Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 258 Justifiable Defense

Over the next four months, the Second Company of War Dogs conquered the entire Nuthria.

This is a high-tech world disguised as a feudal era. Any mortal rebels who think they can overthrow tyranny will be suppressed by thermal weapons after gathering in crowds.

The rulers of Nuthria thought they were low-key enough, but the Empire's Legions of Astartes gave them more blows.

The communicator inside the planet was directly forcibly interfered by the technical sergeant. Basically, the psykers in Nusria ordered physical skills, but what kind of physical skills can mortals compete with cans?

The auxiliary army's flashlights shone over a large area, and even a large company of the Legion of Astartes would retreat or even drink in anger. Let Nusria's "ace army" come, and they would soon be able to become adults. Thirteen had no choice. medium rare.

These acquaintances are very shy and don't like to talk, and they don't waste food.

The nobles of Nuthria did rely on generations of brainwashed servitude to drive ordinary civilians to rebel against the Astartes and the Auxiliaries.

But it wasn't without the awakened ones striking them from behind.

When the granaries of the nobles were opened.

Only then did the rich family's wine and meat stink and Lu You's frozen bones really come into everyone's eyes.

Those granaries were piled up like mountains, and moldy or old grain was dumped directly into the incinerator next to the granary. In short, no matter how much food there was, the slaves would not be able to have enough food and clothing.

There is a ledger in the granary, which records in detail how much of the various grains are destroyed each year.

According to the Nusrian people's digestion efficiency and food utilization rate, these dumped foods can feed hundreds of thousands of civilians or even more in one granary.

Deshea, the capital of Nuthria, was the last place the Astartes attacked.

Because this allows the Celestial Dragons of Daishea to experience this long period of torture and fear.

In order to allow these Nusria nobles to ferment wonderful flavors in their souls in advance, the generous Salish was very considerate of the deceased Nusria nobles.

He used these souls to their limit.

"Have you had a new impression of me?"

Invisible light desire led Angron walking on the streets of Daishea.

Angron looked at the frightened ordinary people on the left and right, and wondered what he wanted to say.

"Angron, when you first met me, you probably gained a little bit of my memory.

Your understanding of me is actually incomplete.

I do have a preference for those sincere and kind-hearted beings, but this does not mean that I only have kindness.

My heart is filled with extra and extreme hatred. I cannot tolerate animals and I will treat all my enemies cruelly.

People have two sides, and so does I, the evil god. As much as I favor people like you, I hate other beings.

Even my hatred will be stronger than my love, because creation is much more difficult than destruction. "

Guangyu stopped, because Angron was watching a child being whipped to death by Daishea's guards, begging for mercy.

Rasta had no intention of getting involved, but Angron was obviously a little bit upset.

"Aren't you going to save him?"

Angron watched as the child's skin and flesh were torn to pieces, and his bones were even broken by a kick from the guard.

"Of course he deserves it."

Raste raised his hand, and the past of the man who was about to be beaten to death by the guards immediately appeared in front of Angron's eyes like a movie.

There used to be a family on this street who lived a hard life and finally gave birth to a child, but he was deaf-mute.

The parents finally begged the only nobles in Daishea who did not call themselves Dracos to find a chance for their children to live - because according to Nusria's bullshit laws, disabled people have no use value here and must be executed. .

The nobleman gave the child a chance to survive and prepared a job for him when he grew up.

The parents of deaf and mute children are grateful that the world can still take pity on them.

The nobles have their own social circles. The kind-hearted noble is very popular. The other nobles don't care about ordinary people. They just think that the kind-hearted noble is playing a little game to raise their pets. They have no intention of making things difficult for each other's little pets.

It stands to reason that this deaf-mute child will live a happy life in Nusria compared to others.

But it is very difficult to produce a good person among the Nusria nobles, but it is very easy to produce trash among the Nusria commoners.

Out of jealousy of the deaf-mute child, some peers began to think of ways to torture the child.

While they resented the enslavement of Nusria nobles to them, they also felt that the deaf-mute children were disabled and despicable inferiors who were not worthy of living on the same street or even in the same world as them.

Many people have such double standards, scolding someone for treating them unfairly and not giving themselves justice, while at the same time they treat others the same way.

When Angron saw this, he was shocked.

Because he saw that the bullies were resentful of the injustice of the world, but they were so natural and unaware of the violence they did to the deaf-mute children. Even if the deaf-mute children were beaten to death by them, they would still be there. After the other party died, he made up rumors without any guilt.

There is no greatest evil in the world, only greater evil.

"Do you still feel sorry for him?"

Rasta looked at this passage with an extremely cold expression.

Angron was very confused: "Those people can really do it..."

"Of course, I was in an era that was relatively stable compared to this galaxy.

I was in a so-called chat group, watching the managers scolding the people who managed them for abusing their power and being unfair, while saying that they would do this and that if they had that power, they would be able to give everyone the greatest fairness.

As a result, within a few minutes, something happened in the group. One person accused another of a false crime and started to point out the other person's family tree.

The reason for the quarrel was ridiculous, as if it was because of whether kindergarten education was fully popularized in the 20th century.

The person being scolded said that he had not received kindergarten education in the 20th century, and those born after the 21st century started to criticize wildly. In the end, they simply opened a map cannon and said that the ancestors of the families who did not go to kindergarten at the end of the 20th century were so-and-so, and the future would only be so-and-so.

The glaring evidence was laid out, and it was clear who was right and who was wrong.

But just because the wrong person called the manager "sister", no matter how bad the matter was, it was gone, and the victim was scolded to shut up and kicked out of the group.

It was just a tiny and insignificant power, but some people couldn't hold it anymore, and they even found an excuse for themselves-isn't it just to ignore an insignificant little thing? Give me more power and I can still be fair.

Angron, it is really hard to say and do. "

"Are you reminding me that after Nuseria is cleansed, we need to find the right people to manage it, instead of looking at their solemn verbal promises?"

Angron no longer paid attention to the little beast who was beaten to death.

"The young man is teachable."

After praising him, Rasta ended the movie early. He concealed many darker things and did not let Angron see them.

"What about the disabled child?"

"He actually died a long time ago. When he was abused, his body was stolen by the devil.

That kind of devil will actively accept the abuse, and after the abuser dies, he will return the pain he suffered to the abuser six times."

Rasta solved Angron's last doubts.

Angron was a little anxious to pee. After confirming that people around him could not see him again and again, he found a corner to pee.

But Rasta seemed to be holding something.

While Angron was draining the water, he asked his father: "What is that?"

"A symbol of fairness! ”

Rastus taught by example.

“Is there absolute fairness in this world?”

“Of course not! So, we can only be as fair as possible.”

“As fair as possible, can you do it with your box?”

“Of course not, this is made to make all the war dogs Astartes except the Second Legion feel as fair as possible.”

At this point, Angron felt uncertain.

His voice trembled: “Wait…wait a minute, what is the use of your thing?”

“Live broadcast! The Second Company can come to Nuseria to get close to their gene father, but how unfair is it to other companies?

So I decided to let them raise their children online, oh no, raise their gene father online!

Some of your filial sons whispered that you can’t pee as far as they can.

Some others asked me to take a closer look, they are afraid that you are not developing normally.

And there are about 10,000 female soldiers in the auxiliary army, who think you are small and cute! "

Lassite, the incompetent father, did not notice how stiff Angron's expression was.

Lassite even turned back and asked Angron belatedly: "By the way, do you want me to beautify you?"

"Am I really your son?"

"Of course not?"

"When did you pass on your bad behavior to me?"

"Why did you pass it on?"


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