Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 231 The dream is broken

The Phoenix Lord did not answer Konomasa's question immediately.

Her men searched the warship and returned with a frown.

"We have executed all the people and aliens on the ship. We thought we could use it directly after removing the pain engine, but..."

The Phoenix Lord stopped his men from continuing.

The number of weapons and equipment in this warship is not even half of the number of various recreational facilities.

You can find some strange things in any room of the hunter.

The bean sprouts who pursue the path hate these things very much.

The Ark Eldar disliked the black bean sprouts' warships for being too dirty.

Even the black bean sprouts' food was mixed with a lot of living flesh and blood.

After ordering the destruction of the frigate, the Phoenix Lord stood up and prepared to leave.

Konomasa, who was nailed to the deck by her backup weapon, the Half-Clav Blade, began to beg for mercy.

She didn't want to encounter all kinds of non-bean sprout treatment from Slaanesh.

She didn't understand why the other party's response was so bland when she brought up the God of Laughter.

After the Phoenix Lord left without stopping, the answer emerged in Konomasa's mind.

Webway, real universe and subspace, there is no place for the Dark Eldar to stand?

In her despair, the battleship began to be annihilated from the inside out by an extremely tiny antimatter core.

When Konomasa's revolving lantern began to appear, she remembered that in her 14,000 years of life, she had killed black bean sprouts, bean sprouts, humans, orcs and various aliens. Their corpses piled up could bury her alive several times.

The revolving lantern ended quickly, and Konomasa's body was swallowed by annihilation, and she temporarily lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, she was only left with her soul.

She was no longer in the webway.

Konomasa, who absorbed too many souls and became a powerful soul, trembled and looked up.

She saw the Lord of Pleasure, who was looking at her, the first Eldar cannon fodder to be sacrificed.

Sally threw the soul into a ring of pleasure.

Kono Masha is too low value to Him, she is waiting for the advanced units in the black bean sprouts.

"It's really thoughtful to feed you, father, I really want to thank you..."

The dreaming Slaanesh imagined the scene of the day when the Light Desire accepted Him.


Dividing line-——

The super-dimensional city, Aiyasi.

This is a webway hub that is far smaller than Comoros.

After all, Comoros was originally envisioned as the capital of the galaxy in the ancient saints' conception.

As for Aiyasi, it is just a tributary hub in the eyes of the ancient saints.

Archon Zhuoko flew in the sky of Aiyasi on his throne of pain.

Comoros has multiple stars to provide energy, while Aiyasi has only two, and the mass of the stars is far different from that of Comoros.

The throne airship is a flying assault tank of the Dark Eldar. The base of the airship is equipped with various ferocious curved blades for tearing ground targets.

In terms of long-range weapons, it has a disintegration gun and a dark light spear.

The Throne Airship is usually the exclusive vehicle of the Archons of each hyperdimensional city of the Dark Eldar. When the Dark Archons travel, the life of the entire hyperdimensional city will become cautious.

In fact, there are other races in the hyperdimensional city of Black Bean Sprout, and they are not in the form of slaves.

These natural criminals and defectors from various civilizations regard this place as a paradise, indulging in pleasure while treating it as a galactic black market.

The Black Bean Sprouts also know the importance of multi-faceted development. They are willing to receive some other races that can provide benefits for their hyperdimensional cities.

But as long as the aliens who arrive lose their value, they will be skinned, tendons, marrow, blood and flesh, and finally souls will be sucked by the Dark Eldar who have turned their backs on them.

Zhuo Ke was worried. He and the conspiracy groups that commanded various regions of Aiyaxi and the Haemonculi sect had already discussed the meeting time.

The hugeness of a hyperdimensional city far exceeds the concept of a planet. It can accommodate more people than the nest city of the human empire.

Conspiracies of varying sizes occupy territories equivalent to several cities or even a country in ancient Terra, and enforce their own cruel laws within them.

"The human empire is killing us, we must warn them! In addition, the hunting team must be organized into a legion and the hunting area must be re-divided.

I ask His Excellency the Archon to implement it as soon as possible. The great Eldar Empire cannot disappear from this galaxy in our era because of the lack of souls and starve every orthodox descendant to death.

The expansion pace of those Terran barbarians is getting faster and faster. If we don't fight back, they will rush into the webway!"

The representative of the Haemonchi sect is making an unpleasant sound in the communicator.

Before they gathered together for a meeting, the impatient and unshakable sect began to scream.

Zhuo Ke wanted to knock on this representative of the sect. He couldn't touch the sect itself, but that didn't mean he couldn't touch this fool who provoked him.

Just as he was thinking about what kind of torture to use to leave his mark on this representative, the stars in the sky seemed to dim a lot.

It's a solar sail!

The power source of the Eldar warships, these huge light sails can absorb the heat of the stars to continuously charge the warships. Combined with other reactors and power sources, the Eldar warships can be incredibly fast.

In a word, I bet your attack can't hit me!

This is indeed the case.

The Eldar warships do not have shields, and rely entirely on near-maximum dodge.

The two fleets attack each other. They are thousands of kilometers apart. It takes twenty minutes for the macro cannon to arrive. Within twenty minutes, the Eldar fleet has moved out of the fire coverage position and avoided sublight weapons in advance. , then everything is not a problem.

The Dark Eldar's extra-dimensional city is a hub and transfer station. There are countless exits to the network. It is impossible for Black Bean Sprout to spend a lot of troops to guard every entrance and exit.

And at the same time, Bietan and the Arkworld were not the only ones besieging this extra-dimensional city.

Multiple Void Stalkers appeared at the same time and attacked the air defense forces of the extradimensional city.

An Arkworld appeared in the large exit used to drag the star. When the shields were fully opened, a group of battleships came in like a swarm of insects.

"The Laughing God!"

After the initial panic, the Dark Archon immediately realized what was going on.

The gods of the Ada Eldar have far higher authority over the web than the Black Bean Sprouts. As long as Dou Sprout Cake is willing, the Ark Eldar can directly raid the Black Bean Sprouts' backs.

Just now, the Dark Archon, who was still thinking about how to target the Second Legion of Terra Barbarians and solve the dilemma of Zhanning's Alien Dynasty, felt that Aiya was too cold today.

Slaanesh's covetousness has always been their ultimate fear.

Therefore, they hid in the webway and banned psychic powers. Apart from going out to capture slaves, they tried their best not to go to the real universe. As for the subspace, they did not even dare to think about it.

Sucking souls gave them eternal life. They had everything and could do whatever they wanted. Therefore, they were arrogant and arrogant. They became alien gods and called themselves Dark Saints.

But now, the Laughing God broke their dreams.

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