Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 197 Imperial Light

"There's a tough battle ahead."

Rasta turned around and warned Angseth.

The captain of the Ninth Legion is not overly arrogant.

"Can we handle it?"

Angseth knew very well that although the Ninth Legion was strong, it only had about 200 people at its left and right.

The reason why they can survive so long in the depths of the battle line is that they have special organs that can obtain the enemy's memory. If they really attack head-on without thinking, the entire team will be wiped out many times.

"It's unlikely. The problem this time is a bit big. Even if the entire Ninth Army is involved, we may not be able to win,"

Rasta told the truth.

The Brass Gate needs to fulfill its own end of the bargain, it is part of the rules, and it cannot resist this instinct.

The four main gods of chaos are easier to understand.

They will never allow humans like Tia to exist in the Empire, which will fundamentally threaten their captivity of the galaxy.

Even if there is only the slightest possibility of this threat, they will repeatedly eliminate this uneasy factor.

Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh attacked one after another, but Tia did not change at all. She even genetically modified herself with subspace characteristics at no cost. After the modification was completed, there were no defects.

Although her own genetic modifications did not increase her to the strength of an Astartes, she was only the original version of the transformation.

She can even regard this transformation as the first transformation surgery, and continue to strengthen herself.

Think about it, the empire has such a huge population base, even if it is just one person out of tens of billions.

So what kind of blow would an army with extremely low cost, no need for gene seeds, no genetic defects, and no ability to be affected by the subspace have on the Chaos Gods?

The four main gods of chaos will not take any chances in this regard. What they like most is to watch others overturn and make others overturn. Too many cases tell them that nothing should be taken lightly.

What's more, it's just organizing a demon coalition. What's the price? There are more demons in Chaos than weeds, they just lack the anchor of reality to enter the galaxy.

The coincidental brass door is coupled with a hard-talking fraudster who is happy to take things as they come, a paralyzed antisocial lunatic, a behind-the-scenes man who is good at everything, and a long-tongued woman who wants to be fucked by herself.

Guang Yu thinks there is something wrong with this matching mechanism.

That is to say, the four main gods didn't know that they were matched with Luang Yu again, otherwise they would be the ones who should blame the matching mechanism for problems.

And before scolding him, Khorne reported that Slaanesh was an actor and disliked his own mage for not knowing how to fight in close combat.

Can't you Tzeentch get punched twice in the mouth by Guang Lu? I really believe you can handle it!

"How long until we start that war?"

Angseth has already planned to directly use battleships to wash the ground.

“We will start when we arrive, and the situation we face this time is even more severe than the last time.

So, I need to tell you something.

I have found a more convenient way to make materials, and this will also be the most hard currency in the empire in the future.

I call it light yuan, or it can also be called imperial light yuan. One light yuan is equivalent to the salary of one hundred Astartes for one year. Therefore, there is also the auxiliary currency light sand. "

Rasta stretched out his hand, and a handful of light elements fell from his palm.

Angseth stretched out his hands and took them, and these luminous coins with shining light fell into his hands.

Among these coins, there are also some fine pieces of light sand, emitting a dim light.

"Each grain of light sand is equivalent to one percent of one light element, but because it is separated from the light element, it is not as valuable as one percent of the light element.

A grain of light sand can provide four auxiliaries with three meals a day for four years. I hope you can use them to attract your mortal servants.

The difference between Guangyuan and Guangsha is that the food provided by Guangyuan has the effect of replacing the special food of Astartes. You only need to eat the food ejected from Guangyuan, and you can maintain your current body strength, and every time Over time, you can become stronger.

I have tested it at Admelon. The pharmacist's body density is not high, but it is also strengthened by two percent with one meal.

Your meal may only be a few thousandths, but the days are still long.

The currency of the future empire will probably be light yuan and light sand. I have already discussed it with the emperor. Light yuan will be used throughout the empire before half of the original bodies return.

I will regularly hand over the Light Yuan to Malcador, the Emperor, or the various Primarchs, who will distribute the currency equitably.

The light element will have a violent burning effect on demons and those who are not worthy of holding the light element. Heretics and unforgivable sinners will burn to ashes in front of the light element.

But I don’t want you to use it as a weapon until the critical moment. "

Angseth and the cans around him listened honestly.

One light yuan is a year's salary for one hundred cans.

With the quartermaster's temperament, after using this light yuan to feed and drink a hundred cans for a whole year, there will definitely be about half a surplus left.

Therefore, strictly speaking, one light yuan is actually equivalent to two hundred cans to feed three meals a day for a year.

But one thing must be clear, canned food is not a dietary habit of three meals a day. Canned food can be eaten and then spent several days and nights without eating, drinking or sleeping.

If you save some food, one light yuan can even last more than 400 cans for a whole year.

Take half the company's food to hit the devil? How stupid would Angseth be to do such a stupid thing?

Rasta saw Angseth's little thoughts, and he warned the self-righteous captain.

"I said three meals a day is three meals a day. If you don't have midnight snacks, forget it. If you skip all three meals, don't treat me as your quartermaster. This is an order. Do you understand?"

"Never live up to your expectations!"

Before the arrival of the quartermaster, the Ninth Corps, which had been living a hard life, was used to frugality.

After all, the battle line was so long, and the terrible supplies were often late or even missing. The officers of the Ninth Legion really wanted to take out the imperial officials who were in charge of their own logistics and chop them up to make dumplings.

Of course, if they weren't talking about the regent who was in charge of the most logistics, then they wouldn't dare.

Malcador's strength has always been a legend in the empire, and the rumors are very outrageous.

The most unorthodox thing is that Ma Xiang once caused the emperor to lose carelessly within five rounds.

Rasta knew that this was true because they were playing backgammon.

The all-powerful quartermaster's salary paid in advance was put away with great care by Unses. He had a box used to store imperial military order documents, which was not very big compared to his size.

The main body of this box is made of fine gold and ceramic steel, and is covered with a layer of plastic steel. There is not much space inside, but it is hard enough.

After Rasta finished all this, he began to remotely sense his other incarnations.

In front of the battleship of the pity team, dim lights lit up one after another.

Those are different Ninth Legion warships, entering the subspace, crossing the chaotic time and space, gathering here.

Rasta's original plan was to call only the small team, but the current situation required the entire Ninth Legion to be involved.

In fact, some of the divided teams of the Ninth Legion were in bitter fighting.

But after seeing the quartermaster returning, each of them had high morale and ended their battle as quickly as possible.

The last team killed the last enemy at the moment Rasta took out the light element, and then followed another incarnation of light desire into the warship and entered the subspace.

They were also listening to their quartermaster talking about the use of Guangyuan.

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