Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 210 Fierce beast

After all, the Eldar once ruled the entire galaxy for more than half a billion years.

What kind of concept is that? The human empire has only been around for tens of thousands of years so far, and it has only really started to develop for about 30,000 years.

The bean sprouts are undoubtedly one of the biggest obstacles to human domination of the galaxy.

They have a trump card to participate in the fight for the dominance of the galaxy, how could they willingly withdraw from the galaxy?

"What did you do? Can you make those bean sprouts choose to move?"

The Emperor began to wonder if Light Desire was slept with, of course he was just thinking about it.

"This is part of the plan. Even if they leave this galaxy, they will not lose anything."

Um, Sidisi was not willing to tell the Emperor all of his plans, he hid something.

The conversation between the fifth baby and the sixth baby came to a stalemate.

While the Emperor was skeptical about the friendship of the bean sprouts, he began to guess what Light Desire would do in the future.

And Rast was waiting for his reply.

Fortunately, a guest who had made an appointment in advance broke the deadlock.

A warship that looked small but had fierce firepower was approaching the fleet of the Emperor's Dream. Because they had been instructed in advance, no one would attack this guest.

The guy, who was covered in a cloak and even his face, began to use the dimensional pocket to jump to the Emperor's throne after confirming with the Emperor's Dream three times.

"I heard that you got the toads of Catachan? Or the ones in the egg-laying period? Four? Let me see... see..."

The cloaked guest was very excited, and even when he walked, he revealed a hint of ambition under the cloak.

He used to be an enthusiastic guest until he caught a glimpse of a guy sitting next to the Emperor, who seemed to be blocked by a desk.

He thought it was Malcador at first, until he saw the familiar black hair.

"The Lord of Evil?!"

The Infinite Taraxin Pink Limited Collection was so scared that he almost turned around and ran away.

He had learned how powerful this person was through the ascension scroll of the god of art Nusgrin.

Trazyn seriously suspected that the Dragon Lord was Light Desire, after all, there was only one person so powerful in the real universe.

But he, the Overlord of the Dead, never thought that the other party could be unscathed and drag Slaanesh's corpse directly from the warp to the real world.

He really thought he was lucky last time.

It was easy for Light Desire to kill Salis, but it was not possible to do it because Slaanesh had the Milky Way Root and could be resurrected.

And Trazyn was known as the Endless One, with countless clones. It was true that if one clone died, there would be thousands of clones.

But he was not stupid enough to think that he could withstand this person.

The Sixth Evil God could definitely kill him thoroughly, no matter how many clones he had.

"What did you call me?"

Rast frowned.

Trazyn, who resisted the urge to run away, didn't even ask for a place to sit, and apologized quickly.

"Great Lord of Light, Supreme of Chaos, the most powerful god in the galaxy!"

"Remember to add evil next time, otherwise others will think I am a righteous god and blackmail me, and I will come to trouble you!"

Guangyu picked out the problem in the other party's words.

The Emperor took out the box of Sarish's photo and the Catachan bullfrog family from the drawer.

Taraxin didn't want it, he was afraid that it would be taken back as soon as he took it.

"The version you took last time was incomplete, this is a brand new version."

The Emperor introduced the purple box in a casual manner.

"What's in it?"

Taraxin was quite curious about the things related to Sarish.

Because he could use his clone to die, Tarashim's curiosity was very strong.

"You will know when you see it yourself."

The Emperor threw the purple box out.

Taraxin was as if he was facing a great enemy, and he caught the box well, but he didn't dare to open it.

He was afraid that Sarish would take it away as soon as he opened it.

"Inspect the goods! I'm here, what are you afraid of?"

Lassite urged Trazyn.

Trazyn hesitated for a moment, then extended his cloak to cover the space around him.

From the attitude of the Garden Baby Bandits, it can be seen that this thing cannot be seen by people around.

"Is this something I can see?!"

Trazyn put the purple box back.

He is a living metal life! A spare rib! You two wicked things let him see this?

"I think it's better to give it back to you!"

The Endless was not interested in the erotic picture that Sally sent to Guangyu. He realized that this thing has a high collection value, but there may be no more dangerous items in the galaxy than this.

Lassite refused: "I don't want it! Also, how is your webway going?"

"It's being done! It's being done! As long as you give me these bullfrogs, I promise that it will be completed within 30 years!"

Trazyn bit the bullet and asked for payment. There was no way. He had wanted the living bullfrogs of Catachan for a long time.

"Then you have to hurry up, or I will ask the Bean Sprouts to borrow the webway directly."

Light Desire urged the progress, meaning that if Trazyn was slower, he would have to cooperate with the Eldar.

But in Trazyn's eyes, there was another scene.

The Sixth Evil God was saying: I am very impatient. If you don't hurry up and make the webway, I will kill the Bean Sprouts directly and then take their webway. After them, it will be your turn!

It is already terrible that the four main gods of chaos can enter the Milky Way and their power is not restricted, not to mention Light Desire, who is an outsider.

Trazin didn't think the entire Necron race could stop the opponent. No matter which dynasty they faced, they would probably become dead dynasties.

"Twenty-eight years! Complete the mission within twenty-eight years!"

Trazin gritted his teeth and stated a deadline that he felt was a bit dangerous.

Constantine took the Catachan Bullfrog's Poké Ball and the blue box at the Emperor's wave, and then handed them over to Trazin.

In this way, the Endless One got his expedited work fee, and fortunately, there was no danger.

But after looking at the blue box for a while, he looked up hesitantly.

He had seen similar boxes like this, but the colors were different.

The question he asked received a nod from the emperor.

At this moment, Trazin's expression under his hood was very human.

Really, he, a Necron with a living metal body, fits the "jaw-dropping" description better than anyone right now.

"You all have Tzeentch's notebook?!"

This was what he really thought in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

Trazin shivered, almost fainting from the special taste of the Garden Baby Army.

he asked the emperor in disbelief.

"you have seen?"


"You think it looks good?"

"Nonsense, nothing pleases me more than this!"

The Emperor was quite fond of the disaster that had befallen the four main gods of Chaos.

Trazin had no lungs, or he would have gasped.

He wanted to criticize the Emperor's special habits, but he was worried about saying the wrong thing.

"Who did this?"

What he was asking was, who drew the Tzeentch book? It was outrageous!

"Me! Who else but me?"

Rasta was a little dissatisfied with Trazin's question.

While Trazin was obedient, he gained an additional understanding of the Sixth Evil God.

How could such a powerful evil god have such outrageous habits?

That's all for the emperor, he is just watching, the problem is not particularly serious, but if you draw the evil master, the problem will be big.

Isn't this ten times more serious than the Emperor?

You two have this fetish for Tzeentch, does Shalish know? He should be sad when His portrait is rejected.

But you two like Tzeentch's portrait, and he should be happy...

What are you two playing with Slaanesh?

Trazin began to wonder what Light Desire's Tzeentch looked like.

"Can I see it?"

"look look look!"

The Emperor and Rasta quickly urged the guy.

Trazin silently thought to himself that he was pure and just curious, and opened the scourge in his cloak that made him extremely excited.

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