Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 248 The Extravagant Man


Rasta, who was observing the timeline, withdrew his attention.

He was heading to a nearby city-state with the curious baby Angron.

"What are you looking at? Your expression seems quite complicated."

Angron was very sensitive to emotional fluctuations, and he could sense that his father seemed to have experienced quite complicated things in a short period of time.

"One of your brothers has left this universe temporarily, maybe forever."

Raste's future holds the option of Osiris not having to return to this cesspool.

The King of Creation's plan can be regarded as benefiting all sentient beings for the time being, but the places in the Divine Blood Heaven are very few.

Rasta is prepared to take all the people he values ​​​​to the Divine Blood Heaven instead of staying here.

As for Osiris, he may prefer to be the steward of evil spirits in Deadwood Swamp.

"He... left this universe?! What did he do?"

Angron couldn't help but feel a little nervous after hearing this.

"Don't worry, he is the more powerful of my children and has enough ability to travel far. As for what he did..."

Rasta looked around, as if checking if anyone else was there.

Angron was also quite nervous. He looked around in cooperation with him, and the father and son felt guilty.

Rasta whispered to Angron in a mysterious voice: "He is going to sell it!"

The evil god's spiritual filter can let him know the meaning of rare words in Rasta's words, so Angron understands what selling hooks is all about.


It's just a ploy, is it necessary to be so nervous?

Angron was extremely puzzled. In his opinion, it was a good thing for Osiris to sell cheats. If one more cheat was sold, the person who got the cheat and was loved by Rasta would have more hope of survival.

"I'm the one buying and selling..."

Rasta would never admit that he was cheating.

Everything he has now is the result of the hard work of evil spirits.

But since Osiris was sent to the past to take good care of and cultivate evil spirits, this nature has changed.

In the past, He laughed at those little evil spirits who claimed to be bound by friendship but ended up doing evil things and relying on cheats to bully Him.

Now it was His turn to cheat, and he had to come up with a slogan.

How to say?

"This is the combined power of my left and right girlfriends. Don't underestimate the power of my harem!"

These words are more suitable for the emperor.

Angron could sense some of Rasta's unconcealed emotions and thoughts, so his left and right hands filled his mind with questions - Are you a serious god as a father?

"Our target is the city-state below. This world, Nusria, has many city-states, and each city-state has a huge arena inside the city.

Poor children from ordinary families are booked in childhood or even before they are born, and are sent to the gladiatorial arena to spend an unknown but short but absolutely painful and meaningless life.

Because their fathers were also good fighters, they were chosen from an early age to grow up there, and then fight with other slaves and children of the poor for the entertainment of others.

Even in stages such as coming-of-age ceremonies, you will be asked to kill the person closest to you and the person you care about most. This person may be the gladiator's father, brother, sister or even the children of the gladiator who were forcibly created in the gladiator arena.

There is no humanity at all here, Angron. If you want to fight later, don't listen to other people's orders. "

Angron in the original timeline was coaxed by slave traders and controlled into a slave by various means in the arena.

Later, he developed feelings for other slaves, calling them brothers and sisters, and even regarded an old slave as an adoptive father.

But the so-called Celestial Dragons of Nusria do not allow the tools under their hands to have so-called emotions.

They feel that such dirty and despicable emotions are a blasphemy to the nobility, purity and sanctity of their own arena.

So these so-called nobles will let every gladiator and slave kill everyone they cherish.

They are keen to see scenes of fratricidal parricide, and even the bloodier and more violent the scene, the more they like it.

The nobles of Nusria even had the habit of killing slaves' relatives and letting the slaves eat them.

This is a planet that is under the watchful eye of Khorne, and occasionally it is even watched by Salish due to excessive cruelty.

"Yes, Father, I understand."

Angron prepared to strictly carry out Rasta's orders.

This made Rasta stop in his tracks.

Seeing this, Angron raised his head nervously because he didn't know what he had done wrong again.

"Angron, I hope you will become a child with an independent opinion, instead of just obeying others.

Your nature is absolutely kind when you are born. As long as it is not changed by acquired pollution, you will be a real angel.

My words may not be completely correct, and you can also see that I have quite a big emotional problem.

Angron, in this world, living freely according to one's own wishes is a luxury.

And I hope you can be a luxurious person! "

Rasta had no intention of turning the World-Eating Angel in front of him into a certain stereotype.

As long as he doesn't change his nature, doesn't do evil things, and doesn't violate his original intention, then Rasta feels that his education is successful.

"Luxurious people..."

Angron lowered his head, and after thinking for a long time, he weakly made a request.

He said: "The extravagant Angron can have one..."

"what do you want?"

Rasta thought this kid was really enlightened.

What can He, the majestic Lord of lights, not give? Even if Angron wanted a star in the sky, He could now grab that star with his bare hands and make it into a pendant for Angron to hang.

"I want a mother..."

Angron's big eyes were shining with anticipation.


These words made Rasta fall into deep thought.

This question is a bit difficult for Evil God.

The mother Angron wants must be exclusively for him.

Erda couldn't do it. Erda was one of the reasons why Angron suffered. Rasta was not going to forgive Erda.

Other candidates were even less suitable.

Finally, Rasta hesitated and nodded.

"Okay, I'll think of a way."

Malcador seems to be particularly good at taking care of people? If I give him some time to turn around, the emperor probably won't fight for me - Guang Yu thought.

Angron seemed to have predicted Rasta's thoughts, and he said: "I don't want a male mother!"


Damn it, even the Emperor can't change now!

Raste, who had no choice but to find a great master, could only temporarily find one for Angron in Nusria.

"Is this request difficult?"

Angron also seemed to feel that he was going a little too far.

"No, it's not very difficult. I'll think of a way."

Rasta knew what kind of mother she should find for Angron.

He raised his head and looked at the starry sky and the extreme star field.

Sorry, Guilliman, I'll lend you a hand!

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