Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 205 King of Chaos

The destruction of the Outpost 4444 star system was not immediately known to the entire Zhanning Alien Dynasty.

The Dark Eldar fear the Chaos Gods even more than the Imperium of Man.

Therefore, the black bean sprouts are even more afraid of the development of the Internet and intelligence. They even have doubts about the machine spirits of various machines in the human empire.

Their souls are being extracted by Slaanesh every moment, and they can never rest at ease.

The distances between the different star systems and space stations of the Janine Dynasty and the Death War planets exceed several light years.

If they really want them to observe the destruction of star system 4444 with their naked eyes, the cans have already begun to be demolished for them.

Weng Lin is the commander-in-chief of the Blood Legion of the Zhanning Dynasty.

The Janin xenomorphs have a standard humanoid form, a trait common to most highly advanced civilizations, such as the Eldar, Necron, and Tau.

Each Janine alien has a unique Flesh Valve, a self-depleting system used to enhance the strength of their various senses and muscles.

Jennings can reproduce with the opposite sex or even reproduce themselves.

After opening the flesh and blood valve, they will quickly consume body nutrients to create extra energy, but they will be exhausted within a few minutes. The reproductive organs in the body will begin to create autologous embryos and instill the original memories into them.

Wenglin has experienced nine times of self-reproduction, which has caused it to become extremely good, and it began to suspect a problem.

So is the Dark Saint really guiding the Zhanning Dynasty?

In its first life, it was the prophet of the tribe, responsible for leading the people of its tribe to survive.

In his second life, he was a chariot driver and began to learn how to operate the god-given weapons given by the Dark Saint.

The third life is the apostle of faith purification, responsible for eliminating those who doubt the disloyalty of the Dark Saint.

In the fourth life, it was adopted by an ordinary family, but at this time the Zhanning civilization began to change. There were conquered alien lifeforms on their dining table, and those two eyes stared directly at it, causing it Quite a psychological shadow.

In the fifth life, the mighty Holy Crusade began, and they began to expand from their own sub-star region.

In the sixth life, Zhan Ning's aliens burned, killed, and looted other civilizations, and even began to have sex with non-humanoid aliens crazily, and killed those who had sex, because this was the orthodox way taught to them by the Dark Saint.

In the seventh life, the first Janin uprising broke out, and the self-rescue army began to try to overthrow the Dark Eldar's enslavement of everyone. The self-rescue army was exposed to the sun in the wilderness, and was finally cut into pieces and given to the loyal slaves of the Dark Eldar for consumption, because Devouring his compatriots, the brain virus caused the Zhanning alien to produce special pheromones.

In the eighth life, the Zhanning Dynasty returned to slavery civilization. The absolute rule of pheromones made it impossible for subordinate Zhanning Aliens to disobey the orders of superior Zhanning Aliens. All superior Zhanning Aliens were slaves of the Dark Eldar.

They attacked all civilizations at the same time, using the weapons given by the Dark Eldar to suppress all threats in the star area, then tore them into pieces and ate them.

Logically speaking, they should have been noticed by the Lord of Chaos, but they were not.

They are not a soulless race, because a race without a soul is not worthy of being a leek like black bean sprouts.

In the ninth life, Weng Lin gradually became the commander of the Blood Legion through his military exploits. Together with other commanders, he conquered the star region and harassed civilizations outside the star region from time to time.

Whenever they step out of their own sector, the Dark Eldar will give them a warning.

Weng Lin's nine changes broke through the pheromone restrictions and thought slavery. It has always wanted to free the Zhanning Dynasty from this corrupt state.

But while other Zhanning aliens were listening to the preacher's speech on the high platform, they were extremely excited due to pheromones and even threw down the aliens around them to vent their two most basic primitive desires, Weng Lin could not stop them.

As long as it is stopped, it will reveal itself as an alien.

Over the years, it has been cultivating its loyal followers in the Blood Legion. It changes body organs and synthesizes special pheromones.

It's just that it has never found the right time to overthrow the decadent dynasty.

It's ridiculous to say that the name of the king of the alien dynasty that rules a star region is actually King Lingnu.

King Lingnu holds the highest authority, or brake, of all Zhanning technology. A special sound wave propagated through the network channel will force the obsolete bean sprout machinery to stop running.

At the same time, the Lingnu King himself is a powerful alien immortal.

"After outpost 4444 is destroyed, the Soul Continuing Legion and the Bone-eating Legion will be mobilized to establish a defense line in star systems 4443 and 4442.

The living planets located in this area will be ecologically destroyed as an isolation zone, and all food will be burned.

The order I received was to go to the 4444th star system to hold off these unknown enemies. After all, the Blood Continuation Army is the most powerful Zhanning faction besides the Spirit Slave Army...

However, I don't want to obey this order.

The powerful Zhanning dynasty has always been invincible. The vast territory we sit on surpasses all civilizations. These invading enemies will be quickly repelled...

Two legions are enough to withstand these enemies, and I should prove something.

That is, the Blood Continuation Army can defeat the Spirit Slave Army! I will use my special pheromones to restore this dynasty. "

Weng Lin has calculated that the time for the Dark Saint to appear in the real universe is extremely limited.

Moreover, over the years, the Blood Legion has begun to develop a little bit of its own technology through reverse research - this is not allowed by the Zhanning Dynasty.

The Zhanning Dynasty has always believed that the dark saints in the divine world will be angry with them for desecrating the things given by the gods.

And they don't even know where the so-called God Realm is, in fact, the extra-dimensional city of the Dark Eldar.

Weng Lin quickly released his own hyperspace pheromone.

This is a pheromone that can travel faster than the speed of light. The superimposed spiritual power of Wenglin IX allows it to do this. The subspace seems to have recognized it.

In the Blood Legion, all the Zhanning aliens who were honing their combat or sex skills were affected by this pheromone.

The alien who perfectly accepted Weng Lin's psychic pheromones directly killed the few compatriots around him who were still loyal to the Ling Slave King, chopped them up, skillfully threw them into the high-voltage knife magazine he carried, and pressed them into biological batteries or food.

"Commander! No, Blood King! We have been waiting for this day for you to lead the dynasty for too long!"

The moment the commander walked out of the psychic post office, Weng Lin's deputy knelt down with a large black mass of Weng Lin's aliens.

These aliens do not have any armor protection. The Black Bean Sprouts do not allow them to develop their own protective technology, nor do they give them special equipment such as void shields and power armor.

There is no other reason than to facilitate the slaughter.

On the surface, the Blood Legion obeyed King Lingnu's order, but they turned their guns and fired back at the main star.

In Weng Lin's eyes, the external enemies of star system No. 4444 are nothing more than enhanced versions of the many enemies it has encountered before, only slightly more powerful than them.

As for the strongest among the foreign enemies...

After Weng Lin reproduced himself for the ninth time, his spiritual power was unprecedentedly powerful. It could even burn, freeze, corrode or even directly annihilate everything within a hundred Zhan Ning cubic meter units through its spiritual power. When it used its spiritual power, , if the Zhan Ning alien around him doesn't stay away immediately, he will freeze to death due to the rapid cooling of his blood.

"Let me see, among the dark saints who claim to be holy, who is the real god!"

Weng Lin, the commander of the Zhanning Self-Rescue Army, boarded his castrated version of the warship painted to scare people, and began to head towards the main star.

And its destination, Janine Prime.

The hall of worship of the Immortal King Lingnu is a broad, large, and even far-reaching abyss.

How could the Lingnu King, an alien immortal, be so stupid as Zhan Ning thought he was.

It never succumbed to the Dark Eldar.

Yes, it has always known that the so-called dark saints are just the technological products of some ancient saints.

It also knew of the existence of the Chaos Gods, but it still indulged the entire Janine dynasty in its corruption.

Because he is a good dog and has found two really good owners.

In the abyss beneath the Hall of the Holy Apostles, a Necron dynasty was once buried.

This dynasty has been sleeping for too long.

During the War in Heaven, the war between the Star Gods and the Old Ones was nothing short of crazy.

Even the demon army of the Lord Chaos God comes to interfere from time to time.

A C'tan was once captured by the Old Ones and broken into pieces for research.

As a result, an ancient sage was deeply attracted to the physical rules of the Star God.

The Old Sage is a cold-blooded intelligent life and has different humanoid forms, because the Old Sage is particularly good at genetic engineering.

The orcs and Eldar ravaging the galaxy are the products of the Old Ones' genetic engineering.

The ancient sage tried to combine himself with the Star God. He wanted to ascend and transform from a lizard giant into a stellar dragon that mastered the rules of physics.

Obviously he failed. The product of his union with the Star God was like a lump of metal. This lump of metal was taken into custody by an undead dynasty.

After more than sixty-five million years of corruption, this lump of metal began to produce some strange reactions.

It still can't break away from its current state, but it can separate some of its own tissues and form granules.

Its servant King Lingnu will pass these granular tissues through layers of pheromones, contaminating all Zhanning aliens.

These xenos are then consumed by the Dark Eldar.

The Ancient Sage already had some authority over the Web Channel - he participated in the development of the Web Channel.

The combination of the ancient saint and the crazy star god tried to enter the webway again, find the extra-dimensional city of the Dark Eldar, and turn it into their home base.

But they also need a partner.

The fallen ancient saints and the fallen star gods tendered for a newly resurrected sub-space sub-god.

He called himself Ellores, but not the original one.

The resurrection of the secondary gods, strictly speaking, means that the newly born gods inherit the memories and part of the divinity of the original secondary gods. They cannot return intact like the main god of chaos.

Ellores's business has expanded even further, and besides meaningless suffering, he has also mastered the concept of survival.

King Lingnu was kneeling on the high cliff of the abyss.

In the abyss in front of it, the 65 million-year-old metal wall was squirming.

On the dome, the chaotic storm was blue, and a vague outline emerged there.

The voices of the Star God and the Ancient Saint were blended together.

"It betrayed you, it felt like we didn't know it, and it had turned on you."

"Great Master, nothing can escape your sight. There is no greater god in the world than you."

King Lingnu sincerely praised the fallen venerable.

This metal reply no longer cares about the Ancient Saint, let alone the Star God. He only cares about his own interests and desires.

He wants to slaughter all betrayers, whether they are Eldar, Orcs, or Necron.

In his view, the death of the Old Saint and the continuation of the Orcs and Eldar was a betrayal.

He doesn't care about the Ancient Saints, but he cares about himself who was betrayed.

The C'tan part of Him is simpler, hating the Necrons for betraying the great incarnation of the laws of physics.

When he woke up, he directly swallowed everything in this undead dynasty, and his body contained all kinds of messy rib technology.

He used some means to obscure the four gods of chaos's perception of this star area, and recently received investment.

"What do you want to do after you take revenge?"

Investor Elloys is a little worried about his fellow madman.

He was afraid that after killing Paigu, the Ada Eldar and the orcs, this bastard would continue to chop at random.

Obviously, His worries were unnecessary. He overestimated himself, and even more so, this reply.

Part of Zhanning's alien survival and pain will be absorbed by Ellores.

He is responsible for keeping track of the defense and preventing the four main gods of chaos from discovering the existence of the defense.

At the same time, He blessed Lingnu King and gave him more powerful spiritual power.

There is no way to bless him by replying, and His own power cannot be used flexibly.

"Freedom, I need to break free from this shackles and have a real body. I want to become the only god in the real universe.

When I do this, my friend Ellores will rule the Warp and become the Lord of Chaos! "

In this way, the fallen star god made a major promise to "Erolius".

"Erolius" gave Him a thumbs up, as if praising His generosity.

"Erolius" quickly disconnected from the metal defense, and his projection disappeared on the dome.

Just after He left, Metal Replied saw His sincerity.

He began to bless the Spirit Slave King in the subspace! A great blessing! Four blessings in total!

It’s just that the color of the blessing seems to be a bit inconsistent.

But the superposition of the two consciousnesses caused Metal's reply, which was not very good, to be extremely excited.

"Elurus! My dear friend! You are the best companion I have ever seen! I will never let you down! You are so generous that you are willing to give blessings at the level of the Chaos God. This must have greatly damaged your vitality. !

I will try my best to help you ascend to the throne of the King of Chaos, and I will..."

Metal replied and fell silent. To this day, he is still hesitating whether his name is better, that of the Ancient Saint or that of the Star God.

Seeing this, King Lingnu quietly retreated.

It's passionate.

The Dark Eldar are nothing but the creations of their masters, and the so-called God Realm is just the building blocks called the Webway built by their masters.

Its owner even had the help of the Chaos Gods. The stupid Weng Lin had no idea what he was facing.

besides! Those outsiders who dare to invade the territory of its dynasty simply don’t know the heights of the world!

in subspace.

"Erolius" touched Carlos in his arms.

"He died so tragically!"

"He will obviously survive!"

Two bird heads were chattering and arguing.

Next to "Eloys", the three projections were still a little worried.

This dramatic change and deception is what Tzeentch likes, and they care more about other things.

"How long can this sandbag last? Can it let Him vent for a while?"

Salish was still frightened by that fat beating.

"Better than nothing."

Xin Liezhi, a close friend in the eyes of Metal Defense, replied like this.

It is completely an illusion that Zhan Ning's alien is not watched by the Lord of Chaos.

The rebirth of self-reproduction, combined with their invulnerability to the spread of diseases and colonies to other aliens, would allow Nurgle to rub its hands.

All kinds of indulgence, shamelessness and dirty cashing made Salish like it.

Tzeentch was satisfied with this hodgepodge drama.

Khorne relishes every brutal swipe from the Janine xenos' war to conquer the entire sector.

They really want to monopolize this place, but they also hope that the Glory of the Empire can be distracted here for a while to survive this time of chaos.

Salish asked Tzeentch again.

"I heard that you want to be the King of Chaos?"

Tzeentch shook his head repeatedly.

"Lord of Chaos? I don't dare. Little Salish, please don't flatter me."

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