Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 198 The words of tiger and wolf

A bunch of battleships incarnating light desire to guide the Ninth Legion in chaos gathered together, which was quite happy for the cans.

Because after they were split up, the battle brothers who had not seen each other for decades in Dalian could finally reunite again.

But for the subspace demons, they suffered a lot.

The Ninth Legion has always been the focus of care of the four main gods. These all-round powerful angel descendants are wanted by any chaos main god.

Therefore, the subspace demons have always had the task of introducing their corporate benefits to the cans.

I don’t know what kind of whispers other legions heard when they were sailing in subspace, but among the whispers heard by the Ninth Legion, one or two could occasionally appear with a begging tone.

It's a pity that the evil chaotic MLM never touched these cans. They thought they had tinnitus and even put on their helmets.

Hey! I don’t listen! I want to praise the emperor and master!

Chaos is like an ice sea, and warships gather here one after another, just like the whales that came after hearing the distant calls of their companions.

The Ninth Legion battleship souls who had not seen each other for many years began to send simple greetings, and small joys were passed between each other.

Rasta did it effortlessly to make the Chaos Storm propel these warships quickly.

On different battleships, Guangyu asked the canned team leader the same question.

"I told you that this war will be unprecedentedly tragic. Even the entire Ninth Legion cannot handle it. Do you have the confidence to follow me and win?"

These cans, which should have become fewer and fewer during this period, have more than doubled in number beyond the original timeline with the help of lust for light.

"We will have your support on the first night after the battle."

The answers given by the cans were so calm that they did not seem to be facing the most terrifying battle, but rather to welcome their own glory.

All the power they receive from the Quartermaster will eventually wipe out for His will all that He does not need.

After the fleet reunited, they continued to move towards Ed Mellon's coordinates.


Dividing line---

Babar star.

The entire Pure Blood tribe is busy cultivating the improved desert with the God of Art.

The existence of a main god improves a satellite, and the speed becomes much faster.

It's a pity that there are too few people in the Pure Blood tribe and they can't keep up with Nusgreen's progress.

Every Babar star, after seeing the miracle of the Pure Blood Tribe, will be deeply shocked and bow down before the archangel.

Nusgreen gave all the credit to Sanguinius, and he did not intend to compete with the archangel for faith.

The painter has finished the puppet show of the Eldar and returned to the Babar planet. He has a headache.

After performing his ascension to the gods in person, He also made a starry sky painting for the Emperor according to his father's instructions.

At the time this painting was made, the faith of the Eldar was flowing towards Him.

The Harlequin Group spared no effort to promote this god of art to Ark Bean Sprouts and Wild Bean Sprouts.

As the messenger of the God of Laughter who has been protecting them until now, the bean sprouts will naturally not question them face to face.

However, the total number of doubtful and convinced bean sprouts only accounts for 40% of all bean sprouts, which is also a huge number.

The Son of Lust has already become half an alien god before he can preach in the human empire.

When Nusgreen got busy, he could only accompany Saint Lena at night. During the day, he still had to work with the people of the Pure Blood Tribe.

What is He busy with? Just implement the eight-hour working day.

Holy Lena's mission during this period has been to guard the tribe's underground cave.

She prays to the child-eating god every day.

Guangyu was also very upset, and Holy Lena's prayer was very outrageous.

"I will definitely make Mr. Painter happy. Please, please give him to me!"

This is the most normal sentence among them, and others are too coquettish.

"Am I not the four-winged little angel you think I am? Am I really not worthy of your child?

You can rest assured that you will definitely name my first child with Him. Everyone likes the name you gave me, Holy Lena! "

Guangyu almost told her that she called the Emperor Igbigu and called her father, the Archangel Sanguinius, the Babarian.

Holy Lena carefully wiped her glorious power armor.

Her fiancé once told her that if the power armor was well maintained, it would have unexpected benefits, and he gave her maintenance tools.

Unexpected benefits aside, Holy Lena felt that she would definitely be praised by the painter for taking good care of her power armor.

She was sweetly thinking about her future life with the painter, when suddenly a door of ashes opened.

Her eyes light up!

Here comes the child eater!

The next moment, her eyes lost their highlights.

Because the Gate of Ashes only took away the Glory Power Armor, not her.

The four little wings shook, and Saint Lena was about to sniffle and cry.

Lust, who likes to tease children, uses the Gate of Ashes to swallow the four-winged angel.

Holy Lena's eyes were dazzled, and she had already appeared in a battleship.

She immediately found the presence of Guang Yu, jumped up and threw herself into the other person's arms.

Rasta smiled and rubbed her ears.


A pile of cans just stared at his sister quietly.

Whether it was the genes of Saint Gilles in their bodies or the blood of Light Desire flowing in them, they all made them clearly sense their genetic blood relatives that they could not give up.

Saint Gilles threw herself into Light Desire's arms, only to find that in her perception, it seemed that many people were looking at her.

When she turned around, she saw a bunch of blond Astartes who were not as tall as her father but looked somewhat similar to her father, her genetic brothers.

Suddenly, Saint Gilles' face was so red that it was about to smoke, her two little ears curled up, and she buried her face in Light Desire's chest.

"Okay, okay, aren't you usually very thick-skinned?"

Rast picked up the four-winged angel and put her aside, and her glory power armor was being supported by Anseth.

"This is your sister, Saint Gilles, a four-winged angel, an Astarte created by my own transformation surgery.

As for you, go and talk to her yourself!"

Saint Gilles' timid nature disappeared soon.

The cans kept praising her for her great way of maintaining the power armor. If she used a certain method in a certain detail, it would be perfect.

After all, the Pure Blood Tribe had not been corrupted by the Light Desire, and there was no overly warm atmosphere.

The cans were different. Under the influence of the quartermaster, these guys wanted to spoil this sister to the sky.

Saint Jelena also knew that they were teaching her how to properly maintain the power armor, and listened carefully.

Then Anseth gave her a set of his spare weapons.

The cans also wanted to give their sister a gift, so they asked her what she wanted. Some cans took out the snacks they had given them before but were reluctant to eat.

Seeing that she had so many brothers, Saint Jelena had some small ideas.

"Can you help me with something!"

"What is it?"

"Please beg the child eater with me to let him give me his child. I want to have children with his child when I grow up."


Why does this tongue twister sound so much like a tiger's word? !

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