Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 252 I want it all


Oinomouth obviously didn't react.

Nusria has always had standards for selecting slaves and gladiators. Basically, it only wants physically strong adults or teenagers who can be trained.

Oinomouth began to be afraid. He was afraid that the man in front of him was so crazy that he would drag people from a village into a gladiatorial arena and let them kill each other.

"Sir, we will not hide the children in the village, you..."

Oinomouth's innermost thoughts are - please let the others go!

"No, no, no, you don't understand what I mean."

Rasta shook his head.

"What do you want from the village..."

Oinomouth began to fear.

Rasta approached him and made a black tiger-like gesture with his right hand: "I want them all!"

Oinomouth was shocked.

"There are only some old, weak, sick and disabled people left in the village..."

"I know there is not much labor force in the village, so my requirements are not high. I work two hours a day and the pay will be discussed later."

Rasta plans to transform the Thorn Plateau into fertile soil suitable for growing crops, and these people will have their own fields there.

What else Oinomouth wanted to say, Angron had already taken the cauldron thrown out of thin air by Rasta and was about to light a fire to cook the ingredients.

For the Negris villagers who have been living in hell on earth for a long time, Raste is ready to use the most straightforward stew to break their defenses.

When the clean and clear water was first poured into the cauldron, the villagers in Negris were so scared that they backed away, fearing that the shitty nobles of Nusria were going to execute the punishment of cooking people again.

Until Rasta set up another small pot, stir-fried the pork and cabbage, took out a large bag of meatballs and poured them into the big pot, then added the vermicelli, and finally shoveled in the cabbage and pork in the small pot.

After adding various seasonings and prawns, Rast continued to stir-fry three pots of pork.

He didn't bother to cook the staple food and just changed it. The reason why he cooked here was to lower the wariness of these enslaved people towards him.

Food that is brought out suddenly will make these people who have been in danger for a long time be wary, but it has been cooked for a long time, which can make their mouths water.

The smell of pork, cabbage and vermicelli stew mixed with meatballs and prawns wafts out, stimulating everyone's sense of smell.

Rasta threw the ladle to Oinomouth.

"Call everyone over and start getting food for dinner."

As he spoke, Rasta conjured up drawers of rice.

Angron would not be polite. He was the first to take the sea bowl, fill it with rice, and come to Oinomouth.

Oinomouth felt that this was unreal, but he was swallowing like crazy, and he gave Angron a full spoonful of food.

When Angron gave the big bowl of food to Rasta first and then came back to make a second bowl and started to devour it, Oinomouth was still not sure.

He asked again: "Sir, you mean, we can also..."


Rasta's reply was only one word. After saying this, he also buried his head in eating.

Only then did Oinomouth send a "danger clear" signal to the villagers of Negris.

A group of villagers who had forcibly relied on evolution and genetic modification to prevent themselves from starving to death but were absolutely malnourished, with a few mutants among them, gathered around.

Oinomouth is a good organizer of the team. In this wilderness, it is difficult to have the concept of order.

But Oinomouth still taught these villagers to line up, avoid danger and survive better. He didn't learn these skills from anyone. He learned it by himself.

He is supposed to be a wise man-like character, but unfortunately, this is Nusria.

Angron's position is that he has equal emphasis on wisdom and force. When fully grown, with various abilities complementing each other, he can fight head-on with the Archangel Sanguinius and only be at a disadvantage and will not be defeated in a short period of time.

But he was tortured by Nusria and turned into a madman. It is good for a mortal in Oinomouth to reach this point.

It is difficult for ordinary people in Nusria to obtain salt, but they have sufficient staple food, oil and water, rich seasonings, and high-quality protein...

For them, food that is completely free of toxins can touch the depths of the soul, and the genetic memories from before the golden age seem to be activated.

Oinomouth finished serving everyone's meals, then took his own bowl and came to the evil father's son.

"You are not a noble from Nusria!"

He spoke with absolute certainty.

In the eyes of the people at the bottom of Nusria, the Nusria nobles represent a class that claims to be god-like - the Celestial Dragons, and they do all the dirty things that only demons can do, and even demons have to call themselves amateurs.

The behavior of Rasta and Angron is completely different from that of the nobles of Nusria.

"Not now, but in the future, we intend to conquer the world."

In a calm tone, Rasta said something that Oinomouth could not even imagine.

Oinomouth's last reserve was shattered by these words.

His greatest wish is that the village of Negris has its own farmland, does not have to sell children, has decent food and clothing, and has an average life expectancy of at least forty years.

But the blueprint Rasta unfolded in one sentence was so big that it scared him.

"I...can't help."

Although Oinomouth was very moved, he knew the limits of his power. He was just a humble ordinary person with pitifully weak power.

He cherished the bowl of food in front of him very much. He finally took a big bite of the rice and his cheeks bulged.

The Nusrians evolved to make full use of water from their food, so that they did not need to drink water when eating.

“I need you to take these villagers with me to the Thorny Plateau, where I will reclaim the land and establish the Red Sand Kingdom.

I want to fulfill a child's dream, he wants to revolt, he wants to fight against the world, he wants to overthrow this unreasonable world!

No one can stop me from fulfilling this dream for him! No one can! "

When Rasta said this, Angron lowered his head in thought.

He is the original being with both wisdom and strength. It is not difficult for him to understand his father's words. He knows that Rasta is talking about him, another him, that him. There is no evil god to be a qualified father.

Oinomouth closed his eyes in pain.

If he were alone, he would probably agree to follow the mysterious being who gave him food in front of him.

But behind him was the entire village of Negris, and he couldn't push everyone to the gambling table.

“I like your personality, Oinomouth, and I hate gamblers the most.

As a god, an evil god, I can make you a promise.

All of you, follow me. I will give you good farmland and seeds, so that you can live and work in peace and contentment.

Let you be able to eat food that is no worse than this, or even better than this, every day in the future.

I will sustain you until you begin to harvest food, for my son will rule this world as the home planet of his Legions.

You are his people. "

Raste reached out and touched Angron's head.

Later generations of the World-Eating Dragon, the Angel of Lust, Ash-Wrath Sifer, and the King of the Galaxy responded to Oinomouth's doubts with the simplest of actions.

His body left the ground and was suspended in the sky. The surging spiritual energy made his whole body shine with light, and his eyes were burning with pale light.

He shines like a sun on everything around him.

Oinomouth stopped all actions, and he, like the Negris villagers behind him, knelt down.

Rasta looked at this scene, sighed, and then laughed.

"Yes, there is no planet more suitable for Angron to hatch than Nusria.

He was destined to fall here, but now...

I want him to be reborn here! "

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