Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 253 The Second Dragon Group

The city-state of Negris did not think that two gods had descended on their territory.

The ruler of this city is a woman, a typical product of Nusria political marriage, mixed race, and extremely charming.

But her appearance and her character are like the splendor of a poisonous snake.

Anita Robert, a great noble of Nusria, owns three cities, their affiliated villages and surrounding territories, and has three arenas that provide her with enough joy of death.

The slave merchants were naturally reporting to her.

"You said he threw such an explosion with his bare hands?"

Anita also felt such a big movement in the city.

It is no exaggeration to say that this kind of bombing, without using the technology hidden in the city, only needs to be carried out a few times to level the city.

This made Anita confirm that those two people came from outside Nusria.

Nuthria has technology left over from the Golden Age, and the high knights use thermal weapons and plasma spears to enslave the people.

Nuthria's ruling class knew Terra, and they knew that one day the sacred homeworld would discover the world they ruled.

They're afraid - afraid of losing power, so they revel in that panic.

The recorded Golden Age humans were too terrifying, but the imaginary enemies were even more terrifying. The Nusria nobles feared visitors from Terra.

In the past years, some human spaceships have actually landed on this planet, but there is no doubt that they were all eaten up and wiped clean by Nuthria's "demons" in human skin.

Anita was not surprised by the arrival of new extraterrestrial visitors.

Her hair, soaked in blood and dyed red, gives off a slightly pink glow in the refraction of light.

"Their attack should have used some kind of weapon."

Anita took out the monitor, she loved using it to peek into anyone's privacy.

She dropped this kind of disguised monitor in many places, even in her sister's room, and occasionally she would drop it into her own body.

Anita's eyes quickly fell on Raste. This overly beautiful young man aroused her possessive desire.

"Organize an army and use all the high knights. I want to capture my prey, this delicious little sweetheart."

Anita didn't care about Angron's attack. In her opinion, it was a tactic to scare people, and the other party could only use it a few times.

She firmly believed that her army was powerful. She longed for that young man to appear in front of her, and then she would entertain him well!

This Nusria noble had no idea what his prey was.

After giving the order, she started to take a bath.

The servant grabbed a slave from the pen and began to bleed it, preparing to take care of her hair after bathing.

The leader of the High Knights came out of the room on the right side of Anita's palace.

He has obtained Anita's authorization from the command panel to mobilize the army and any force in the city.

Anita was defenseless against him because he was Anita's dog.

The nobles of Nuthria are best at using various means to control others.

The Butcher's Nail is one, and the medicine taken by the Knight Leader is another.

This drug can make the leader of the knights have an almost crazy desire to worship and mate with Anita.

Any gift from Anita will make the leader of the Knights wag his tail and rejoice.

"Slaughter this village and bring back Master Anita's prey."

The leader of the Knights rolled over and jumped onto his power war horse, a mechanical off-road chariot transformed into a horse shape to scare civilians.

The high-ranking knights drove the cannon fodder in ragged clothes and with various torture instruments on their bodies towards Negris.

The regular army behind the Knights holds laser weapons that are two generations behind the auxiliary army. These weapons cannot use solar energy and thermal energy as energy sources, so the Nusria nobles save as much as possible and try not to use them.

This invincible army, which has always been an army with hot weapons to suppress civilians, is already hotly discussing what to eat to celebrate after their triumph.

Some people have even started betting on tonight's arena match in advance.

For the people at the bottom of Nusria who were even more backward in the ancient Terran Middle Ages, they were the mythical army and there was no possibility of defeat.

"I really long for those untouchables to have real enemies, even if they are more difficult, at least let me feel a little pressure. Fighting without resistance is too boring."

The deputy captain is trying to get close to his captain.

Although they are in the same knighthood, they don't have much work at all and are completely supported by Anita. They don't have many opportunities to meet.

"I also hope that."

Apart from the part controlled by drugs, the leader of the Knights is indeed a powerful warrior - for the military power of Nusria.

Little did they know that they would actually face some real enemies.

Those enemies are so powerful that they face all kinds of monsters and monsters throughout the galaxy. These so-called high-level knights can't tell whether they should send them to kindergarten or nursing home. In the end, they simply take the things that are sorted into non-recyclable garbage in the subspace. They are completely different from those warriors. There is no comparison.

As the army was marching, it became dark.

The so-called powerful soldiers of the High Knights looked up blankly.

The moon of Nusria is overlapping the sun, which is a total solar eclipse.

Such changes in the sky made the entire high order of knights feel uneasy.

Although they have all kinds of "high-tech" equipment, they actually have certain superstitious ideas because of the culture of their own world.

The darkness that swallowed the world stopped their advance.

This also doomed one thing, that is, they could never get even one step closer to Nigris.

In outer space, two warships from the Warhounds had just extinguished their subspace engines.

These genetic descendants of Angron, surrounding an incarnation of Rast, were extremely loyal.

The Warhounds were not favored by the Emperor. Like the Sons of Sanguinius and the Thousand Sons, they were not in a good situation in the Empire.

But they have a master now.

Both warships belonged to the Second Company of the Warhounds. They kept applying for missions to approach Nuseria, and now they finally arrived here.

Rast told them early that their genetic father was here.

Their genetic father was the child recognized by their quartermaster!

Under multiple ties, every can was looking forward to the day when they came to this world and met Angron.


The second captain knelt on one knee, with all the cans behind him.

Rasta gently stroked his head.

"You will be the second group of dragons. Go and fight for me and your father Angron.

Go and slaughter! I will cleanse this world with blood. This is the world of red sand!"

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