and quickly ended the feudal and industrial era is because the Ohm Messiah brought a mechanical source of fire to mankind.

To put it bluntly, when the Emperor met Malcador, the dragon he subdued was the Void Dragon.

He took a star god and squeezed out some knowledge, and spread this knowledge, so humans began to boil water to create energy, and eventually started a golden age.

Mars has the most technology in the human empire, and Terra is the origin of humanity. As an imperial scholar, Tia cannot refuse this temptation.

"I don't believe you, Terra and Mars are the centers of truth for the Empire.

Every year, no! Every day, people from all walks of life in the empire are eager to submit an application, and then be allowed to be transferred to Holy Terra, and then become a Terran like their ancestors.

However, these applications can be used as fuel to burn a family for several lifetimes.

This is still a family that is qualified to write an application. Ordinary people do not have this qualification.

Becoming an ordinary person on Holy Terra and Mars is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

Unless the great Emperor and Regent approve, I can't think of any way to enter Holy Terra. "

Tia's rejection was expected by Raste.

He no longer steps on the shark's milk, but spreads his hands.

"Whether you believe it or not, I have 44,444 square kilometers of land in Holy Terra. I could have had more, but I rejected them."

"Holy Terra's 44,444 square kilometers of land? With all due respect, that is impossible. You might as well say that you own the entire Terra Palace."

Tia felt that this guy who didn't know whether he was an evil god or a demon was full of lies.

"That Broken Nest City? Tsk, Yigubigu shook his head when he saw it."

The Royal Palace of Terra is actually a huge hive city, or Terra after the sea water is drained. Hive cities that can accommodate more people have been built.

Ten thousand years later, the number of these hives was so outrageous that the planet, which had been saturated with billions of people during the ancient Terra period, actually accommodated 200 trillion people.

What is the concept of two hundred trillion people? The heat emitted by each person combined can melt the four main gods and demons directly and send them back to the subspace.

"Who is Igubigu?"

"Yi Gu Bigu, nicknamed Da Gu, he is taller, and he likes to talk to people and talk to ghosts."

"Then he's quite annoying."

"Who says it isn't?"

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