Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 247 The King of Creation

The sound of rustling rain comes from the pouring rain of creation.

Those raindrops that can convey the sound of concepts in the vacuum universe are the greatest gift to all life in this galaxy.

This is also His final mercy.

The King of Creation sits high on the pale throne. He is bigger than the stars and surpasses all celestial bodies.

No matter from any angle of the Milky Way, when you look up, you can see His pale throne standing at the end of the Milky Way, as if it has become a boundary monument or landmark of the Galaxy.

On this only timeline in the future, Osiris walked sadly through the worlds poured out by the rain of creation, and finally came to Him.

The first disciple was as insignificant as a grain of sand in front of the King of Creation who was 4,444 light-years tall.

Four thousand four hundred and forty-four light years is just a conceptual value. The size of the King of Creation is not fixed. He has exceeded a certain limit, that is, material imbalance. This was his basic ability to transcend the universe as an evil spirit. .

He broke free from his own constraints and forcibly awakened this instinct, which made him extremely exhausted.

The King of Creation, the Supreme God, the Lord of all things, all living beings in the galaxy look up and can only see His majesty, holiness, ferocity and terror.

But Osiris, who was near, saw His true state.

The dim light is like an ember in the heart and eyes of the King of Creation, awakened by the wind and dying again.


The King of Creation raised his hand, and the movement was very smooth, without any pause or sluggishness, as if this movement was very easy for Him.

But who is Osiris? He is the chief disciple of Lust, the most fanatic who has expressed his Lord's inner thoughts many times.

The First Disciple, the God of Strength and Courage, the Holy One, the Etheric Messiah, the Hidden King of the Eldar...

The Disciples of Light and Desire, who have been given many titles and have surpassed the four main gods of chaos, have completely absorbed the Well of Eternity.

Osiris's journey on the timeline is that Rasta is cooking for him, the King of Creation is cooking the Well of Eternity, and Osiris has absorbed and digested it.

"Lord, I am here."

Osiris knelt down, feeling unparalleled sorrow.

The stronger he becomes, the more he understands how strong the desire for light is, and how strong the evil spirit that is the desire for light is.

No, he didn't understand that the power had surpassed the imagination of the galaxy, and these humble creatures could no longer understand it.

Osiris' knowledge told him that when Raste ascended the pale throne of the King of Creation, she would become twice as powerful every one hundred thousandth of a second.

The ten thousandth of a second is a dim light.

Two ten thousandths of a second is the superposition of the power of two dim rays of light and desire, and one plus one is greater than three.

Three ten thousandths of a second, four dim rays of light with a power of more than sixteen...

It took Rasta a moment to ascend to the King of Creation. This moment was the eternity of the universe, and it was also the ritual he used to cook the Well of Eternity.

Such a powerful King of Creation is still just an idea to the evil spirit itself, but now this idea is just a little stronger. Even in the eyes of the evil spirit, there is no difference in the degree of power.

“It only took me a split second to walk from chaos to the end of the galaxy. This split second is approximately equal to one second of the real galaxy, but it is always a little short of that second.

Because if I make up for that, this pale throne made of the embers of all the worlds will no longer be able to hold me. "

The eyes of the King of Creation are constantly alternated between silk threads and dim light.

He said: "It only took me a moment to reach the end of the galaxy from chaos. It took me too long to go from that dead wood swamp to this pale throne...

It is a length that cannot be measured by time. I have buried countless heavens and above all heavens. I am the death of everything and the end of all heavens.

The gap between you and me is even greater than that between a Chaos God and a microbe.

However, I still chose to save you, Osiris.

Because you have reached the minimum level of wisdom and emotion, you are real people, and I have the power to save you.

When I first became a mortal, I was so powerless that I could do nothing.

But now, I'm finally going to accomplish something, and, it's not going to be devastating. "

Guang Yu stretched out his finger and tapped it in the air.

In front of Osiris, a small table appeared. On the table, there were some food that he had eaten before, food that he had eaten when he was on Mars.

Beggar's chicken in lotus leaves, cold potato cubes, a bowl of clear soup, a bowl of rice, stir-fried cabbage, and braised potatoes with skin.

Osiris's memory seemed to go back to a long, long time ago. At that time, he was a mortal and the bishop of the Martian Mechanicum. He pursued mechanical truth and was not interested in most human desires.

That day was the day of the solar eclipse of Mars. The food He asked his assistants to bring did not arrive. As a last resort, He went to the cafeteria to eat.

On the way, one of his mechanical structures mutated on its own, and continuously displayed a sentence on it:

Do you want to understand the meaning of life? yes or ok!

Osiris, who thought he was infected with some kind of mechanical virus, ignored the question. He came to the cafeteria and began to prepare for today's tasteless dinner.

Unfortunately, the new chef didn't do what he wanted. He lit candles and brought him a table of decent food.

"This is what people eat, this is what they live for."

Osiris looked at the ugly words on the mechanical structure, and then looked at the name of the chef's name tag with the same ugly words, and fell into deep thought.

Later, the bishop of the Mars Mechanicus defected directly and left the embrace of the God of All Machines.

The unscrupulous Rasta even went to see the Void Dragon. After putting up a sign in front of the Void Dragon saying "No Feeding to Wild Star Gods", he threw the four gods' big demons at the Void Dragon and harassed the Void Dragon verbally.

"Are you going to eat? Are you going to eat?"

The void dragon was forced into hibernation to prevent himself from being driven crazy.

Come back to the present moment.

Osiris burst into tears while eating, making the King of Creation a little irritable.

He changed the subject.

"Do you know how I got Xiao Twelve here in the first place?"

Rasta is talking about the disciples of the Sisters of Silence.

Osiris's heart was in confusion, and he could no longer guess what his Lord was thinking.

"I made her pregnant."

The violent arguments of the King of Creation are obviously not as powerful as before.


Osiris didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He felt like he wanted to say something, but he felt like he was mute and had lost his vocal organ.

"She ate twelve portions of the food I prepared for her. I could only digest the concept for her while preventing her from jumping up with a weapon and shouting heresy, and then attacking me without knowing her ability."

Rasta, the disciple of the Sister of Silence who was the most violent about having to do her homework and held back the strongest possessiveness, sighed with emotion.

In fact, He still had a lot to say and wanted to mention all the disciples, but He could no longer hold on for much longer.

So He ended the topic early.

"Osiris, you have reached a sufficient level, I have something to ask you to do."

"Please give me your orders."

Osiris put down his dishes and waited for his order.

He was thinking about how he could torture the four main gods of chaos and how he could purify the galaxy for the Lord.

Osiris had lost all patience.

He does not intend to be a normal light chaser. He wants to kill all the life in the galaxy and even the universe that is not liked by the desire for light. He wants to create a pure ideal world for the Lord.

"Osiris, I don't need you to do what you think.

I have created a world where war will shrink to local areas, and otherwise it will be shrouded in the rainbow after the rain.

Of course, everything is not perfect, but I still have follow-up actions, and the next things cannot be accomplished with just strength. "

When the King of Creation spoke, the Torch Wind of the Worlds began to blow, extremely powerful.

These torch winds are shaping the world poured by the rain of creation, blowing it into stars.

"Then you want me to..."

Osiris stood up and wanted to approach the Pale Throne.

But it's too far away. Even though the King of Creation is right in front of him, he can't get close, even if Osiris has completely absorbed the Well of Eternity and mastered incredible abilities.

This distance has transcended physical concepts.

The King of Creation reaches into His own chest, His body powerful and broken.

He took out his "heart", and the dim light flickered slightly on the "heart", and it might go out at any time.

"This is the ember of my humanity that can light up an evil spirit thought. I need you to take it and go to the time when the evil spirit is just born.

Osiris, it's your turn to take care of me, to change the evil spirit from the first moment.

My worst enemy is the evil spirit, or myself.

This is not a problem that can be solved by force.

When I was still a mortal, I accumulated enough hatred for the malice of the world.

After becoming an evil spirit, various more complicated situations made my resentment even deeper.

Using the word "outrageous resentment" to describe my appearance when I became an evil spirit is somewhat restrained.

I originally planned to lose my soul, but I was forced to become stronger by all the evil intentions.

Until now, I can no longer distinguish some things.

My contradictory concepts would confuse me more and more.

This is my last strength, Osiris, take this heart, find the original evil spirit, and go to that time, that world, that deadwood swamp.

Give your heart to the evil spirit and awaken the evil spirit's humanity in advance.

That evil spirit should be me now, and it would be better if it was me...

If not, even him and me, I can't imagine that there is still life to endure such suffering, I can't bear it...

Osiris, it's time for you to set off. "

The Lord of Creation raised his hand and extracted Osiris from a moment of eternity.


Osiris wanted to say something, but in the end, he couldn't even say parting words.

"I'll take care of myself."

Rasta sent Osiris into the past beyond time.

When the chief disciple left, the dim light of the King of Creation had become as illusory as a dream.

Endless fatigue overwhelmed him, but the thoughts of this evil spirit still refused to give up.

He raised his head, crossed the timeline, and saw the past.

Seeing that, he had just been cast into the past by an evil spirit.

The King of Creation raised his hand, and separated out a little of the remaining dim light, and injected it into the body of the self that had slaughtered chaos in the past.

This is the first moment when the thoughts of evil spirits that destroy the universe become the light desires of the Lord of Lights.

After doing all this, he was stunned, as if he had lost something because the dim light had stripped away too much.

He hesitated for a long time and finally remembered.

He split the last light into two and threw it to an unknown place.

Then, the King of Creation could finally rest for a while.


Dividing line---

The end of the heavens, the death of all, the deadwood swamp.

The dark-toned world is full of death and decay, with only dry branches and no leaves left on the dead trees.

The ghost of time fell from mid-air and fell into the swamp.

The intense uneasiness made him inexplicably frightened.

He knew that it was the evil spirit above everything else, looking at his past and the small lives that came to change his past.

Osiris forced himself to calm down. He was in the swamp in the fog and saw nothing.

Seemingly realizing something, Osiris began to cut down the tree.

Dead trees were harvested one after another, but after they fell, new dead trees quickly grew on the stumps.

The concepts of life and death, here, are controlled only by evil spirits.

The gloomy heart held by Osiris prevented the evil spirits from attacking him immediately.

This gave Osiris the opportunity to build a road bridge.

He began to build a path through the swamp, out of the water and duckweed.

And in the center of all the roads, a pavilion was built.

Osiris was actually not familiar with the evil spirit's past, but he was guided by something in the dark to do this.

It's not that there aren't better buildings, it's just that in this swamp, only things that are destined to appear can appear.

Otherwise, everything will be wiped out by the end of the world.

The arrival of Osiris was actually not allowed, but he had a gloomy heart, which made the swamp reluctantly accept him.

Osiris didn't know how long he had been waiting here.

But the evil spirits were becoming increasingly impatient with Him and were about to take action.

Osiris was not nervous, but in the bower, like a dead tree.

Finally, He waited.

When the pale little hand stretched out from the swamp, Osiris hurriedly stepped forward to catch it, brought the weak earthbound spirit from the swamp to the shore, and took out a "towel" to dry the evil spirit's body.

The ignorant evil spirit only had resentment, but he did not act out of resentment.

Osiris knew it was time, and he took out the Heart of Darkness and gave it to the original evil spirit.

But the death that has brought about the end of all heavens is wrath.

Before Osiris was killed, he delivered the Darkheart into the hands of the First Evil.

The Earthbound Spirit looked at the heart in his hand, dazed.

The gloomy heart began to melt, dyeing the gray earthbound spirit with a little bit of fresh color.

The Earthbound Spirit's consciousness became clearer.

Osiris never felt that he was stronger than the evil spirit, or that he was lucky enough to escape being killed by the evil spirit.

This is clearly the Lord's distraction to protect Him, otherwise there would be no need to go to all the trouble of making a move.

After absorbing the dim light, the Earthbound Spirit looked at his palm, feeling confused.

"Am I not... dead?"

The King of Creation, who influenced the past in the future and allowed the Earthbound Spirit to be born without stabbing Osiris in the heart by repeatedly repeating "tong...ku...", seemed to be resurrected here.

The Earthbound Spirit was at a loss for a long time before he noticed that there was a wily-looking guy in front of him.

Um! Beware of Him!

The Earthbound Spirit asked: "Who are you?"

Osiris was suddenly relieved.

He responded.

"I'm your plug-in, young man. One sword is four thousand four hundred and forty-four thousand four hundred and forty-four, so let's understand."

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