Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 196 Toilet lid

The Brass Gate is a despicable subspace rule similar to a devil's bargain.

And its appearance is not fixed.

Most of the time, the Brass Door is made of brass and bones, but also has a strange combination of flesh, eyes, proliferating skin, and beating hearts.

Brass doors with different appearances have different personalities.

The Brass Gate is good at discovering escape emotions and curiosity in life, thereby inducing the other party to make a deal with itself.

This disgusting rule is reflected in the fact that different emotions require different transaction values.

It might simply trample on your dignity by asking you to pee like a dog.

It may also require you to pay a certain amount of body tissue, such as fingers and equivalent flesh and blood.

Or maybe it wants to create a serial killing case and has strict requirements on the killing method.

More often than not, it will allow you to create a painful experience for yourself and many others, leaving an indelible psychological shadow on everyone for the rest of their lives.

This evil thing, with its different appearances and different emotions, is even more like the main god transformed by those four emotions than the four main gods of chaos.

The Brass Door has many requirements, but it can only give one thing.

When you complete its various conditions, it will open the door and say to you, "Master, come and play"!

Everything behind that door is mysterious and unknown, no one knows what it is.

Many people have completed transactions with the Brass Gate, and after stepping into it, they have never appeared in the universe of chaos and reality again.

Only a very small number of traders are lucky enough to survive. They have only experienced a little time in the Brass Gate and have already appeared on the other side of the distant galaxy.

The Empire keeps the information on the Brass Gate highly confidential.

Because everyone who enters the Brass Gate considers himself to be a determined person, and will not be stupid enough to exchange a completely unequal transaction for a hellish trip where life or death is uncertain.

But the subspace will not reason with you. When the Brass Gate targets you, your spirit has been eroded and corrupted.

It seems to have a special rule of "people always make mistakes", which is used to act on psykers and then swallow them up.

Of course, you ask Rasta, what do you think of this thing?

A broken one! There is a price to pay for opening, and even the Brass Gate itself cannot control it. It is a crazy rule.

To say that it is on the same level as the four main gods is to dye its face golden with the emperor's butt. In real terms, its influence is very small.

The four main gods of Chaos, Rasta, don't even care. Do you care about your small broken door that is worse than the Ash Gate?

When he is free one day, His Light Desire will open doors all over the galaxy. The price for opening the doors is very simple: reveal your dark history!

One day, Guang Yu will be able to compile a copy of everyone's browser records.

What? Is this a bit unethical? Then let's do some talent show, Mr. Guangyu wants to be healthy.

It's just that Rasta felt that he might not be able to grab this broken goal in the market.

This broken door is very good at advertising.

It will first erupt in the real universe or chaos, a special subspace phenomenon called a screaming vortex.

There will be various screams and whispers coming from it, high-pitched or whispering sounds composed of the voices of the lives swallowed by the Brass Gate, used to deceive a large area of ​​life and make a deal with it.

This advertising slogan is ever-changing, but it remains true to its origin.


"Are you bored with the boring life in front of you? Do you want to take a trip that you can just go on? The original price was 30,000 sinful souls, but now it only costs 2,000! You can buy two thousand souls, and you can suffer a loss or be cheated! First of all Let’s start with your enemies, don’t you hate them the most…”

In this way, good people were deceived by the Brass Gate and turned into disaster makers.

Once the trader completes the contract conditions, it will suddenly appear in the subspace and be projected into reality according to the contract anchor point.

Tia has its anchor of reality in her.

The deal for the Brass Gate has already been completed.

It completes the deal with the jealous person, and it requires the other party to create an absolutely painful pleasure, and there must be enough tricks.

The jealous man restrained himself a little and completed the bad conditions, but before he could summon the Brass Gate, all the corrupted degenerates were executed.

Even the jealous have become works of art for the demons of Slaanesh.

Of all the things a jealous person has done in his life, he can't choose one thing that is worthy of being valued by lust and saving him for this. This disgusting pig is still in the depths of chaos, desperate for death.

The Brass Gate cannot find the trader, but according to the rules it has received the transaction reward, and it must find a victim of an unknown journey.

So it targeted Tia, but it couldn't force this special human to enter the gate.

Tia herself has a strange reality anchor. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as any of the four main gods of chaos is chosen by her, they can perfectly obtain a carrier to descend into reality, and Tia can perfectly withstand this. strength.

But Tia is completely indifferent to the four main gods of chaos. Her anchor point of reality comes from what she believes to be the emperor's truth.

Even though she knew of the existence of the Evil God, she still firmly believed in the Emperor's truth, and she always viewed the Warp, Evil God, and psionic energy from the perspective of scientific truth.

This is where her reality anchor comes from.

The Warp projection of the Emperor's Truth, which the Emperor had long desired, became possible in Tia.

Tia is completely unable to be corrupted by the subspace power of the four main gods, and will not undergo any changes due to exposure to forbidden knowledge. She can even use the subspace characteristics to modify her own genes at will without any sequelae.

This is what the Emperor wishes to see.

When all human beings can use the subspace as experimental material to strengthen themselves at no cost, the four elders of Chaos will be the ones sweating on their backs.

Unfortunately, this is too difficult to do.

It has been more than two thousand years since the Emperor unified Terra. The number of humans who have grown old, sick and died in these two thousand years is dozens or even hundreds of times the current total population of the Empire!

The empire has more than a million worlds, and the population is too large to be counted.

Only under such a huge base did such a single seedling appear.

In comparison, creating the Primarch is not that difficult.

Even the process of creating the Emperor did not reach this stage.

The ritual of enforcing the Emperor's truth throughout the empire has created a pharmacist like you, a true billion-dollar pill.

The Brass Gate has not experienced the violence of the Warp that Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, and Khorne have experienced.

It last appeared more than thirty years ago.

Even the four gods of chaos have no choice but to do anything. It has always been arrogant, and today it also wants to complete the conclusion of a transaction.

However, its call seemed completely useless to the guy who carried the anchor.

Brass Gate knows how to be flexible.

Since I won't come if I lie to you, I have no choice but to grab it openly.

It started tricking some warp daemons in Chaos.

"Do you want to go on a free trip to the real universe? What? Don't you worry about free travel? Then bring me some soul when you come back. I don't choose, as long as it is a painful soul."

It had no idea that the evil master who had discovered the timeline had already begun drafting multiple plans on how to maximize its value.

Rasta successively ruled out many options such as using the other party as a vest, the emperor's special car, and a black bean sprout remover.

Finally, He made up his mind.

"Just tell Trazin that the golden toilet doesn't seem to be very perfect. How about putting this thing on it and making it into a toilet lid."

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