Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 211 His Ruthlessness

As the undead overlord of the Nehrak dynasty, the treasury keeper of Emperor Nehrak disappeared after taking care of it.

Trazin's life is extremely luxurious for all Necron, and he has the best luxuries of the entire race.

The luxuries of the Necrons' life are certainly not those messy weapons and equipment, battleships or even various celestial-sized attack weapons.

Ask the Necron what they desire most, and they'll tell you emotion.

That's right, they long for their own flesh and blood feelings, not as a cold machine without taste, smell and many desires.

They can see but cannot touch everything they felt deep in their memories when they were still normal beings. How can they not feel pain?

So much so that there will be some dynasties of Skin-Flayers among the Necrons who peel off the skins of other beings and put them on themselves.

Different Necron dynasties have their own different ways of pursuing emotions. Unfortunately, due to the wealth of the dynasty, there are few choices.

The Necron Overlord has absolute enslavement authority over the various Necron units under his command.

But if the undead overlord gives his subordinates a little promise, these ribs will work harder, which is a great joy for the soul bones.

If you promise to give your subordinates a certain number of resurrections and waste some recovery energy, then Paigu's mentality will change from accepting the superior's orders and suppressing them to voluntarily loyal.

Give Pai Gu the authority to regenerate on his own, and don't be stingy with the recovery energy at all. Pai Gu will follow his undead overlord.

But what if the undead overlord said to his subordinate Paigu, "I'm going to upgrade your emotion module to the most advanced one."

Then that rib will stick his butt up to his overlord and ask questions.

"What do you want to do?"

There are different levels of Necron emotion modules.

Trazin's is undoubtedly the most advanced kind, so his thinking and emotions are very active.

After being stimulated by Rasta's evil spirit filter, this emotional module directly became super powerful.

When Trazin was still a flesh-and-blood creature, he was the librarian of the Nehlak dynasty. Being a flesh-and-blood creature has desires.

He once saw a Necrontyr of the opposite sex peeking at some random Slaaneshi style in the library.

You say he knows nothing about this, that is impossible.

Trazin, who was reading Tzeentch's book for the first time, was mentally prepared and then opened the blue box.


The moment Trazin saw Tzeentch.ZIP, his thoughts stopped.

This is... Tzeentch's life-size inflatable...

"As expected of the Garden Baby Army, they are playing with real flowers."

Trazin, who judged the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart, sighed and was about to flip through it to see if it was true.

Just after he observed the blue compressed file for four seconds, a horrifying image flooded into his mind.

After another five seconds, he came to his senses, let out a fierce scream like a little girl, and threw the compressed file out.

He had just possessed Tzeentch and experienced the feeling of being killed by Lust from the front.

"Is this the corpse of Tzeentch?!"

Trazin had thought that Shalish's photo album was dangerous enough, but she didn't expect that Guangyu would also find Xin Liezhi's un-cold corpse.

"Yes, you can do it while it's hot!"

Guang Yu had already seen through the dirty thoughts of Paigu and started to talk violently.

While it's hot? ! Nonsense! wrong! He, Trazin, has no interest in Tzeentch!

"Not enough? Do I have more? Do you want it?"

There are many warehouses in Rasta, and the one used to store the soul of Zana Ke's birth in the Arkworld is one of them.

In other warehouses, there are also ones specially used to store the bodies of the four gods.

After the four main gods of chaos are killed by him, a corpse will be left behind.

The resurrection of the four main gods requires the complete abandonment of ownership of their corpses, and these corpses become ownerless.

For the Chaos God level, these corpses are just an eyesore, but for the galaxy and Chaos, they are a real pollution.

So Rasta collected the rubbish.

One of the rituals that allowed him to steal the authority of the four gods was these corpses.

There are more than a million Shalish corpses in His warehouse. As long as Trazin dares to ask for it, He will now open the Ash Gate to the Nehrak Dynasty and dump all these corpses directly.

As for how miserably these Necrons died, it was none of his evil master's business.

"No, no, no! I don't want it!"

Trazin didn't want this, he wanted to live for two more years.

"Shalish's corpses come in all genders. There is always one you like. Why don't you collect a set?" The evil god's violent comments continued.

"Are there any genders? How many kinds are there!"

"Six hundred and sixty-six species!"

"Then how did you know?"


I know it with my spiritual power! You mean I studied it carefully?

If the Emperor hadn't pulled him away and persuaded him to calm down, Trazin would have turned into spiced pork ribs.

After repeated struggles in his heart, the Endless One picked up the "Sales Complete Photo Album" and the painted corpse in the photo album and ran away.

Don’t don’t want it for nothing! The worst that can happen is to treat it like a fragment of the Star God and seal it! Seal it to death!

After sending away the tender pork ribs, Guangyu began to worry.

"All my avatars suddenly disappeared, which shocked everyone. I'm a little afraid to go home now."

The Court of Dawn has been in turmoil. If the forty-four disciples hadn't sensed from a distance that their Lord still existed, the Demonic Army of Light and Desire would have burned down the galaxy.

"I can't give you any advice on this."

The Emperor did not respond. He suppressed his humanity and said that he was not a god. He did not know anything about emotions except emo.

"By the way, I have already made the unified currency of the Empire that I mentioned last time. I have already issued a round in the Ninth Legion.

I have also prepared the amount for other legions. My idea is that you or other Primarchs and Malcador will issue these currencies as the salary of each can or auxiliary army.

It is legitimate to turn these currencies into the military pay of the Empire."

Rast took out four light elements. This luminous currency looked quite conspicuous.

The Emperor took these four creation coins.

After taking a look, he already understood the role of these light elements.

No wonder Light Desire dared to say that this would definitely unify the currency system of the Empire.

"Are your incarnations planning to leave the Empire in large numbers?"

The Emperor brewed for a long time, and finally gave up what he wanted to say, leaving only a sigh.

After the appearance of light elements, Light Desire's incarnations were not suitable for walking on various planets and legion warships.

"Yes, my situation has been stabilized for the time being, but I don't know when it will break out again.

Although there have been many signs this time, the dangerous moment still came too suddenly.

I don't want to put the people around me in the disaster I created."

Rastra still likes his cans.

Then, four ash gates opened, and light elements flowed out like a flood, and the broad imperial throne began to be filled with light elements.

"I will leave some for you, and I will let the incarnation leave enough light elements in each legion.

How to make these currencies circulate in the empire is up to you, but I need to remind you that a considerable number of people cannot get the food provided by light elements."

Light elements will not circulate in the hands of life that Rastra hates.

These currencies will even burn humans who oppose the light chasers beyond a certain line like burning demons.

Of course, the Emperor knows this kind of thing.

The reason why all the cans now are good children of light desire is that those who he doesn't like are already dead.

Just like Fabius, Paul, and Korphalen, the bad cans in the original timeline died before joining the legion.

The quartermaster used his strong will and power to make all the legions pure enough.

Those who lost their way like the Ninth Legion were not bad in nature, and he would guide them back to the light.

And those who were evil in nature were abandoned and killed by him without mercy.

No one knew how the Light Desire completed this great project.

But when the Emperor tried to spy on these, he only saw the dazzling light without any emotion.

And the second Primarch, who was born with a heart of destruction, had not left his cultivation chamber, and his warp nature and himself had been conquered by this dazzling light.

The guards began to escort these precious currencies.

Each light element was valuable, even the light sand.

Having made his purpose clear, Rast opened a door of ash and prepared to leave. When he stepped into the door, he heard the Emperor's farewell.

"Take care!"

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