Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 221 God’s Perspective

The children who said they wanted to run, but ended up running and throwing themselves into a trap, returned to the robe of lust.

Rasta had no choice but to take out snacks and distribute them one by one.

"Thank you, the great Emperor's Glory, for still looking after us!"

The surrounding adults who saw this scene, whether they were mortals or canned people, even if they were not the parents of these children, were all bowing down.

Moen arrived a minute later. After saluting, he began to report.

"Behind this alien dynasty are the Dark Eldar. They dare to insult you. I hope you can give me an order.

Even if I cannot break into the webway and impose any substantial punishment on those dark aliens who blaspheme you, I will leave enough signs throughout the sector to let those self-proclaimed noble aliens understand that they are just ants and maggots. . "

"No, no need, Moen, you should have guessed, I already know what is behind this alien dynasty."

Compared to these cans, Rasta's human boy form looked unthreatening. However, when he passed by, every can bowed his head to show submission.

Rasta left the children's leisure area and came to the largest observation window of the main ship.

Moen has been following Him, following every step.

The arrival of the two most transcendent beings in the empire, the Emperor and the Emperor's Glory, can excite the loyal subjects of every legion.

No one would dislike the trouble of these two people, and they would even take the initiative to guess what these two people need because of a small move by Rasta or the Lord of Humanity.

Lord of the Astartes, every move he makes is of great significance to the cans.

If they can't understand, it must be their problem, and I can't be wrong.

Raste looked up at the starry sky, and then, he directly read and wrote the starry sky from his own perspective into Moen's mind through thought connection.

Even though Moen had undergone Astartes transformation surgery, and his neural responses and brain were better than those of ordinary cans, it still took him a long time to adapt to receive this huge amount of information.

He knew that his brain was not exploded because the master was protecting him.

Moen is not surprised at all about the ability of light desire.

Ninety-nine percent of the people in the empire think that their master is omnipotent and no matter what he does, they are not surprised.

The rest of the cans felt that the master was so powerful that they could not imagine it.

The Milky Way in Guang Yu's eyes began to appear in Moen's mind. When he looked at the observation window again, everything changed.

The past, present and even part of the future of the distant stars are completely visible in Moen's eyes.

Various celestial body activity data are clear at a glance.

It is even more clear that there was a civilization on any planet that was exterminated before the empire came to conquer it.

The multiple bizarre shadows of the subspace overlapping on the Milky Way are like veils, fluctuating at will.

The remaining lifespan of the star, the subspace routes, and the ongoing war in the starry sky were all presented in Moen's mind.

At this moment, he finally understood what God was.

He even believed that the perspective Rasta shared with him was incomplete, and the Emperor's Glory only passed on to him the part he could bear.

Moen's thoughts were quite different. Rasta couldn't possibly let Moen experience all of his feelings.

“Concentrate and don’t read the clutter.

Don't think about favoring the real universe or subspace. This is not our goal.

The webway built by the Eldar with anti-psionic materials can indeed block the perception of the Chaos Gods and hinder their sight.

But it's of no use to me. Put your gaze beyond all barriers, to a place of relative silence. "

Rasta guided Morn and asked him to observe the webway.

The legacy of the ancient saints, the safe passage that the Eldar tribe relies on to survive, is hidden in a place that is difficult to find.

Even Moen, who had specially trained his perception, spent an unknown amount of effort before he could barely use the eye of the god.

"I saw the dense network of channels spread throughout the galaxy, like the blood vessels of this river system."

Moen could not imagine how such a huge project could be completed.

The human empire has over a million worlds, but compared to the entire galaxy, it is too few.

Even so, the establishment and gradual improvement of the human empire took an unknown amount of effort and time.

And what about the passages built by the Old Ones? Not only the quality of the anti-psionic material is well controlled, but it can also pave the Milky Way. With such a great project, it is no wonder that even if the Eldar become independent, there are still a lot of bean sprouts praising the ancient saints.

After all, in Douya's eyes, the Ancient Sage was the most omniscient and omnipotent creator they encountered when they were at their weakest.

Not everything in the Webway is the same size.

Moen could feel the various hubs of the Webway.

There are even a large number of Eldar warships missing in these hubs.

When Slaanesh was born, he cried out and took more than 90% of the Eldar to make milk powder.

Many of the facilities of this vast empire became unmanned and eventually fell into disrepair across planets and the webway.

"The Emperor is also preparing humanity's own Webway. Since the Great Crusade when I joined the Empire, although local battlefields have become more intense and difficult to advance, overall, it has accelerated the Emperor's speed of conquest of the galaxy.

Many things have changed.

The Emperor discovered an abandoned Eldar extradimensional city within the Webway.

In the timeline where I don't exist, the time when he discovered the super-dimensional city was decades later, and it wasn't this one.

The Eldar have quite a few extra-dimensional cities, but due to Slaanesh's deprivation of the Eldar's living space, the bean sprouts, who already have a low fertility rate, simply don't have that many people to occupy the rich inheritance left by their ancestors.

The Ark Eldar and Wild Eldar simply gave up all the extradimensional cities in the Webway and chose to live in the real universe in a way that adhered to the soul and never degenerated.

The Dark Eldar, who consider themselves the only legitimate successors to the Old Ones and the Eldar Empire, occupy the largest extradimensional cities and the use of the Webway. "

Moen listened very carefully, and he even saw that in the intricate network, there were some black spots that moved as fast as ants.

These black spots eventually gathered in super-dimensional cities like ant nests. From the time of light desire, the entire super-dimensional city was smoky, full of pain and sin.

Salish's straw was inserted through the chaos, and she took a sip from time to time, sucking the souls of the black bean sprouts into her belly.

In order to prevent themselves from dying or having their souls still tortured by the Lord of Joy after death, these Dark Eldar constantly capture slaves, torture slaves, and extract slave souls to replenish their own consumption.

“These disgusting things think they are noble, dare to call themselves saints, and think they are invincible.

However, they are so afraid of the Chaos God created by the long years of corruption of the Eldar that they dare not even mention it.

This shows that they are not really fearless.

So, I decided to turn their hidden fears into their utter despair.

Moen, do you want to come with me and take a look? "

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