Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 229 Leeks were shoveled

Konomasha is an orthodox descendant of the Eldar Empire - in her own opinion.

She comes from the extra-dimensional city of Ayaxi, and among her compatriots, she is known as the Wanderer.

Most Dark Eldar are able to hunt independently, and they can freely enter and exit the webway to capture their own soul food.

But in such a huge race, there are always exceptions.

Those Dark Eldar with strong hunting skills will be hired by these special cases.

Konomasa will drive her own motorcycle-type airship and lead her thirteen subordinates to catch her prey and the portion her customers need throughout the galaxy.

She does this for a living.

"I'm really jealous of those who keep civilization in captivity. They just sit back and enjoy the benefits, and the food will be delivered to their door automatically."

A member of the Ranger team listened to the roar of the airship's pain engine and whipped the prey hanging under the airship with a powered whip called the painer.

Flails are a devastating weapon of the Dark Eldar, usually used to pulverize the bodies of their prey, but now, this team of Rangers are using them to hang a bunch of xenos like roast ducks.

"Those Terran barbarians are getting harder and harder to hunt, and our prey range is getting smaller and smaller. I reminded the conspiracy group, but they thought I was making a fuss."

Konomasa was very dissatisfied with the various rulers of her extradimensional city, but she did not dare to speak out about their faults.

The Dark Eldar are imbued with all the faults of intelligent life, especially treachery.

Konomasha couldn't guarantee whether any member of her safari team would betray her, the captain, for profit.

The Dark Eldar would not let her go just because she was a member of their own race.

The three-part agreement to protect the Dark Eldar in the extra-dimensional city is just because their birth rate is too low. If they find the reason, these black bean sprouts who like to torture their kind will do their best to make their kind feel more profound pain.

The pale skin of the Dark Eldar makes them look quite disgusting. Coupled with the infinite indulgence and the reflection of the mind on the body, as well as their messy body decorations, most of the Dark Eldar can be said to be unsightly or even ugly.

The Dark Eldar forbid all psychic powers because they fear Shaleshi deep into their bones, fearing that their psychic powers will attract any attention from the warp.

In the galaxy, to be without psychic powers is to be blind.

The Dark Eldar do not believe in the Laughing God, so they are not clear about the news in the subspace.

“They think everything can go back to business as usual!”

Konomasha hated those stupid rulers, and she felt that if she came to power, she would lead the Dark Eldar to another climax.

Careerists have always been like this.

"In the past thirty years, the Terran Barbarians have been sweeping the entire galaxy more and more rapidly. According to our calculations, the number of planets they have conquered in the past twenty years probably exceeds those in the past nearly five hundred years!

There are also strange material provider units among them. As long as we get close to these guys, our kind will be burned to ashes.

Without the largest group of prey in the galaxy, the hole in our souls is getting wider and wider. "

Konomasha's airship also bears her personal crest.

The Dark Eldar like to engrave their logo on their vehicles. In this way, Black Bean Sprout, who has won brilliant achievements, can enjoy the admiration and fear of others every time he travels. This is what they call a powerful symbol.

Fourteen airships dragged a bunch of prey and sailed into the warship staying in the webway. The safari team finally let go of their tense spirit.

Losing their psychic powers, these black bean sprouts will exercise their senses and physical strength crazily in order to maintain their fighting power.

Their response is much faster than other bean sprouts.

Their sense of pleasure and pain is also nearly a hundred times that of ordinary humans, and a small number of black bean sprouts can even exceed a hundred times.

Konomasha came to her private lounge, and there were already hundreds of messages coming from the network communicator.

While she was flipping through the messages, she kicked another Dark Eldar locked in the lounge awake.

This was a former member of her safari team who betrayed her for profit. After she survived that betrayal, she raised this black bean sprout like a livestock, destroying the other person's thinking and nerves.

Konomasa took off her clothes and pressed her slave in front of her.

The sound of excretion and the slave's feeble resistance sounded at the same time.

The hand holding the slave's hair suddenly became tense when Konomasa saw a certain message.

Conomasa used a pain amplifying device on her slaves, and a small amount of pain would be amplified hundreds of times.

Just as the slave was about to cry out in pain, she warned him.

"I am concentrating on my work. If you disturb me, I will cut your tongue. If you are not qualified for my tool, you will lose all value!"

The message from the extra-dimensional city made Konomasha quite uneasy.

All the comments are pointing to the same thing.

That's when the human empire began to eradicate their leek fields.

Different incarnations of Rasta ordered different legions to attack the leek fields owned by the Dark Eldar.

Zhan Ning's alien is just the largest piece of leek field, by no means the only one.

Without the leek field as a stable source of souls, life for the Dark Eldar would become very difficult.

The top forces in the hyperdimensional city dare not leave the webway to face the legions of the Human Empire.

Rasta has no scruples about Chaos and Aliens from the Dark Eldar.

He killed these things whenever he could, because in the timeline he saw, destroying the Dark Eldar had no impact on future success.

When the Dark Eldar attempt to launch an attack on any legion or even an Imperial world with material providers in the real universe, they will be slowly burned to ashes by the pollution of light lust.

They will be tortured to death for a long time while feeling extremely regretful about why they evolved such keen senses.

The fact that the Human Empire attacked Leeks at the same time showed that someone at the top of the empire had discovered some information about the Dark Eldar.

The black bean sprouts, who have always been enemies in the open and secretly, cannot adapt to this change, and they do not dare to directly declare war on the human empire.

He was burned to death before even fighting. Can he fight?

The super-dimensional city had no choice but to summon all the hunting teams and re-draw the hunting targets to meet the huge gap in the souls of the super-dimensional city.

With their fertility rate, if there are fewer souls and more dead black bean sprouts, the entire race will be threatened by continued attrition.

Konomasha's slave washed her mouth in front of the cleaner in the lounge, and then prepared to return to the former captain to solve her other physical needs.

The hedonistic Dark Eldar have no morals or sense of shame.

If Konomasa was in her home in the extradimensional city, she would have gathered a large group of black bean sprouts to engage in a messy verbal battle with the Confucians.

Konomasa was about to enjoy herself when the battleship detected something.

"Unknown signal..."

Internet access is not exclusive to black bean sprouts.

Although these intricate creations of the Old Ones are vast, there are always Black Sprouts and other Webway-wielding Sprouts and the Ark Eldar to encounter.

The flower bean sprouts and the Ark Eldar look down on the black bean sprouts, and the black bean sprouts look down on the Ark bean sprouts.

As for the black bean sprouts - the small group of black bean sprouts don't dare to provoke them at all. They can't afford to offend these high-level units that at least compete with the imperial army of the human empire.

Just when Konomasa thought she just encountered some other bean sprout branches, the battleship's information collection was completed.

She was warned.

"The signal from the Arkworld has been detected, and the other party has started a protective shield!"

It is a rare thing for Black Bean Sprouts to encounter the Craftworld in the Webway.

But encountering a Craftworld with all the shields turned on in the Webway would be hell.

The Ark Eldar will try to save resources as much as possible, and they will never open their shields when they don't need to.

Konomasha compared the opponent's route.

One thing was finally confirmed.

The target of this Arkworld warship is its own super-dimensional city Aiyaxi!

These despicable collateral branches of the Eldar Tribe actually tried to attack the noble Eldar Imperial Empire!

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