Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 257 Even if You Die

One thing must be made clear.

That is the evil spirit's thoughts and desires. It was awakened because of Angron and came to this world to save everything, not because of the emperor.

Although on the way to save the world, Rasta realized the difficulty and difficulties of the emperor.

But if she had to choose between Angron and the Emperor, Rasta would choose Angron.

He would not tell Angron that he should forgive the Emperor. He did not think he was qualified to do so.

If father and son can trample each other to the point of being insurmountable, the emperor is really a piece of stinky shit!

Angron had no intention of actually doing that, and even if he rebelled against the Emperor, it would not go to that point.

All he needed was an answer from Rasta.

Now, he is content because he has a real father behind him to support him.

"Are you going to take revenge for your original fate?"

Rasta looked at the city. He couldn't tolerate this sinful place.


Angron was unable to make this decision. After all, he was a good boy at heart. He would still be soft-hearted without experiencing everything in the original timeline that was so cruel that it could destroy anyone.

He couldn't really complete a massacre.

Even the black bean sprouts who killed Commorragh did it because the other party insisted on killing them, and the hearts of the Dark Eldar were twisted and dark beyond belief.

"this is for you."

Rasta clapped his hands together, and an accordion appeared in his hands.

The saxophone is gone, that thing belongs to the Chainsaw Swordmaster.

"What are you giving me this for?"

Angron's innate knowledge told him that this thing was clearly a musical instrument.

"You can't bear it, but you have to take revenge. The most important thing is to participate in this kind of thing. I have another way for you to do this.

Can you play something? Anything will do. "

Rasta knew that Angron was a guy who liked to compose poetry.

In the original timeline, after Angron was taken off the Butcher's Nail by Khorne, he lived a pastoral life very much. He even wrote poems to Khorne and almost tortured Khorne crazy. Salish and Tzeentch were both talking. Smile crookedly.

No one would teach the Lord of the Red Sand how to compose poetry, which meant that Angron was self-taught.

The knowledge given by Rasta and the innate knowledge of the original body made Angron indeed have some musical talent. He really had this knowledge.

Angron nodded hesitantly.

Rasta then took out the elf ball.

After knocking the elf ball on Angron's head like an egg, Rasta threw the ball away.

He was a little dissatisfied: "I should have wept bitterly, advised you to put down your hatred of the Emperor, and wiped your nose with your clothes.

But when I think that he would help others commit such a crime against you, I can't help but want to go over and chop him into thirteen pieces. "

Angron, who understood that the Emperor and the King of Terra were the same person, retreated while thinking.

Because Rasta was already preparing to wipe the Poké Ball with his clothes.


With the sound of the steel behemoth falling to the ground, the big licking dog who loves smoke appeared.

"It's my Charmander's turn again! Master, who are you going to bully again this time? I like the ones who follow you to bully men, dominate women, and do all kinds of evil!"

The increasingly smart God's Chosen Tank did not leave Rasta any face at all.

"We are going to sell you for scrap metal."

"?!I was wrong!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"I, I, I... I did everything wrong!"

Charmander quickly admitted his mistake, but he was still a little aggrieved - why didn't you let Tank tell the truth?

"Come on, this is Angron, the child that your master and I have raised with all the hard work, my favorite original body..."

When Rasta said this, he looked around with a guilty conscience, and then he warned Charmander and Angron in a low voice.

"Don't tell outsiders what I said, otherwise..."

If Horus and Fulgrim knew this, wouldn't they shout "Godfather, you have changed" on the spot while accusing Rasta of being partial?

After Charmander and Angron repeatedly promised not to say these words, Rasta grabbed Angron's back collar and threw it at Charmander.

"Then why are you still dazed? Wait until I treat you to some popcorn and continue watching the show, right?"

After Rasta said this, he changed into a rocking chair, lay down on his back, covered himself with a blanket, and then began to enjoy his old life.

Without intending to disturb his father, Angron glanced at the Charmander at his feet, closed his eyes, and started playing.

The struggle of fate took effect at this moment.

The Charmander rushed towards the city violently, crushing countless people along the way.

These people were preparing to surround the forty-four Astartes from the outside.

However, this siege is meaningless.

After Charmander entered the battlefield with Accordion and Angron, the entire city's resistance was over.

Too many people have died, and these Anita's lackeys are bullies, afraid of the strong, greedy and afraid of death.

Not long after, Angron and Charmander appeared in front of Anita.

The cans deliberately created many conditions for their original body, and also hoped that Angron could succeed in revenge.

Anita, the female noble who once sold Angron to the capital of Nuthria, is now disheveled and lost.

The cans looked at her.

Angron jumped off the God's Chosen Tank, and the cans kneeling on one knee felt the change in their heartbeats.

The connection between the original body and the genetic offspring allowed them to understand their identities just by looking at each other.

"I am Anita, a great noble of Nusria, you have no right to judge me!"

"A great noble?"

Angron could see through Anita's heart. The evil deeds and dirty thoughts made him feel that the creature in front of him was not human at all.

What's more important, and what makes Ange unable to suppress his anger, is that this despicable thing actually covets his father's lust!

Yes, Angron saw what Anita wanted to do to Rasta.

"You don't understand at all, mortal...

You don't understand the extent of your stupidity! My Father, His majesty and power are beyond your imagination! "

Angron had no deep knowledge of torture, so he quickly executed Anita and threw the Nusrian noble's head aside.

The cans looked at the undeveloped Angron.

The genetic father, who is several years old, is so young that they cannot say the word father.


Dividing line---

Chaos, the ring of joy.

"Am I not dead?"

Anita's soul became spiritual in a burst of nourishment, and even the complete thinking that only the physical body can have.

She thought that what she had experienced before was really just a nightmare, and now that she woke up, she could have everything she wanted.

She looked around. The unfamiliar subspace, which was even completely different from the real universe, was Anita's knowledge blind spot.

At this time, behind her, Salish, who had handed over many souls from Nusria to the demons under her hands, was thinking about how to ravage this soul until eternity!

This is the first mission given to Him by Light Desire!

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