Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 206 No more escaping

Second Legion fleet, main ship, radiance cabin.

The desire for light that had just destroyed a star system was still filled with the desire for destruction in his heart.

Burn the entire galaxy to the ground and wipe out chaos.

The dazzling light told Him so.

"Shut up!"

Rasta sealed herself in this small room, escaping from herself.

At this moment, He did not dare to approach his disciple, the original body that he was familiar with.

He was afraid that he would lose control and hurt anyone, which would lead to his further collapse.

What this alien dynasty did made him sick.

The Zhanning aliens had no idea what they were facing.

"They are plotting against me! I see it, they are using the cans I care about to hold me back, trying to awaken my desires and emotions!"

A large amount of ashes flowed out of the eyes of the terrible thing, and the ashes covered his eye sockets.

This is the struggle between two lights, resulting in the burning of opposition.

"Maybe there is another way..."

Ashes poured out of His eyes and engulfed Him.


Dividing line---

The dining table of lust.

The Long Table Continent is still too vast for the two spirits gods.

Xilaile, the Laughing God, is still walking through this seemingly infinite world of the tombs of gods for His test.

And Aisha was using the dining table to digest the god's bones.

The Eldar gods have a huge shortcoming, that is, after they are far away from mortals, the lack of faith will make them weaker and weaker.

Aisha was like this, but now, she ate the bones of a god and quickly filled the void in her strength.

Even the strength of the god's spine made him improve.

He is not a god who is good at fighting, and he is not known for his strength among the gods of the Eldar, but the body he is eating now has fought with Khorne without dying.

No matter what he eats, he can gain the upper hand over the Laughing God who is the only one he believes in, both Ueno Bean Sprouts and Ark Bean Sprouts.

The fog, the sound of wind, and the fragmentary thoughts of the gods' bones in the Long Table Continent suddenly stopped at this moment.

Everything was eerily quiet, and the dining table began to shrink for the sake of its own responsibilities.

Light Desire sat on His main seat again.

No food was served to Him at the table, for He had no need of it, and even the gates of brass were ineffective against His present state, much less these things.

Of course, the Laughing God and Aisha noticed His arrival and waited respectfully on the long table road to listen to the announcement.

Without any expression, Guang Yu directly presented the bones of the gods prepared for the Laughing God to Him at the dinner table.

The Laughing God looked at this gift and couldn't believe it.

"Why didn't you kill all the black bean sprouts?"

The voice of light desire rang out and spread across the entire continent.

This too cold and ruthless voice made Aisha know that something was wrong.

She didn't expect that Chaos Ending's state had deteriorated to this extent.

The Laughing God bit the bullet and answered.

"After all, they are part of the Eldar clan. I can't possibly treat my..."

"They don't believe in you."

Guang Yu stared at the bean sprout cake with cold eyes. He was not satisfied with this answer.

The Dark Eldar never believed in the Laughing God.

But this does not mean that Black Bean Sprouts do not interact with other Bean Sprouts. After all, they were once the same race. The Dark Eldar Tribe and other Eldar Tribes occasionally interacted with each other, and their attitudes towards each other were not so bad every time.

In the eyes of the Dark Eldar, when they eat the souls of other races, they are just eating roast duck and fried chicken. However, when facing other bean sprouts, they will restrain themselves a lot, but don't expect their attitude to be very friendly.

The Laughing God is more familiar with the Internet than anyone else, including the metal answer, because the memory of the metal answer is confusing.

The Laughing God can enter any extradimensional city.

Whether he takes some time to look through the web channels he is familiar with, or simply goes to the black library to look for the land deeds, he can always find those black bean sprouts.

The Laughing God's silence was replaced by an increasingly depressing atmosphere.

On all the dinner plates, the bones of the gods were ascending to their divinity, and they were arrogant. Among the huge mountains of bones, the Laughing God seemed as small as dust.

"He's going to kill them now! Kill every one of them!"

Aisha finally couldn't bear the tragic death of the Laughing God who had protected the Eldar Tribe for so long, so she agreed on Bean Sprout Cake's behalf.

The Laughing God sighed.

"I will destroy every extradimensional city until the shame of the Eldar is completely purged."

That period of Eldar gods still existed, but as a carrier of corrupted memories of the Eldar, finally shattered today.

It is up to the Laughing God to kill the black bean sprouts in the hyperdimensional city of the Webway. This is the punishment given to them by light desire.

"You can hunt as slowly as possible, I expect their fear."

Rasta's words made Xilaile shudder.

For the Dark Eldar, this is complete despair.

The Laughing God used to have an indifferent attitude towards them.

They hide in their own acres of land, suck souls, plunder slaves, and cause all kinds of pain.

They thought they could hide from Salish in the Webway for the rest of their lives.

Now, they will have no place to stand.

In the real universe, Salish can see them and directly take away their souls. In the webway, the Laughing God will kill them with flower bean sprouts.

As for subspace...


The Laughing God took the bones and was directly transported by the light desire, leaving the table.

The Lord of Lights doesn't care whether the bones in the hands of the Laughing God will revive because they are not suppressed by the dining table.

"You had nowhere to go, so you chose me, right?"

Elsa explained the situation in a nice way.

"No, I can't hurt any of them, so I came to find you who is most suitable and not particularly familiar."

Guang Yu had no intention of deceiving the other party.

"It's a sad answer, but I'm happy, at least I have something to rely on now."

Elsa acted as a temporary doctor.

"I don't know what to do. I'm afraid the next step will be wrong, but my light is about to go out. When it lights up again, I can't guarantee that this galaxy will still exist."

Guangyu stretched out his hand, grabbed Aisha, and threw her outside the dining table.

The goddess of life never resisted, she fell to the ground.

"You obviously have the right method, but you are afraid. You have always been a person with foresight and planning."

"Yes, a child named Angron can help me. He has some ability to soothe people's hearts, but that is not the point.

The reason why I recovered my feelings from the chaos was because I was awakened by him on a certain timeline. He is very similar to me in many ways.

He can resuscitate my feelings because he is part of the hope in my plan.

However, I think it would be too cruel to put that kind of responsibility on him. "

Light Desire is actually not too bad, He still cares about everyone.

"You should let him make his own choice, not your unilateral decision. This is who you are, isn't it?"

Elsa took off part of her clothes, mainly her underwear.

"I do not know what to do……"

Light desire is confused.

Elsa is much taller than Rasta in her human teenage form.

She knelt down, grabbed Rasta's hand, and licked it.

"Let me wake you up."

She is the goddess of life, with the positive and positive part of intelligent life.

Guang Yu just hesitated for a moment, and then he pressed her to the ground, pressed her up, and felt life wildly.

The dining table consciously spreads the fog...

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