Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 230 Sing a Little Song

Konomasa immediately tried to use a communicator to contact the super-dimensional city to prepare herself.

But this broken machine has already begun to sizzle - the certain celestial magnetic field of the Arkworld directly turns the communicator into scrap metal.

Only then did Konomasha become frightened.

She didn't dare to die! And I don’t want to die even more!

The Dark Eldar did not choose the soul stone of the Eldar Eldar and the return to primitiveness of the Wild Eldar. They could only rely on absorbing souls to achieve eternal life to avoid falling into the hands of Shalish.

This means that once the black bean sprout dies, its soul will return to Slaanesh.

The webway that Bietan passed through was large enough, and Konomasha wanted to escape from the shield range of Bietan's craft world.

When it hits those shields, it doesn't matter whether it's a Titan or a frigate, it will all turn into space junk.

Although Konomasha's idea is wonderful, the bean sprouts coming out of the projection cabin in the Arkworld will not make her idea come true.

A Phoenix Lord piloted a cruiser and began strangling Conomatha's slave-catching party.

The Arkworld is too huge, and using it to smash the warships of Conomasa who is looking for a gap should be called a sterilizing butcher's knife.

The replacement bodies of most Phoenix Lords actually come from a sect that believes in the Eldar gods.

They primarily worship Asuryan, the Phoenix Lords and high ranking members of the cult are also known as the Hands of Asuryan.

But the Phoenix Lord's power comes from Kane.

Whenever a war comes and the Phoenix Lord needs to go to war, the bishops of the sect will step forward and donate their bodies for the Phoenix Lord to use.

Many times, because the physical strength of the bishop's body is different, the Phoenix Lord who was originally female would also borrow the body of a male bishop, or vice versa.

Some Ark Eldar worlds, including Bietan, lost their bishops, so they chose some ordinary bean sprouts to be the carriers of the Phoenix Lord - this may be a change in the future King of Creation sending bean sprouts back to the past.

A Phoenix Lord drove a cruiser to attack a mere hunting and slave hunting team, and it didn't take much time.

Except for special models like Ark World, the battleships of the Ark Eldar are basically not equipped with defense devices similar to void shields.

The battleships of the Aeldari tribe emphasize agility and deception. The holographic stance will be unfolded on the battleship, making it possible to become invisible at any time or even transform into an enemy ship to confuse the opponent.

The reason why the Arkworld has a celestial shield is entirely because this big guy is ridiculously slow compared to the warships of other civilized empires and even the Eldar's own warships.

There are still a lot of bean sprouts in the Ark World. Once they are broken, many Ark Eldar will die. Therefore, they will spend money to build a shield that cannot be broken in a short time, so that the Ark World has time to escape into the webway and escape. .

Black Bean Sprout's cruiser started to run away like a fish in the water.

A broken slave ship that was forced into the Arkworld was simply seeking death.

In the sculpture garden, everyone was eating and watching, but no one expressed sympathy for the black bean sprouts.

If the Dark Eldar were worthy of sympathy, then the Imperium of Man would be a paradise.

With good food to eat and live broadcasts to watch, Douya and Moen both experienced the treatment they had during the time of Ancient Terra and the Ancient Spirit Tribe.

But Rasta always felt that there was something missing.

He began to encourage bean sprout cakes.

"How about you sing a song for everyone."

The Laughing God ate the bowl of divine substance extremely slowly. This kind of food was extremely delicious for a god like him, and he was reluctant to finish it in one sitting.

So He took a big bowl of "rice" and took a step back.

"You want to trick me again?"

"How is that possible? I simply asked you to sing a song to praise the good times now."

Raste's eyes were infinitely sincere.

The God of Laughter began to negotiate the price: "You said four pounds, but it turns out there are only three of us, and each of us only has 444 grams of fake weight. You can give us what you have deducted, and I will sing!"

How could He have trouble with the benefits?

Aisha explained for Raste: "I have 1,112 grams of divine substance here..."

The Laughing God looked up blankly and then lowered his head.

He thought again of Elsa's words, "I can just eat whatever I want." The other person in his relationship even ate this wicked master?

He was surprised, what did this person do all day long before he started to trick people?

As soon as he had this idea, Rasta gave him a reply.

"All day long, I just love watching people fall in love with each other online. Any other kind of fun is boring."

Knowing that nothing he wanted could be hidden from Guang Lu, the Laughing God could only stare at Rasta, thinking about you teaching him.

"Come on, sing with me: I ate pickled cabbage and stewed tofu..."

"I ate sauerkraut stewed with tofu..."

"I, the Emperor...are not as good as me~"


The Laughing God was silent with a "happy" expression on his face, and Moen pretended not to hear.

Little Douya was taught bad things by the Sixth Evil God, so she wanted to open her mouth and follow suit, but Sister Douya, who knew the Fifth Evil God, quickly covered her mouth.

In the live broadcast of the light screen, the Phoenix Lord had already approached the slave ship, and then she directly jumped into the gang and entered the Dark Eldar warship.

Just think about it, an enhanced version of the Custodes that is only slightly weaker than Constantine, with a bunch of Ark Eldar with war masks on their heads, attacks a group of ordinary black bean sprouts.

The souls belonging to Shalish are being taken away one by one.

From the moment the Ark Eldar accepted the Laughing God's Oracle and began to cleanse the Dark Eldar of their shame, the two sides were destined to fight to the death.

On Konomassa's slave ship, the cleanliness-obsessed Phoenix Lord wanted to sit down, but frowned as she looked at the ship, always feeling that it was too dirty for her to step on.

Black bean sprouts killed by various weapons were lying all over the warship. The frigate had been controlled by the Ark Eldar who had boarded the ship.

Konomassa knelt on the ground in humiliation, and her mind was full of shock.

The Phoenix Lords were undoubtedly the ruling class no matter which branch of the existing Eldar.

They represented the remaining will and power of the Eldar gods.

This Ark Eldar world dealt with her as a small shrimp, but it actually let the Phoenix Lord who had the command of the army personally "escort" herself to see the Eldar "main god" Slaanesh?

"You, Bietan, attacked the orthodoxy of the empire without authorization, aren't you afraid of retaliation?"

"Revenge? You have no chance. This is a war, and the war will continue until there is no one left of you who have always claimed to be orthodox."

The Phoenix Lord was using up his last patience on the abuser who was already trembling with fear of death.

Konomasa was almost scared to death. Death was approaching. She seemed to see the perverted long tongue of Slaanesh.

Black Bean Sprout and other city people who are good at playing are nothing compared to Slaanesh.

The Dark Eldar act as human machines in the super-dimensional city, and Shalis is the most experienced player in this field in the chaos.

The captain of the hunting team took out the last straw.

"Does the Laughing God you believe in know that you are doing this? You are going to war with other branches of the Eldar without authorization!"

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