Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 222 Bean Sprout War

Just when Light Desire and the Legion Commander of the Human Empire stepped into the webway, somewhere in the galaxy.

This is a craft world called Oronno.

It is also the habitat of devout believers of the Laughing God Bean Sprout Cake.

The bean sprouts, who have been peaceful for who knows how many years, are preparing for the army.

All the big troupes of Harlequins have already begun to take action, and they are bringing the Oracle of the Laughing God to the group of Ark Eldar who can fight the most.

“From today onwards, we will eliminate all the legacy of the Ada Eldar’s past and the gangrene that attaches to the bones!

I will recruit all those worthy of the Eldar name to launch a war of extermination against the shame of the Eldar in the extradimensional city!

Completely wipe out the endless stream of heretics who provide nourishment to the Chaos Evil God from this galaxy! "

It is not inappropriate for Bean Sprout to call the Dark Eldar heretics.

The Dark Eldar do not believe in any of the Eldar gods, dead or living.

It can even be said that they believe in Shalish, because everything they do is carrying out the purpose of "evil".

As long as they can cause pain to their prey, they will inflict it on them, and their methods are disgusting to a degree beyond the imagination of most life forms in the galaxy.

Xilaile carried out Guangyu's orders to the letter.

He will kill all the Dark Eldar to prevent other bean sprouts from being slaughtered together by the out-of-control Chaos Supreme.

No matter what the odds were, He would not gamble.

As war masks are put on one by one, Zeng has always followed the path, whether his relatives are soft and cute or Douya, who is so indifferent that he never smiles, they are all transformed into weapons of war.

The moon-white Eldar Titans, who are tall and elegant but look slender compared to the God Machines of the Human Empire, are also dispatched in large numbers today.

After these Phantom, Revenant and War Witch models of Titans piloted by Eldar twins were activated, the battleships inside the Eldar craft world began to operate, casting shadows in the sky, preparing for war.

Bean sprouts holding shuriken weapons are praying.

They routinely pray to the living or dead Eldar gods, as well as the God of Art, the main god of the real universe, who they have recently begun to believe in, hoping to obtain their blessings.

The Eldar gods were still as before, barely responding to them.

Until the object of their prayers came to Elsa, the goddess of life.

This time, the goddess of life responded to them!

From the souls of these bean sprouts, she cast down the compassionate gaze of the gods.

And, she began to choose some bean sprouts and give them blessings.

At this stage, those who believe in Aisha the most are actually the wild bean sprouts who have the most respect for life. Unfortunately, they have been away from the web for too long. Even if their powerful weapons are still buried under the planet they are on, they are still unable to Easy to mobilize and ignored by Xilaile.

"This is a battle of purification! The curse and pain we bear will be gradually erased from this day on!"

The commander-in-chief of the Ark Eldar's coalition forces issued war instructions to the various united Ark worlds through the communicator.

In accordance with the Harlequin Group's request, they have blocked all Black Bean Sprout channel signals and will not accept any communication from Black Bean Sprout, regardless of coercion or peace.

Rasta and Morn crossed the Ash Gate and came to the craft world of Bietan.

Bietan was undoubtedly recruited by the Laughing God.

Guang Yu and the Imperial Legion Commander walked among the bean sprouts, as if they were in a deserted land.

No one can see the existence of Light Desire and his followers, but the bean sprouts will actively avoid the invisible air, and they don't even know why.

The Horned Sanake is still in Bietan. She has not left here yet. After the war order came, she went directly to the nearest extradimensional city through Bietan's Ark World.

The Laughing God is preparing to attack four extra-dimensional cities at the same time.

The Dark Eldar are actually not weak, but unfortunately they are scattered. With the exception of Commorragh, the other extradimensional urban branches are not particularly powerful.

At least they couldn't arm-wrestle with the Eldar God in the Webway and defeat the Ark Eldar coalition.

"The Internet Channel is the home ground of the bean sprouts, and I never intend to let you come in and take risks."

Raste finally stopped in a sculpture garden in Bietan.

The Ark Eldar will choose a skill they like to hone, immerse themselves in it, and become emotionally invested in it.

This method helps them avoid the corruption of Slaanesh, which they call the Guardian of the Path.

This sculpture garden is obviously an activity place for several Ark Eldar people who like to carve.

These sculptures depict as much as possible the Laughing God and the Eldar Heroes and Harlequins in their minds, as well as various Ark Eldar.

The latest work has not yet been completed. It depicts the Lord of Dragons and his herding dragons, as well as the mysterious and elegant figure of the God of Art in the mist.

Rasta was sitting in the resting pavilion in the sculpture garden. The entire pavilion was made of some kind of synthetic stone from the Eldar tribe.

Due to many reasons, the materials science of the Bean Sprouts has gradually developed to focus on reuse. After all, the world they live in is a celestial ship.

"Sit, standing is an eyesore." Rasta asked Moen to sit down.

Moen is still in shock.

He imagined countless situations in dealing with the Dark Eldar.

Whether it was him leading the Second Legion into the Webway, or the Empire directly declaring war on these disgusting aliens, or the Emperor's radiance being so angry that he took action directly against these arrogant butchers.

He thought it might happen.

But he never imagined that Rasta could actually command the gods of the Eldar.

Although in the eyes of the Imperial people, alien gods are all false gods and heretics.

After all, the Ridiculous God is the most active alien god in the real universe. There is no way that the empire has no record of it. His power is not unpowerful for mortals.

While the Empire still regarded the Eldar as the most powerful imaginary enemy, their gods were already sending the gods of the Eldar to start a civil war among the Eldar.

“You’re right, I don’t intend to completely exterminate these bean sprouts.

This is also the test I gave them. Either the Dark Eldar will perish, or the entire Ada Eldar will perish. There is no other possibility.

If they don't show mercy and tolerance to these depraved people, then I will give them a sufficient reward.

You can rest assured that they will not stand in the way of the Empire's conquests, even if we reach the end of the galaxy. "

As Guangyu spoke, he took out two boxes of soy milk and threw one box to Moen.

The Lord of Lights is very considerate of the cans, after all, they are educated in the Emperor's truth.

It is already difficult to get them to accept that the empire has gods, and it is a bit difficult for their own gods to cooperate with aliens.

Moen drank the soy milk, and his thoughts ended when the box of soy milk was finished.

"I have no right to interfere in this kind of thing. I will only obey your orders. I will do whatever you want me to do."

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